Reiki from the Farm™

Reiki in Japan - with Lena Takahashi and Muniqui Muhammad

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Lena Takahashi & Muniqui Muhammad Season 3 Episode 1

Muniqui and Lena teach Reiki in Japan’s birthplace in both the Japanese and English languages.  Join them to learn more about Reiki’s birthplace, Mount Kurama, the history and the opportunities to visit Japan to study.  Afterward, Muniqui leads us in a meditation to take us to the Mountain. Please join us!

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Meditation music Licensed from:  Nate Miller and
thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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On this week's podcast. I am talking with Muniqui Mohammed and Lena Takahashi about from healing land Reiki. And we just, we wanted to bring you to Japan and give you a little bit of an idea of the history and all of the wonderful things that Lena and Muniqui are doing in Japan. Welcome you guys. Thanks so much for being here.


Thank you for having us.


Thank you, Pam.


Oh, it's my pleasure. Just before we get started, I just wanted to let you know that in the end of January here Reiki from the Farm, we've got a full lineup of ICRT, Licensed Online classes being taught in the Eastern time zone and The level one and two, Masters, Karuna Reiki masters also ICRT level one and two Animal Reiki training and Master training. So go ahead and join us if you'd like in March, I will be teaching in the Australian time zone. So if there's anybody that wants to join us from there, please go ahead and check the schedule in the links in the podcast. I also have a link to my newsletter. In the podcast that I'd invite you to sign up for, if you want to get reminders about the podcast or see what is going on here at the farm, and also a link to my schedule, if you would like to book a session with me. So go ahead and check that out. Lena and Muniqui, you've got some pretty great things coming up and some wonderful offerings. And certainly I know it's my intention to come and take a class from you in Japan and experience Kurama. As soon as I'm able to make that work, can you tell us a little bit about what people can experience from you guys, what you guys have coming up?


We do have our January classes and we also have our direct February schedule with. We we have our beginner Reiki one and two. We have our whole, we holy fire, three career Sui, holy fire, Reiki masterclass, and our holy fire, three Kaurna Reiki masterclass. And then we also have our offering about the Mount Kurama, visual meditation, and journey. I love that.


Yes. A lot going on,


You have a lot going on. Let's tell the listeners a little bit about that. First of all, about your classes, because I believe you offer your classes at Kurama at Mount Kurama, the birthplace of Reiki, is that correct?


That's okay. Yeah, so we do offer classes in Japan in two locations. One location is where we based is Northern, Northern Japan. So people can come to Northern part of Japan and take classes, or they can come to the birthplace of also Reiki which is Mount Kurama. So people can stay physically at Mount Kurama during their training and facility. And food will be provided along with the training.


I am so excited for that and I've heard the food is fantastic. And you mostly teach in English, although Lena, you also teach in Japanese and. And you also speak Russian. I don't know if you teach in Russia.


I mainly teach Japanese people and English speaking people. So far I haven't had chance to teach in Russian because my focus is teaching Reiki to Japanese people in Japanese or whoever speak English. So if there's any requests sure. Yes.


You could always teach in Russian.




And Ukranian. And Muniqui, you also speak several languages. Do you you teach mostly in English though. I think


Mostly in English because like most of the requests come from English speakers, but I do speak Spanish. I am fluent in Spanish. It's been a little while since I use it because after living in Japan for 20 years, But I do speak Spanish and I do love it. So me and getting up in the Reiki and saying, I know young on it. Okay. You guys are so talented. I love it. And I want to say a few things about your offering of the Mount Karama tour. I actually attended that tour with you because I just wanted to get to know Mount Karama better. It is the birthplace of Reiki. I've seen photos of it, but your tour made me feel like I had been there. It made me feel like I knew it. And then you let us in a meditation afterwards or in a couple of meditations. Look, I went so deep in those meditations. So I think I messaged you and said, okay guys, you got to make this available to everybody so that they can get a chance to visit Caroma Yama. And I have it we will put a link to that for anybody who's watching or listening today that would like to visit Karama yourselves. How much is it you're offering your, meditation and your tour of Gramma? How much are you charging for that?


That's the one time that you the quarrying was like life to live online tour. So basically the people had to join on the time. And we have people from all over the world in the different times on, so a lot of people couldn't join because of the weird time they should be taken party. And providing recording was there an option, but we decided to, make it available so people can purchase it and get to that right away and a little bit better quality than zoom recording and things like that. So, the visual tour is a. So is$7 and you can print and access it. So there will be kinda like PowerPoint presentation like tour where you will see pictures and maybe some videos. And also there will be two meditation. It's not just meditation it's contains. So we are trying to. People with the energy of the monk drama and also receive its healing. And along with them healing, they've received through a Reiki. So the meditation guided first is by money guy. And then on another time you can do another meditation guided by me. So you have two different meditations.


