Reiki from the Farm™

Reiki and Sound Healing - with Arthur Baird, LRMT

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Arthur Baird Season 3 Episode 5

Arthur has been working with Reiki since he was a small child.  Now, in addition to teaching Reiki and Crystal courses in Sedona, Az., he is an accomplished sound healer.  Arthur shares how Reiki and sound go together. Then leads us in a beautiful sound healing meditation.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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on this week's podcast. I am talking with Arthur Baird. Arthur is a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher. He is a sound and crystal healer, and he is one of the owners or partners in a peace place in Sedona. And welcome Arthur.


Thanks for having me.


I'm so glad you're here before we get too far in. I just wanted to let you know about our January classes in January. I have a full lineup of level one and two Reiki Masters, Animal Reiki, and Animal Reiki Master courses. And in February we are actually teaching some online Animal Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki classes. So go ahead and join us for those. If they speak to you and Arthur, what have you got coming up?


The winter tends to be on the slower side for us but we do have some classes in January. I know we have some in February. I just I'm really bad with dates, but...


Don't worry, I am going to put a link to your website and all of your internet in the podcast and in the description so people can get to the,


yeah. That's why I said go to the website. There's a way better.


You guys have amazing things like you have crystal classes, you have sound classes. You've got that beautiful crystal shop that I never wanted to leave when I got to visit. And then there's the bonus of visiting Sedona. When you go into a class with you guys, my classes are all online. Are you doing in-person classes now?


We do as a hybrid basically. So we teach all of our classes in person, but we invite the students to attend either in-person or digitally via zoom.


I think that's fantastic. I know I was talking with Jill teal the other day and she said one of her students was exhibiting COVID symptoms. So instead of coming to class, she stayed home and did it online. I think it's wonderful that to have that flexibility.


And I, do know our next big round of crystal classes is going to be in March. With that we actually, for right now, we're having another LRMT friend of ours, Jay Dave Jackson it's yeah, Jay's co-teaching those crystal classes with us and including photo that's going to be in the, fall, not the spring, but the spring, we do have our next series of crystal classes which we're now teaching again, those were originally Laurel's classes. And so they were on hiatus for a while and just not getting back in the swing with them.


I'm so glad to hear you teaching them in a lot of the people listening will have heard of Laurel and Laurel is your stepmom. And just in fact, she, her name has been coming up in a lot of podcasts lately. And I guess we're all, she's always on all of our minds. So I'm so glad that you've got her classes going. I know you've taught them together with her and. So glad that those are going again. Arthur, thank you. Before we go too far. And I just wonder if I can invite everybody to join us in a little in vocation. So I think I would invite the listeners to close your eyes. If you're able bring your hands into Gassho and invite your symbols to join you today. And I think sound is energy, and we sometimes invoke the symbols through the sounds of their names by singing them or chanting them, repeating them silently or out loud. And I think of a burse from the Christian Bible in the beginning, there was the word. And in many traditions, there is the thought that sound is synonymous with creation. And so today, as we bring sound together with Reiki, we do this often, Reiki flows through the sound of our voices. Reiki can influence our words. Sound can be so important on so many levels and in so many ways, and it flows beautifully with Reiki, for healing. And so today, as you listen to us talk, and as you listened to the beautiful meditation, Arthur, we'll leave some later. I invite you to just consider how sound is important in your world. How listening to music can inspire or calm or completely change your mood or emotions. How the sound of births revitalizes us, wakes us up in the morning and puts us to sleep at night. How the sound of the voices of people that we love make us so happy. Consume. Thank you for showing up today and for all of the beautiful sounds that you, your energy making the world Namaste and Amen. Thank you. Thank you, Arthur.


