Reiki from the Farm™

Finding Bliss with Reiki: A Journey Towards Pain Free Living

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc Season 4 Episode 1

Pain, both physical and emotional, can be a sign that our soul and personality are out of alignment.  Join us as we explore ways to release the pain that may be holding us back and offer a powerful Reiki meditation to help align our minds, body, and spirit.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia.

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Hi, and welcome to the Reiki from the Farm Podcast, brought to you by me, Pam Allen Loblaw from Hidden Brook Farm. I am a scientist, a businesswoman, and a licensed Reiki master teacher with the International Center for Reiki. each week in this podcast, you'll be entertained as you learn about a wide variety of relevant Reiki topics helping you become a more knowledgeable and effective Reiki practitioner. We caution you though this podcast may also dramatically improve your life. And we are so happy that you're here.


So guys, on this week's podcast and Reiki share, I wanted to talk about pain. I came across a blog post by Elizabeth Peru. She's an astrologer in Australia that I follow. And she really had a unique perspective on the origins of pain. And when I realized that, I thought. It would be amazing to share it with all of you and then follow it up with a Reiki meditation. Once we have identified the origins of any pain that exists in your body, and that can be mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional in your body or your aura, wherever the pain is, your heart and. We should be able to eliminate it. And of course, this is something for those of you who practice Reiki this is something you can most likely share with your friends and family. And so we're gonna do an experiment with that tonight and see how it works for everybody. And we'll actually gauge what our pain levels are at the beginning and at the end of the meditation and just see how we do recognizing that. know, Sometimes the pain has been there for a while. It may take more than one session or more than one. Listen. But we will go from there. So I'm so glad to see all of you guys who have shown up for the Reiki share. Thank you for being with us, and if anybody would like to join us for our monthly Reiki share. Please go ahead, sign up for our newsletter and you can also sign up for that on our website. We'd love to have you join us. And I just wanted to let you know a little bit about what's happening on the farm before we activate our Reiki and go into our talk today. In January we've got a full lineup of online classes in the Eastern Time zone Reiki, level One and two, and Reiki Masters Animal Reiki, one and two and Masters, and also Animal Communication. And just into the beginning of February, there is a Kaurna Reiki class for anybody who would like. To do an advanced Reiki masterclass. Sometimes people get confused, but you need to be a Reiki master from any lineage for at least six months before studying Kaurna Reiki. Kaurna Reiki is a really advanced masterclass that seems to change everything and make life. even more lovely and effortless than Reiki is even able to just brings things to a higher level. So I'd love to have you join us and if we have any listeners from Australia, I am gonna be coming your way in March and I would love to have you join us just doing licensed level one and two and masterclass, followed by an animal Reiki class. And if there's enough interest I would also do an animal communication class there. Recently our animal communication class really expanded, so keep an eye on things. For those of you who've already studied it, I will be doing an upgrade sometime between now and March, probably closer to March, but we'll see. And also I am in the process of writing an the animal communication book and some supporting course materials right now. And that's going to be ongoing, but the course is expanding. There will be a one day master practitioner class probably around the same time in March, and that will be followed this summer or early fall. With a master teacher class with animal communications. So it took a big shift when I taught it last weekend or the weekend before last. And in that shift it took on more the structure of a Reiki. Stay tuned for that. That's in the development process. Of course you can get the Reiki business book on Amazon if you're interested in making Reiki a little more a part of your career. And I think that's all that I had for announcements right now, aside from letting you know that my daughter has come into as a partner in my essential oil business, and we are working on our website. So I'll keep you updated on that and I might even have her join me. For a future podcast to let her know, let you guys know how we put Reiki in our essential oils, how you can buy them, how you can make your own Reiki infused in essential oils. So stay tuned. There's a lot cooking. There's a lot in process. So just talking about pain. I'm gonna invite everyone to think about. Where they're, they have pain in their lives. And just go ahead and bring your hands into Gassho, activating your Reiki energy and bringing in your Reiki symbols and breathe. And just acknowledging that pain, whether it's physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, can sometimes be a necessary part of growth and development. But, It is possible to reduce painful experiences and instead focus on joyful experiences to achieve growth and fulfillment. And today we are asking to make that shift, to release that duality and make a shift from pain based learning to joy based learning. And I'd just like you to think again of where the pain might exist in your body. It might be in your heart, your mind, your body, your spirit, and just be open to considering letting it go and considering a new way of working. Learning and growing so that you can let go of the