Yeah. Tell you what you did a great job of bringing in the healing energy of Karama, because I, that was very powerful meditation. I've really appreciated it. You guys, and I wanted to make sure that our listeners could access it. And that's very reasonable. My goodness. I, had thought you would probably charge a bit more than that for it. So


thank you for listening to it, Pam. It really lot.


Thank you then Muniqui. Guys, before we go too much further, I'm just going to invite everybody to join me in a brief in vocation, so that as Lennon, Muna Chi make us familiar with the birthplace of Reiki and some of the history and some of the wonderful and interesting things that I've always wondered about. We can do that with our Reiki activated and, it can really become a part of us, so I'm going to invite everyone to bring your hands into Gassho and close your eyes and just activate your Reiki energy, bringing in your symbols and just acknowledging the birthplace. Of this beautiful, energetic modality of love, and just allowing the Reiki energy to flow through you and acknowledging that today you will be connecting with the history with the Asahi sensei, Dr. Hashi and Mrs. Takata, who learned Reiki in Japan, who we sensei from his meditation on Mount Karama,


we'll became


enlightened. And then through the attunement process. Created a way to pass on the enlightenment to all of us. And for that, we are so grateful. We open our hearts and our minds and our bodies and our spirits to receive this beautiful connection to the origin that is offered here today. And we are so thankful to Reiki and to Lennon, Muna Chi for sharing this with us a whole Namaste day and amen. Thank you, guys, I just to start off, I just want to ask what brought the two of you to Japan.


And I was studying in Mexico, how far I was studying in Mexico. And the opportunity just came up that I had an extra space and most of my friends were taking Japanese just on the women. So it's why not? So I took Japanese class and it was nice. It was cool. Great. But when I came back to the us and I was finishing up my career, my university career in Spanish, just the idea of Japan started to grow and I couldn't get away from it. It became, I'm not going to say obsessive, but everything. Japanese became very passionate for me. And so the opportunity came up to study and teach English in Japan. On the Japan exchange and teaching program. And that brought me to Japan and that was in 1998. And then I transitioned from that job to another one. And I'm still here. So that's what brought me to your bat. Oh, pardon me? Pardon me? I'm from the USA. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona in the USA. That's where I'm originally. That's my birthplace, please like that.


So you guys are great partners so Lena, you were not coming from the US you were coming from the Ukraine and what brought you to Japan?


I was planning to go to UK, but things just didn't work and almost okay, you don't have choice and had to go to Japan. But at that, around that time, it was 2003. That was the time when I came to Japan. And at that time there was not much internet access the way we have it available right now. And so I didn't have information about Japan at all. So I didn't know, I didn't know where I was going and what do I have to work on the home? And every day, and it's like, what's happening over there in that part of the world. It's really, it's very far from us. So yeah and. Yeah, just life brought me to Japan and eventually I liked it here more than my own country. And I decided to stay here and now to go back to Ukraine. So it's been, so now we're recording, this is 2021. So it's been around 19 years. I want Japan. No, that's


fantastic. So you guys have been there, you guys both obviously really enjoyed enjoyed Japan and to have decided to stay. And you both learned Reiki while you were there. Can you tell us a little bit about the history of Reiki in Japan and just what that means to you?


Thing that many people. Some people know, some people don't is that Reiki was a common practice in Japan before me countless oui received it. There were lots of people. They were called Ray jute, SKUs, Rachid, SKUs, and they they've had healing abilities. And this was because there were, while the government was trying to implement what we would call Western medicine, but it will as a slow process, slow going. And there were many traditional healers and healings. And so in, or maybe in a rural area or in other big cities going to see the raging scar was a normal thing. And so when. Macau countlessly could have gone to say someone else's school and learned Reiki, but we all know that he didn't, he was had traveled the world. And that was looking for REITs who may the state of perfect peace at all times, regardless of circumstance. And he was also looking for and his life purpose and after three years of meditation, but he couldn't find it. And his teacher told him you gotta be able to go to this, gotta be willing to die for this purpose. And we all know what happened. Then he decided to go to Mount Ramah and he meditated for 21 days and he received the gift of Reiki. Now there were other practitioners of other styles at that time. And so some people they didn't call some people called their practices, Reiki. Other people called their practices, other with other names. And also some people associated their practices with religion. Some did not. So these, this was the environment that was going on in 1920s, Japan, when becau Sui received the gift of Reiki and started on his life purpose at that time, that has resulted in, as we know, Reiki spreading throughout the world through the, through from the Sui sensei to Dr. Hayashi, Ms. Takata, and through now down to everybody and now down to us.