I will say I know a religious scholar or anything like that. So that's an uneducated understanding, but my understanding is with the the Greek Bible the better the word is logos, which I think does translate to the word, but really the intention was more, there was sound, it wasn't about language, but it was about sound vibration. When


you think about even the big bang theory. The bang is a sound. And, so all really, I think in all traditions sound is the beginning of creation. And I wasn't expecting that to come in that just float in today. So I think it was somehow important in what we're doing, but listen, tell me a little bit about your Reiki journey and how sound and Reiki came together for you and that then there,


and a lot of ways weirdly organically. It's my, Reiki journey is a little bit of an unusual one considering for me it was the family business. And so it was at a very young age being introduced to these modalities and they were just what you did there is less of that, that at least some part of my family, less of that questioning the allow people tend to have to deal with. We mentioned the rural earlier. I know when when she first started her Reiki journey one of my favorite stories was, so her family of course had the somewhat stereotypical response of, are you joining a cult? Is everything okay? One of my favorite stories is how she trick them a little bit with a little bit of an experiment using the Sunday family dinner cooking a, pot of chili or serving chili, I should say, and actually cooking two identical servings, two pots. And she actually went out and bought extra utensils and stuff. So the two pots, whereas identical, she could physically make the same, the exact same pie, exact same label. Everything was identical, except she Reiki one pot and not be. And actually really use the power symbol and the entire night, the whole family is like, what's different about the pot. What's different tastes, different tire nights. She's going nothing. It's all the same ingredients. And then finally at the end of the night, everyone had dessert and everything was setting back and just enjoying company. And she was like, okay, there was one difference there. Like I knew it, I Reiki the one pot


and they could really it was slotted. Obviously


they could take it. That's the difference they could taste the difference. Yeah. So now all, pretty much all of our family are either Reiki practitioners or receive Reiki, if not practitioners themselves, all that embraced it. At least


I love that. Arthur, what a great story.


And yeah, that was one of the it was the family jokes was laurels. Favorite saying was now's the time to do Reiki. It always had that voice in the back of our head, which


was always right. Always.




love that. So when did the sound come into it? So you've, had Reiki around how old were you when you were introduced to Reiki? Cause you're unusual in that way.


Yeah. So my first experience with Reiki was as a an infant. It was shortly after I was born that Michael started his Reiki during my dad started his Reiki journey. And so when I was a toddler, I would actually so happened that Reiki shirt night was the visitation night. And so our, midweek visitation. And so I'd go with them to the Reiki shares as a toddler. The yeah, that was so one of my other little favorite story, personal stories too young for me to remember having Michael told it over the years we always talk about as human beings, we like our rules. Things are done a certain way and we like our structure as human beings is our way of understanding things. And there, there's a reason for the rules. A lot of times, like the general rule of thumb in a session is you don't want to interfere with someone's process. You just you're that loving witness. There's a reason for that. But also go with intuition, go with your gut. And the, one of the things we always teach our students the rule of thumb. Don't if a client starts crying, don't do anything different because you don't want to disrupt that release. Don't touch them. Don't say anything, just keep doing what you're doing, nothing changes. But one of those times that I was at Reiki share as a toddler the person on the table started I was actually like, apparently the way Michael described it is I actually had my belly propped up against the table, standing on a chair. Cause I was only like maybe two years old or something. And the person on the table started bawling mid session and started having a strong release and little toddler. Me actually climbed up the rest way on the table, into her arms and gave her a great big bear hug and all the, to of course, all the adults around the table he's interfering, but


the cutest thing ever,


right? Oh, that's cute. Oh, he's interfering. But as soon as. Hugged her. She actually hugged me wrapped back and started bawling it even harder. And what it was in that case. Unfortunately, she had lost a son who would have been my age. And so for her, it was her son letting her know he's okay,


now you're getting right at the beginning of the


podcast. It's, always go with that. Just be in the moment, go with that guidance. So yeah, I very young age how to influence not say I didn't, I also I have my issues with trusting in a flow like everyone does. Cause I also, my other side of the family, like I said, was my step-mom. My bio mom was not very Reiki So I like to experience both sides. Yes. But the so it was always there in the background. And then I actually don't know why my dad got into it, but when I was probably, he started it when I was like six or seven years old, my dad got into middle Eastern drumming. And and then it became a thing him and I did together was the drumming. And so I think part of the reason why drumming to this day is my, one of my favorite sound modalities is it's the nostalgia factor. There's definitely a Kubota to that. But my, my first. I had my first conscious memory of interacting with sound healing. Before I actually started my Reiki, my personal Reiki journey. I was eight years old. I was hanging out with my dad at a Taegan festival in St. Louis and the part, one of the parks in St. Louis. And he had his little booth doing his salesman thing, selling incense and drums and every little thing. And of course being eight years old, I got bored inside to go explore the, event after about an hour or so. Michael was like, oh, it's been a while. Since I've seen, I should go find him. Turns out there is a drum sound healer who is Jim bass, the African style drops. We would have the person lay on the ground and then would drum the Jim bay over though. Who said, Hey, I found him, I remember going over and Hey, that's cool mind if I join in, he's sure. And handed me this gym based out healings in a park in St. Louis