pain and just go ahead and place your hands comfortably on your body and come back into the room. Just as I let you know a little bit about our culture and where this all comes from. Whenever we feel pain, the message behind pain is that it's a warning system. That's something wrong with your flow of energy. And so when we do feel that warning system, it's our nervous system just letting us know there's something out of alignment, there's something not working, and. Many of us have become so used to pain and even attached to pain that we become oblivious to what's causing it, and we aren't aware that it is trying to bring some lesson or message or teaching into our lives. One of the things we need to do if we really and truly want to release pain is be open to examining the origin or cause of the pain before it gets worse. This is our body letting us know something's outta flow, something's not working with you, and we'll get into a little detail about what that might. So what Elizabeth Peru was talking about is that from the perspective of pain being a tool that can show us where we're out of alignment, this the pain is actually something that can assist us in having a healthy body. Now, I'd like to tell you that many years ago, in my twenties, I believe I was 24 when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. And for those of you who maybe aren't familiar with fibromyalgia, it is a sign that that of not being aligned for sure, but fibromyalgia comes with a significant amount of chronic pain. Reiki really helped me reduce that chronic pain so that it was probably about, on average, 10 to 15% of what it used to be. But Reiki also helped me discover that I have a, a. Sensitivity to gluten, and especially at this time of year, it's really difficult not to eat gluten. And so I, I don't always pay attention to that sensitivity. I mostly do, but sometimes I don't. And what happens is that will often bring a flare up of the pain, and there are so many people. That are, that do experience chronic pain and so on. And so it makes me wonder if following Elizabeth's guidance and saying wait, what is out of alignment here and looking to address what is out of alignment? Can we then move away from the pain? And I think the answer is going to be yes. Right now we're just doing a great big experiment with it. Now, Elizabeth talked about different levels and types of pain and the importance of figuring out what the root cause is of the pain and correcting the reason that the pain came in the first place. And then she went on to give us a few examples. Like she talked about one of the causes of pain being our spiritual longing for home. Mo, many of us have this deep knowing that even though Earth is our physical home right now, that we also have a spiritual home. And it's often below the level of consciousness that we long for it There, there is this sense of longing within it. Within us. A lot of us feel a longing even to just be able to be ourselves, our unique selves with our unique gifts and talents. And so it's places like this, group, wonderful groups like this one where. We can feel a little more at home, but there is often this sort of longing for home and sometimes it can go a little further and even move into a crisis. And we have this spiritual awakening or spiritual wake up call. She calls it. And I think a lot of you who are listening. Probably had something like that led for you to reach out to Reiki. Some people just follow their intuition and reach out to Reiki, but a lot of us needed to move into crisis before we did. I didn't get into Reiki until I had such painful rashes on my face and such inflamed sinuses and allergy symptoms and physical pain. That I was willing to try anything. And that's not uncommon for some of us to have moved into a crisis in order to receive our spiritual wake up call. And then that sets us onto this lifelong journey of connecting with our soul and and choosing soul over personality. So let me explain this. It's really interesting and I love how Elizabeth put it. She talked about the fact that we are our soul. We're a thinking, feeling all intelligent, ever evolving, being of the light. Our body is created through the souls. And I always used to think of our soul as being something, small within us. And speaking with Colleen Benelli, one day, she gave me a completely new perspective and she said, no, our body is within the soul. The soul is much larger. And but what happens though, as we are living our life, the same soul that created our body also created an identity for us, which Elizabeth calls the personality and the identity and personality is the way we express ourselves and it's, and. The way that we learn, and this is a vessel for the expression of our soul's wisdom, but many of us are probably aware that there can be a difference between what your head wants and what your heart wants. We always hear of that, my head wants to do this, my heart wants to do that. And the way. We're set up to be is that the soul is set up to be in charge and the personality is meant to take direction from the soul. But for many of us, and definitely for me and so probably for quite a few of you as well, my personality tries to run the show. It's very ambitious. It likes to get a lot of things done. And that's not uncommon. It happens a lot that our head rules the heart. In fact, there is an opportunity for them to work together, and that's what we're going to be doing in our Reiki session today. Now, thinking about pain, just going back to think about pain, let's also look at the fact that. It has to do with our belief system. And so thinking about the. Fact that so many of our expressions, like the way that we govern society, the way that we govern ourselves are things like, no pain, no gain. There's even a song, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And we talk about, strength and the ability. And so it's become endemic within our