Yeah. I love that. And KU Brahma, Mount has been known as a sacred mountain for a lot of. Different religious and spiritual traditions. Hasn't it? It's, got an incredible history. Can you guys tell us a little bit about the history of Caroma and, a little bit about the mountain itself, where Reiki was discovered?


I want to add some notes about, like I said, about the history when you go to Mount grandma, like the energy, is there so high that you may be cared away. People actually suggest that you don't do any fasting when you go on Mount grandma that you have your food there and you're grounded and you go and climb and have you experienced, so just a thought that Susan Sei had. Very long fasting and he was on Mount and that says a lot of his development like in his like energetic part that just going along the 21 day fast, and a lot of people maybe can do that. But going on Mount grandma while you're fasting for 21 days is not something that everyone can do. So that's why People might think why not? Anyone could go to Mount Gramma, but maybe not everyone will have experienced that or solutions they had. And to my can understanding what I go to mom, grandma and reading about my mom, grandma, that's my own perception of the weight. So sensei's energy and his personal like human part of his development was must be very, high to receive that experience.


Definitely. And I, when you look back at some of the great spiritual masters, many of them did achieve enlightenment through fasting and time in nature. And so I think it's, so interesting that is the history of, Reiki. And you mentioned. The mountain itself that just the energies are so high there. What do you guys notice when you go there? You teach classes there. And certainly holy fire free came through when William Rand was teaching on Karama and there are certain places in the world that just, I don't know, they just vibrate with a frequency that, that makes you feel different after having been there. What do you notice about Caroma and what can you tell us about just what it means to the Japanese people.


Thank you for your question. The first thing that you, a person like us would need to understand is when you're going from Kildow to Mount Karama itself, When Louis sensei did it, there was no train line. And so either they walked or they're around a donkey or horse or carriage or something like that. And so that's important to keep in mind when you or me or anyone goes and takes the train who Mount Caroma, because you see the distance that they had to cover that alone makes you think about what it was like and how to get there. Once you get physically off the train, you are actually on Mount Gramma. It's not like you get off the train and now you have to still go to you're physically on the mountain. And if you turned around and left, you could say you've been there. But then when you start to go in that energy of Mount Karama is very subtle. It's not like you're going to experience this huge energetic download immediately is that as you're going, and it's not a very steep mountain. So as you're climbing it, it's just the founds and the energy of it. It just comes over you in such a way that sometimes you almost have to go back to the city before you realize how high your vibration was lifted and elevated because it's very gentle and very subtle, but it is a sacred mountain. And many people do go there for, to have just a hike. And there are many sacred places along the mountain and we took you to some of them in the meditation. And and there's various energetic spots. Or you can just sit and just meditate and you can see the, like the giant trees that have been there for so long that you can just feel the history and people, and you want to touch them, but some of the trees, but some of the trees you can't touch, but the ones you can touch, you can just feel again, not to repeat myself, but it's, that's all energy that elevates you. And it's in a gentle way that feels full of love.


And you guys said there's a few, spots a lot of spots where you can sit and meditate, but actually some of the spots has such a Strong energy that you don't need to sit there and meditate. So few seconds is enough to to just be there or just like passing through. So, it's okay. You don't need to sit, otherwise you'll be carried away somewhere. And so just few seconds is enough


and there is even like a tram that takes people up the mountain. Isn't there.


If they it's an essay that allows you to save time, if you just want to just get to the top, but to really experience the mountain is it's a good walk. It, and it's not difficult you do want to plan for it, carry your fluids and everything. And to see the various energetic spots. So that's always a good day trip. Very,


yeah. And the, in what you offered you took us up the mountain Lennon. It was just beautiful. Tell me a little bit about your teaching and your lineage and how you tie all of this history in when you teach, because you are teaching in the birthplace of Reiki.