at eight


years old, at eight years old, you started young. It just, that's just happened organically and grew. And then it's now in life as I've stepped more into that role of teacher, I realized what the lessons were behind. Some of that stuff as a teenager in that, no at all stage a teenager mixed with the questioning, everything of the world, not the, subtle energy or Reiki, wasn't always very apparent Hey, it's not that interest in it, but it, there wasn't a tangibleness to it. It was more for me, The trust in the energy, but sound was something I could feel. And so it gave me that confidence and understanding of this is what vibration is. And then from there I was able to be more conscious of the subtle energy. And so that's how I one of my recommendations will stay for Reiki. Practitioners is get into sound vibration. If nothing else is just a way to experience the vibration and if you're too shy, that's fine. You don't have to do it with clients. Just that personal work with that vibration because it gives the conscious mind that framework to then understand what's going on and then to let go. Because to me it's not about developing your intuition, developing your sensitivity, we're all intuitive. We're all set. Yeah, and it's still technically referred to more often as a woman's intuition or a mother's intuition, but it's human intuition. It's just as men, particularly, we're still taught to shut it down. Oh, that's just your imagination. There's nothing to it, no. And life happens and we develop those blockages those they really are blockages, not even filters, but those disruptions and we dim those gifts with those blockages. And so sound really helps us to clear past those blockages and get in touch again with what the kids already know We come in knowing and having a sense of that, sense of awe. Mike always says the enthusiasm, what's the origin of the word, enthusiasm in theos in God. That sense of awe that sense of. And we was talking about, oh, it's the inner child, it's the human it's just, as children are less likely to have a shut down because hopefully life hasn't happened for me. The bad side of life hasn't happened yet, and I've also had my experiences with life. My, my oldest son, Mason we definitely had to do a lot of work with them from a young age. He was actually a month premature was in the neonatal ICU, which here, because NICU has a very strong connotation with it as a word. And it's very scary. No expression make you they call it the special care nursery at our local hospital, but soft. And in fact, a little bit. So he had to be in the special care nursery luckily not for a month, but only for about just over a week. Which was about a fourth of the time he would on average would have spend in there. But when he came home, this brand new baby literally was having the only thing I could describe him as his night terrors, when I were like, whoa, it's going on? She hasn't had the life experience that like, what's going on here. We, what we did, how we fixed it is we did a Stuart glare in working with him, I'm one of my first, one of the early, I shouldn't say my first, because there were other proud moments as a father. My early proud moments, he was. I want you to say it was only around 18 months, Mike, that he actually, I happened to bring my drum they use for all my sessions. I haven't had to bring it home. When I was sitting in our entry way. He picks up my drum and starts playing it in rhythm. That's my boy.


Arthur, I had never really heard of sound healing that much or, putting sound together, but I had made a a native moon drum with my friend Carlos Gomez. And it was very special drum to me. And it was real spiritual process. I actually made it just prior to doing my Reiki masters in England with William Rand. And I think Michael, your dad wrote an article about. Sound healing quite a few years ago now in the Reiki news magazine. And I read it and I thought that's fantastic that you can put Reiki together with drumming. And I don't know if you'll believe this, but I, worked, I work with horses. I work with I've trained horses and worked with horses for years. And I remember I had a group of horses in here for training and I actually trained the their, people, how to work with them rather than just me do it because Because that's the most important. And there were a couple of horses that had really big energy blocks in around their heart area. And we were really struggling to get through to them. And I thought what do I have to lose? So I brought my drum out my Reiki drum and use that technique with the horses and also with the horses people. And I just want to tell you what phenomenal results we had. And then I was really fortunate. The first time I met you was in New York in, I think it would have been 26, 20 15 in June, maybe of 2015 or no 2016 during a Reiki retreat in New York. And you, and. Michael we're presenting on sound healing. And I was so I felt so fortunate to actually get to sit with and work with Laurel. During that, was really, special, but I love, I loved what you taught us with regards to Reiki, going together with the drum and it, can have such a powerful effect. So why don't you just tell us a little bit more about some of the teachings around Reiki sound healing and and I liked what you said about how tangible it makes it


well, and since you brought up the having made a drama, that's the other thing, cause there, I always do like to put it out there. First I'll back up and say this, that, that's the other reason why the drum is my preferred instrument to work with because there's something not the drum it really does take us back to that wound state. And that's on that I will say too, is you, how many people say, oh, I have no rhythm. I have two left feet and that's why they avoid stuff like music and stuff. Cause they're like, oh I wouldn't be able to do it. We all have rhythm. We may have two left feet, but we all have rhythm. And we know we're not all great dancers maybe, but we all have rhythm because we all had roughly nine months of intensive rhythm therapy in the womb between not just our mother's heartbeat. I That was a major part of that rhythm, but all the body rhythms, all of the sounds and stuff, and so with the drum, I think part of the reason it's so powerful is it is taken back to that womb state and that, that nice secure, safe space. And they've also, I will say they've also done some EEG studies and brainwave studies and have officially scientifically proven that a continuous monotonous drummer them at about 180 beats per minute. So roughly the speed actually forces the brain and trains the brain into the theta state, the deep state of meditation, where a body taps into its own healing potential. Now what's interesting about that hundred 80 beats per minute monotonous rhythm, that is the shamonic journey rhythm. That is the rhythm shamans been using for really who knows how many yachts I don't know if it's it's the core of the rhythm of not the rhythm, like the Aboriginal try, probably use it. Like I don't, I haven't studied them enough directly to say, oh yeah, they definitely use the throat, but I know the Aboriginal trauma. Somewhere between 10 and 12,000 years of history on the Aboriginal tribe. So who knows how far backward talking, right? The but so the, drama is that there's two reasons. There's no soldier factor. And then just the power the, visceralness, the primal ness of the drum is why it's one of my favorite instruments to use on with the drum though, there is still the lingering bias against synthetic and R in the global society. And. Y it's I know we're talking


earlier, I've used your synthetic shot at that different incidents and in New York, and they're beautiful


as long as they're well-made fair enough. As long as the


relevant they're vegan and they're, beautiful was like, but the sound from them was just lovely.


Yeah, and we between Michael and I, we have done literally thousands of journeys to meet the spirit of the drum with the synthetic drums. Everyone meets a spirit. I think it's.


I agree. Can I say something about synthetic though? This, is something, a conversation that Coleen Benelli and I had it really shifted my understanding my belief, my focus. She was meditating with the earth one day, and I know myself, I really have to admit that I had a, maybe a deep disdain for man-made or a synthetic fabrics or whatever, have you, and the plastics on the earth and this sort of thing. And then the meditation, the earth said to Colleen, you call it synthetic and manmade, but you do realize it all comes from me. And I love that. That just completely changed my My viewpoint. And I think about that all the time that we, sometimes have a, prejudice against something manmade or synthetic, but it all came from the earth, every single bit of it.


And the way I look at it is it, everything comes from source of the, that collective consciousness is part of source. It really is coming through and now I will say that like you, with what you did with the drum you made if you have the chance to make your own raw hydronic, please do partly because. By some people may not want to do it is it's very much a birthing process. It's an intense process. No I've made a couple raw high drums and I did actually adopt those drums out because I just ended up using my synthetic drum most of the time. So they weren't getting the love and care that they deserve. So I did adopt them out, but the one drum came together fairly easily. Only took me probably about three hours to make the other one was the difficult one. I want to say it took me something like six hours because the center ring kept breaking on me. So I have to read to the way.


Something with our process, we actually, it was a five week process and each week we would come for the teachings and be given our task with the drums. So for one week we Jew, or I think for two weeks, even we just sand it. And as you sanded you, you had to think through different questions and processes. And then another week it was putting the bear grease on the drum and another week, the tongue oil, and then and so it just it, really was a useful and incredible process so much so that I, actually took my son. And he made a drum in my youngest, my oldest daughter never was guided to, but my youngest daughter then also decided to join me. So actually, and then I made another one myself and, have hosted my friend here to, to Muna, hopefully once COVID is over and we can gather again easily I'll be able to have him back to do more because yeah, you're right. It's, a beautiful process making them


and you really develop that connection, just like a birthing process. It's, I think part of the reason why the there, there is some chemical stuff that goes on the, I think it's, I'm going to say where I heard somewhere. It's the mother falls in love during the pregnancy. A father falls in love the first time he lays eyes on the child. Okay. Because there, there is some brain chemical stuff that goes on the first time they actually look at the child physically interact with the child, but per there's, I think there's such a strong bond between mother and child, because the mother knows what she had to go through.