That's in my experience with Japanese people. So I have so we offer. Oh, sorry. Holy fire Reiki. And also holy fire, Kaurna Reiki, and lean age. I know we don't say lean age, but the teaching of holy fire is in a new in Japan compared to the English speaking world. So a lot of people what is holy fire? But I've what I've known. The interesting fact that I've noticed. When people already Japanese people, when they already received Reiki and they want to come to holy fire masterclass or they want to come to holy fire Karuna masterclass what I've noticed is that. They learned Virgin of Reiki, which is a version of Reiki and a lot of parts that I see our team manual contain, which is a Japanese Reiki techniques and accurate part of the history of Reiki itself. A lot of Japanese people are not aware and when I'm starting to talk to them about, okay, let me know. I want to know what you know about Reiki and all. What I, what they know is very brief history of Reiki. They only know throughout the hand position, maybe they will know Gassho maybe they will know. Getting Yoko drive anything, but that's the maximum. They will know. Out of out of hundred percent, so far in my experience, the people I've touched based who taught raking Japan for over 20 years. They didn't know none of that. So maybe 5% maximum will have accurate information that who master symbol, who added to Reiki Japanese people read or know and it was like, wow. And Monica maybe can talk more about that. That it's a part of actually Japanese culture, unless there is something being exported out of Japan, God popular outside of Japan and being brought back. They will. Sometimes consider it,


so I think every place is the same. And so when William Rand brought in a holy fire, because there will be some people watching this who've studied we Reiki only, or traditional Usui Reiki. So they're probably not familiar with the Japanese Reiki techniques that we teach in the ICR team, like your students. And, they're probably they may not also be familiar with holy fire. And I know when William brought holy fire when it showed up in 2014, he made a decision like, look, I'm not going to take anything away from Usui Reiki because it's great. It's a great system of Reiki, but there's another energy that can be used alongside The Usui Reiki and, it brings in new opportunities and new frequencies and new techniques. And so I really love that about the, ICR T training and the holy fire, but I'm sure that your Japanese students wouldn't have. Holy fire is very likely new for them.


Yes, And the, actually the people who, who watching video right now Pam, I see a little bit of them. Reiki, healing, touch manual behind. Oh yes. I keep them close. All my tabs for teaching. What is actually good is that I see a teammate this available, regardless you have Reiki training or not, and we have. I'm official representative of ICT, holy fire, lean age in Japan. So we have this manual available in Japanese. Japanese people actually like purchasing this book to wow, I didn't know. I didn't know. So


accurate history. And


so they purchase the, to catch up with information and interesting thing that. In the west, there is my two more available information about history and a lot of Reiki research information, more available compared to Egypt, Japanese like book, market. That's why Japanese people also to have much information, I would say. So since Reiki been Greenport it in 1984 like they starting from that point, right? Yeah.


And then you also offer classes to English speaking, people who would like to come and experience Reiki in Japan. Can you, Monica, can you tell us a little bit about those classes and because you actually take them to Karama, do you not for your classes?


Yes, we do that. Some of our classes are we go to Mount Karama there, other classes we give them we teach them and we give them information, accurate information. The thing about our classes is that we put in the historical perspective and then we give references for people to have more knowledge. We like our classes to be. It's here's the manual, but now here's the information that is, will help to support your CLA help support. And so we teach about historical things and how they can find more information. And that gives a lot of support.


Can I add one thing? Is that, yeah so, location in Japan available. Northern part of Japan, it's prefecture think about a state is Miyagi and a city is Sendai. A lot of foreigners. They usually go to more like Southern part of maybe heard or circa, like Tokyo kind of kill it all. But were more like to the cold part of TPN. More easily available schedule. Are in the Northern Japan, but for the kilter, because it's a mountains. And depends on the rate. If it's rainy season or diaper season, we don't set up our classes there, or if there is a snow not much available dates for month grammar class, it's more like a special class. If people want to come on their schedules and so they're more availability in that. Location from kilotons. And also, because right now we're a little bit uncertain with our travels. If people go on our website, they can sign up below on the footnote. They can sign up for the newsletter, but also if they want to look up about Mt. Cromer class, there's a brief information along with our regular classes that grandma class has separate kind of category for it. And on top of the page, people actually can sign up for the waiting list. So once the Japan will be open and people can travel and once we have our dates available, so people can get information whether they come immediately or on their own time, but they will be aware about our offerings and


an excellent idea because yes, travel's not really as accessible yet.