I have to agree.


And it's in that same realm it's not the same process, but that realm of it's a trial tribulation process it's a hard process, but when you're done, you're like, okay, it was worth it.


The drum definitely wasn't, I've used drums with a stubborn and stuck energies. And I did get, I was shy at first, but you're, it was actually your course that helped me get over my shyness and start bringing the drum sometimes into a Reiki session. And I would tell them beforehand I'm getting, I'm guided to use my drum with you today. Would that be all right? And they, would say yay or nay. I don't think anybody ever said nah. And powerful, healing and stewed. When I added Reiki with together with sound, you get into some, I know that drum is your favorite, and I know that you work with different types of drums, but you, took it even further. And I think you get into music to bulls and, different areas. Can you tell us a little bit about that?


Sure. Yeah. It's were you ever at a retreat with Lula? The flout flooded, say she was a Swedish Finnish


had our last retreat


in Sydney. She was, would have been, yeah.


Was she, did she do a recording for one of the online retreats? Was that her?


Not that I remember. Okay. She was a, she is, I should say I say what put in the past. It's only because I haven't talked with her in a number of years. The as far as I know, she's still alive, still healthy, still practicing. She was a class or what is a classically trained concert. And I want to say I was with the Boston symphony or one of the bigger symphonies in the U S that she professionally worked for. Also did sound healing on her focus instead of a lot of times when people would say, oh, I do sound healing with flutes. You think native American styles what kind of indigenous style flutes? She used the concert flute primarily it's with sound healing. I think that's the, biggest misconception that's unrealized is sound healing means something specific. It doesn't sound healing is meant to be a catch all term. And the way you do sound healing is you use sound vibration for healing, but the healing and. Drums or nice primal instrument to use bowls seeing bulls. Part of the nice thing about seeing bowls is the continuity of sound that continuousness of the sound. And so it's easier just to produce this tone that then the person sends out to, because they get lost in the, basically the monotony for lack of better word. If you're a electric guitar player, you can do sound healing with an electric guitar. It may not be meditative healing, but it's still


the sound healing. Let me know. I think that might be why we are so drawn to music. And as you say that I've always known that I can feel the Reiki flowing in my voice. During the podcast and people will say to me afterwards that they really liked my voice and chuckled because I think my voice sounds better when Reiki flows through it. I'm not you do not want to ever hear me saying I love it. It just doesn't sound the way it's supposed to say afterwards, my father and I sing on the same, way and and yeah, it's not my kids thought it was really good until they got a little older realized, but even still I know just the spoken word, like the, I always ask Reiki to flow through my voice. When I teach classes, I also ask it to give me discernment with the words to use, because I realized as I learned to listen better. And as I, as my relationship with Reiki, deepened, I recognized how important each word was. And I used to just say words that were close enough. And I realized no, it's really important to get the right word. And so I use Reiki that way all the time. And I, so I know what you mean. Like I think it, it goes beyond just using a flute or it's, really everything. And we even have in Kaurna Reiki, we learned to chant and. Our symbols, you put the sound in the breath behind those. There's a lot of power to them. Isn't


there. And I know it may make me a little bit of a rebel. I chant the Usui symbols. So do I, so


do I, ever since I learned you can toning, I started doing that and I even chant the new symbol for the animal Reiki and tone that it's yeah, we do too. My husband and I, we laugh because he said, I interviewed him on, one of my podcasts. And he said, if you had told me that I would be chanting Reiki, symbols, going for our walk in the woods every morning, I'd have thought you were crazy, but it's something that we do. We, walk and we chant and tone, and there's some Woodland that we're, trying to work. To bring back some of the trees and help them be healthier. And he just let me know. He said, I went and I, chanted some symbols to them and I, brought them some symbols to help them. And he really, some of the trees that needed help, he barely went through the woodlot and really worked with them individually.


Yeah. And they actually will say in the last 10 years, the, on the safe side, I think it may have been more recent than that. At least at the, paper was published, but there is a scientific study showing that plants have emotions the way that humans do. And the reason why they respond is because they're empathetic. Just like when we mirror emotions between people, the plants are mirroring our emotions too. Cause they process the emotions. Essentially the same way that humans do and they have the, feelings, the way that humans do. It, really is. That's what I was laugh with science. People are like my big thing as a to me, I see one of my big soapbox missions as a teacher is really pushed the idea of complimentary and integrative. They're, not separate it's how do we use it all together? And I do come from a scientific background. I did clinical research or not clinical research lab research cell research in college and stuff. It's yeah, no I, get the science side and stop. What I'm trying to say is they're not different.


I'm a, as a scientist, Arthur I, am the same and I have that really inquisitive nature. And I drove my poor, my first Reiki teacher, crazy because I'd call her and say, Ellen, this miracle just happened. And she'd say, yeah. And I say, why, how and she just said, can't you just trust it? No, I need, but the more research I did, the more I realized that science backs this all up. And even what you're saying about the plants I had read years ago I'm an agricultural scientist and so plants and animals. What I studied and what I love. And, I remember years ago, reading research about a group of plants that they yelled at and a group of plants that they complimented and, spoke to nicely. And the difference like the Chile like the difference was, absolutely like they, they measured growth rates and just all of the parameters that's that we would measure as scientists. The difference was astounding. So I, love that you bring up the emotions of, plants, and I know that the trees enjoy it. When we do this we, just purchased that land a little while ago and it was actually owned by a very good friend. But somebody who didn't live close by. And so he wasn't really able to be there. We're on that land every day. And it seems happier spreading Reiki into it. Tell us, is there anything else I know you're going to lead us on a meditation today? Is there anything else you'd like to share with us about Reiki and sound before moving


into, as far as go back to the, how to do it side of things basically is Mike always joked in his presentations that. We, eventually did develop the modality, the practice of Reiki drumming when it first started approaching it, it lets you do Reiki drumming by you pick up a drum. You drum, you do Reiki. That's Reiki, not wrong.


No, but I think I've been in your classes and I, think you teach us some really helpful, effective.


Yeah, wait it's are the other class sound class we teach is Reiki Sonics. And I always tell people in the classes, this is not meant to be a system of approach. This is really just meant to be our combined 40 years of experience. So you don't have to reinvent the wheel. That's the point of the Reiki, Sonics classes. Here's some tricks and tools that we picked up over the years. And so you can take that foundation and run with it. And how did we get that funded? We did it. We basically are to a large extent self-taught it's just


Reiki, Sonics, Arthur. I'm not really as familiar with that. I've, done Reiki joining with you, but not Reiki.


So at the Reiki Sonics class, we cover more with a voice, the singing bowls and then tuning forks covering some of the other ways of approach that are common out there. And it's just find, excuse me, sorry about that. Find the instrument that works for you, even if that's your voice and it doesn't have to be professional singing quality voice. It can, you can do it more in like a home sentence, just so that the human vocal chords could be your instrument. Find the instrument that works for you that resonates with you, that you're drawn to. And start using it and start incorporating Reiki. For me, the way I combine the two, but what makes sense for my mind is I see the instrument as a continuation of my body. So instead of being the Reiki through my hands, for example, I'm beaming the energy out the instrument, and then the sound waves are then carrying that Reiki energy further. Other people see it as, okay, I'm doing the sound, there's a sound vibration and I'm getting the Reiki. There's the Reiki vibration. They're both interacting with the person, whatever trick you have to basically tell your mind for your conscious mind to work with it. That's how you do it. Find that personal ritual that works for you and just start doing it. And for a lot of people, yeah, I would say start with yourself first because. Most of us have been silenced at some point in our life figure, or we have that shyness. And yeah, no, definitely start with yourself, started out by yourself in a quiet room and just start getting the feel for it. And the more you work with that action, the more it helps clear way those blocks. I actually remember one time I came into the store and, they say like a bad frog in my throat for lack of better way to describe it. There's just something in my throat and it just wouldn't clear. And I was like, ah, it's not going away. What, not the matter of the duke thing, I'll try it. Why not? I picked up a, genome. So they the, musical note G helps to resonate with the throat trackers specifically. And I played this genomic bowl, crystal bowl, and then hummed to match the tone. And I did that for maybe. There's only like maybe 10, 15 minutes and whatever is my throat completely cleared away. And so that's the more you actually just do it easier. It actually becomes. Yeah,


definitely. Oh my gosh. That's fantastic. I love it. Arthur, I think you're going to leave this on a meditation with your sound bowls today, and frankly of you who are driving, if you're listening to the podcast, just please hit pause cause these meditations and we care about you and for everyone else I take it away. Arthritis. I'm looking forward to.