Yes. And what is very unique for promo class offering is that people actually physically stays in location. They don't go anywhere. So they wake up there, they go to sleep, it's all there. So they don't need to. It helps them to, keep their energy. So they will have in this like energy bubble all the time and to fill, they finished the training and they go back to the city. So when people stays inside of the seat and they traveled to chroma everyday, that kind of breaks that energetic kind of flow. But. This is a time where people focus on their own inner experience and why they came here, where they want to go. So that then after the training or before their training, making Hangouts for the more like adult locations of the tourist places, they can visit more, explore them Japan side. But this is the kind of good part that they just stay there and focus on themselves. I love


that healing land Reiki can does that. Others


don't, they, they don't have the ability to




so yeah, we'll live in Japan. So people. Can have questions about Japan. Of course we're not tour guides, but like like basic information we can provide because for around 20 years we live here. So


there's a few spots that you mentioned Lenna that people sometimes like to check out. They like to, see the Usui Memorial stone. Where is that in relation to Karama?


Yeah. So for example, think about you coming to Japan on Reiki tour and you, there is a two ways you can coordinate your trip. First you can come to which is the Capitol, and then you from inside of the Tokyo, Grave yes. Where you can visit there. There's actually, if you're looking in the internet, there is a one website that has a beautifully put step-by-step guidance, how to get there. But. Groups are not I would say not allowed let's say you have 20 people because unfortunately the Ms B and this is very important part because unfortunately a lot of foreigners misbehaved in. Of the cemetery. Good people who will try to go now we'll be stopped from going there. So if you have a big group, I suggest you spread on few people and go on the separate time to, go there. But right now if you go for example early morning and if you're by yourself you should be okay. And but make sure that you had just come there, no pictures, it just honor Gassho whatever you want to do there, but knowing the ceremonies, now I need pictures, no way any lives and things like that. I'm not. And not allowed there. And so you just, going there for yourself and maybe you can take a picture of the temple before the cemetery, but and so pictures. So now you're in Tokyo. Then now you take a train speed train or up like a couple hours. Then you go to Kyoto, which has killed those, an ancient capital of Japan. And from Kyoto, you need to travel a little bit, think about you need another hour to travel inside of Gilberto to go to monochrome. So then you, either stay there or you maybe want to, it depends if you're by yourself, your own tour, then you maybe better stay in, kill up those city. And then you go to Mount Gramma. Early morning, and then you explore the mountain and see how you feel if you want to come back another day. And because it's a lot a lot. So then from Kyoto there is think about, you need maybe another hour to go to another bigger city. And from there


so after that, then you take a bus for another hour


just to take a train and to go to we're going to


Zoe sensei's hometown. Tiny I village is it's a bus. It's a one hour bus to us from the train station. It's a small village. It's small. But if you have the pictures and that there is a Jap traditional Japanese torty gate, that he and his sinks and his brothers donated to the temple it's there. And that is where Sui sensei's Memorial stone is the shrine that is there in tiny I village was erected and it has his name on it. And it's a nice place to visit because you can really absorb that small town feel. That's where Miguel was. We was born. Wow. And the stone itself that is, that we'll use for the Memorial stone is actually from Mount Karama. Oh yes. So if you look up the pictures of. Sui sensei Memorial stone in Tanya village. And when you see it, the actual stone, that is the centerpiece is from Mount Karama itself.


Yeah. And there is even on Mount Karama, there was a shrine to Usui sensei and I'm aware that it did get, it was destroyed in the hurricane in 2018. Has it been rebuilt you guys, or


are the shrine? It felt was not to Sui sensei. It was the temple that was at the location where he did the 21 day meditation. But Mount Karama is not a Reiki mountain is, as the many of the people there do not know about Reiki. If there's other traditions that are there. And so it's important for Reiki practitioners to remember that it's not a Reiki mountain. And but it is important for us. So when you go there, do not expect the people to know about Reiki because they don't. But the actual location where. Sui, since they did his 21 day meditation in 2018, there was a very big typhoon or hurricane. And, so I'll let Linda, I'm going to talk about that.


Yeah. Like a physical location itself, think about Prama station, then you climb up to the middle. You will see the chroma temple. And from there you go more conduct, deeper, a deeper hike where you see more route path. Yes. So it's like station half is grandma temple. Then there's Real top part of the mountain. That's where assistance they had his experience. So I think Pam, you're talking for people who watching videos. I just, yes. The place called also gong and that's the place it's not dedicated to service and say at all. It's just at the location where he received his experience. And in 2000 and 2018 so throw the, my history like grandma been unfortunately gone through some like painful experiences with the Typhon. That's really damaged it. And so me and Monica received Reiki training for. On Mount Graham in 2017. And that was the first time when William first time ever, I think taught the class even to be an, a Reiki class in Japan online. So that was a time when I attended the class. And after we left, there was actually like one month later, there was actually already big typhoon happening that already damaged a lot of. Bond grandmom. It's been like the part that I said from chroma temple to the place where it was since they had his experience, that part was closed for few months, they were cleaning it up. Then when I went there in somewhere, I was like, what's happening here? Like I see that a lot of trees are not there. And I talked to the local people and that's what they told me. And then pretty much the wine year after that. So 2018, that it was a time when, even bigger Typhon here to the point that whole grammar was closed, like from. I've come to the top. And before I think it took them two or three months to clean up at least somehow. So people could go to the middle part of the grammar, but going to the top itself that it was not opened for six months or so. So yeah. And now it's settle down