And I will say there is definitely a reason why Michael is not allowed to listen to meditative anything remotely meditative in the car with.




So the next thing is like you said, for those who are not in a safe place to meditate, pause for those who are as a place to meditate. Just take a moment, roll your shoulders, roll your neck. If you're not, if you're standing shake the hips, just going to get nice and loose, let the tension out of the body. And then when you're ready, go ahead and come into Gassho and just bring that awareness to your hands. Bring the entirety of awareness to your hands and on your breath as you take. Nice, big, deep cleansing breath. And then when you're ready, go ahead and imagine a ball of pure divine love in line, an inexhaustible source of pure divine love and light floating above your head. When you can clearly see that in your mind's eye, go ahead and do one big deep inhale, pulling that pure divine love and light down into your body and on the exhale, allowing that's your divine love and light to expand outwards in all directions and fusing every part of your being and beyond with that pure divine love and. Let's actually go ahead and do that a total of four, three times, pulling that pure divine love of mine and on the inhale and expanding it out on the exhale. Now that we've cleared and cleansed, our bodies made them a nice loving place for our consciousness. Let's go ahead and do another breathing technique, the fully ground ourselves in this moment and enter our bodies this time. I'll go describe the process first, go through it, and then we'll actually do it together. So once again, we'll do another big, deep inhale this time. You're going to imagine everything that is. The entirety of your existence, your essence, your being, your consciousness, whatever name you choose to give it, everything that is you it's collecting the center of your checks. And then on the exhale, allowing that to expand, to fully fill every little part of your physical body, every little nook and cranny, but no further just the physical body. And let's go ahead and do that together. Deep breath in collecting in the chest and exhale, filling the physical body deep breath in and exhale. Once more deep breath in and exhale. Fully confident you are fully present in your body. Now looking directly out from behind your own arm, go ahead and just allow your hands to find a nice, comfortable position, whatever that looks like for you. Now go ahead and imagine that it's a beautiful, warm sunny day with perfect weather. And on this wondrous day, you find yourself walking through a vibrant Emerald green forest teeming with life. Let's each step you take. Each breath you take, you can feel the life force of that forest entering deeper and deeper into your body, washing away. The worries like heres the stresses of the day, leaving you feeling buoyant and joy-filled. And as you continue to walk through the forest, you notice that the path beneath your feet is becoming sanding and that you're approaching the edge of the forest. And as you exit out of the forest, you find yourself on a pristine, beautiful beach. And spread out in front of you is the vast ocean with crystalline water. And you're so struck by the beauty that you just decide to take a nice, gentle little stroll along the water's edge, where you can feel the wanes wash up and brush against the feet and then wash back out. And as you continue down the beach, you come across a piece of driftwood that along with the sand forms, the most perfect scene, perfect recliner you've ever seen in your. And you decide to stretch out and relax against that recliner, finding the most comfortable position, deepest state of relaxation you've ever found yourself in. And you begin to notice that the rhythm of the waves is matching the rhythm of your breathing, washing up on the inhale, washing out on the exhale. And you can see as the light plays against the water surface against the ripples and the way creating a kaleidoscope of color and trans. And along with the rhythm of the way of your breathing, lulling you into an ever deeper state of relaxation. The point at the ocean is beginning to call to you to guide you. And you realize this is no ordinary ocean. It is the ocean of holy love notion of liquid light of pure energy. And this ocean is beginning to guide. You feel free to follow that guidance. Yeah, no. And so in your own time, go ahead and start coming back into your body. Taking time to wiggle your toes, wiggle your fingers, wiggle your hips, when you're ready, slowly sit up, take a moment, take a couple deep cleansing breaths before getting up and moving around.


Thank you Arthur, that was lovely. And thank you for joining us here today, and I'm so glad, and I just want to thank the listeners as well. Thank you for all that you do, and just be aware of the sound in your environment and the sound with Reiki going forward that this is an opportunity to combine the two in whatever you do,