and you actually we're a part of bringing one of our world peace grids to Caroma. Can you tell us a little bit about that?


Yes. Okay. Where it start It's a long story, but to make it short, to make it short. So when you go to Mount grandma, you probably heard us saying for an example. So when you stand in front, actually an hour visual tour, we talk about that and we also bring people in the meditation to that spot. So that is a place where you in front of you is a chroma temple, and there's this some type of there. And so people go there and can to stand there few seconds. So that is like one of the most spots on Mount grandma where is a super powerful. And I think each person will have their own understanding what that exactly is, but it's point between where it brings the heaven earth, energy energies was the earth. Energy is the kind of wow between. And so the I think that's what Reiki also wants us is to bring all this heaven, energies, all this high energies into our physical world. And. Our own life in the physical world. And when I took, and I just want people to understand that it's not bad. Okay. I took these great Mount grandma. It's been it's been an ongoing process. It's been like for four years of long process. Yes. And physically when William actually took it to brought it physical verdict to Japan, we actually went with him to also sensei's grave in Tokyo. And then eventually I took it to my grandma, but before the day before I took it to my grandma, I took it. To the part of the mountain where that Mandela is, and I placed it to the spot where I'm having under Russ energies, once everything will be official there, you will be able to see a couple of pictures. I don't have much, but because this is a spot where a lot of people lined up and you have to wait to get there. So you cannot have much photo shoot there. But and I re I really felt like a big,




last a Reiki like, planning and then it shined out to the world. Wow. And then I, the next day I took it to grandma temple and asked her they would consider it to have it there. Beautiful. As long story short,


I put you on the spot for that one. Sorry guys. I think you have a meditation because so many of us aren't able to travel to you right now. You wanted to bring the mountain to us and give us an opportunity to experience mountain Karama and you suis the birthplace of, Reiki. Was there anything you wanted to let people know before we move into the meditation today? Did we cover everything


a lot? Oh, wait,


if I can mention, is that our offering and we mentioned here?


Absolutely. Yes.


So a part of our intention to deliver as much as we can Reiki related Japan related to the people outside of Japan. So there is you can see it on our website. So this is promise soap. Wow. So what is special about the soul is that when you go to another side of them, like when from the top, when you go down, you will see. So there's another part of grammar. It's has a different name, it's a different village there. They have a temple that has a very special water and they get there for this soap. One of ingredient of the soul is they get temple water drawn on the full, moon. So, this is a basically grandma. Water the ingredient of the soap and a couple other natural ingredients are here. I love it for, especially for the facial soap, you can use it of course, for body. And in order to deliver it to you more in a Japanese way, we have been designing various package. So now it's a gift citizen and it's all all the time is always gifts isn't so it's right now, it comes in a different packages. For people who can have video, or if it's podcast listeners, you can go to YouTube and you will find us on our social media. So it's comes in like dutiful.


Beautiful. It's a very, it's a very Japanese way of putting it. So it's not just the soap. It's also packaged and brought to you in a Japanese way to bring you a piece of Japan are part of Japan.


Yeah, and you can also get our shirts. They also available, they also come in this kind of, this type




isn't that sweet. I'm like, gosh,


you guys, they love, and of course we can get our krama tour, a visual tour. Also, you can get it on that. And


I highly recommend that. It just, I don't know, it just feels like it connects you with the history and with the origins. And I just, I really love your Kurama tour and thank you so much for putting it on. And I appreciate.


And of course I want classes, sessions. You can find it on our website. Of


course. Yeah. And we will have links to all of that in the description. Guys who was going to lead us, or you both leading us in a meditation today,


I will be leading meditation.


okay. All right. If anybody who is listening is driving, I'm just going to invite you to pull over to the side of the road and hit pause. These, trust me, these can go deep, especially this meditation with the Kurama energy.