society to ignore. Ignore the messages from the body and so on. And so the personality really gets ingrained and and then we have this belief system that will know we need pain. And then on top of that, our personality becomes so used to pain that it expects it, and we fall into pattern. And so we'll go ahead and do something again and again. And when society applauds our ability to handle pain, like we, we don't necessarily look at the fact that pain. Is trying to tell us there's something out of alignment. And what is it? Is it the personality taking charge and not listening? Is it the head not listening to the heart? What's happening here? And there are other examples as well, I'm sure, but I thought we would just focus on these ones tonight. So we expect life to be painful. The personality has largely become attuned to. And ignores it. And then on top of that, the personality doesn't like change. So the personality is going to continue repeating what's familiar and safe. And so It just even, and maybe especially if it causes. Our personality likes to know what it's doing. It likes, it's a bit of a perfectionist. It doesn't like to make mistakes, and it wants to keep the soul and the body safe and secure. It's like this watchdog, and so it tries to keep recreating the familiar. That's why so many of us feel fear when we're stepping into something that's not familiar to us. When. The personality becomes disconnected from the soul, which eventually, often happens. It doesn't have the ability any longer to realize that the familiar might be what's causing you pain. I still love fresh baked croissants and homemade bread, even though eating them causes me an incredible amount of pain. So the personality just doesn't realize that. So therefore we keep attracting disempowering situations, things that cause pain. And we're not connected enough with the soul to even always realize where the misalignment has taken place. Now, the soul, on the other hand, loves change. And if I think about it, so many aspects of my Reiki journey Reiki is constantly. Moving me into a place of discomfort, moving me into something that I'm afraid of or, definitely not comfortable with. And I think that's because that's the personality and soul. I think that Reiki is aligning us more with our soul, taking us out of the comfort zone making. I used to hate change, but making us, change those patterns that weren't healthy for us or that were causing pain and so on. But Elizabeth talks about her belief that the solution is actually inside us if we can bring the consciousness our head into our heart space. we'll then decompress a bit from the outside world, begin to be able to connect with and communicate our inside with our inside world a little bit more. She even recommends things like having a daily meeting with your soul, like sitting down and saying, Hey, what does my soul want to do today? One of the things that I've noticed is that since reading her blog post I'm much more aware. of which portions of my day are being guided by the personality and which portions are being guided by the soul. And I give them equal time I kinda say, you know what? My personality wants to get a chapter written today, but my soul really wants to have a long walk with the dogs or a bike ride or horseback ride, and I've been just working to give my soul at least equal time and just chuckling at how my personality handles things versus how my soul handles things. And so that's those are some of the things that she talked about. But then I got realizing that with Reiki, we can move. Head and our heart into alignment and we can really, in particular, examine any part of our lives that are painful. And ask like, where is the misalignment with this? When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I was in a job that was crushing my soul. It was a job. Sorry, but it was working for the government and It really didn't make me happy and there was nothing wrong with the job. I had wonderful people that I worked with, but it really wasn't what I came here to do. Now that I get to work with beautiful people like you every day my soul is singing and as long as I stay away from gluten I don't experience very much pain anymore. So that's what we want to do today. And the thing that you can, that you realize is that if, in addition to that, if you can consider letting go of the belief that pain is good. The belief that we need to experience pain in order to grow and so on then we can move and shift that completely so that we can begin to learn through joy. One of the ways to know that you're aligned with soul and you're aligned with your soul's purpose is joy I'm going to invite you in the meditation or in even right now to think about where does joy show up for you. I recently had a student who said, joy shows up when I volunteer with the S P C A, and it's great, that is in alignment with your soul. Do more of that other, I've had other students. Joy is when I work with children. Fantastic. That. Where your soul is aligned, do more of that. For me, joy is when I teach Reiki joy is when I work with horses. Joy is when I help people and their animals. Joy is when I blend essential oils. So I really am very fortunate that Reiki has helped me move into alignment. With my sole purpose, and for the most part, I find that I don't need pain as much to learn from. Instead, I look for, oh, where's the joy showing up? Okay, I want to do more of that. And Elizabeth actually had this statement. I truly believe that the way of the enlightened. Human is to learn through joy and not pain. And if you think about it, she talks about the fact that we've had tens of thousands of years of learning through the pain model. But now that we're crossing into the aquarium astrological area of light and the higher density realities are releasing, the time to learn through joy is coming. And so that's really what I want to move us all into alignment with today. So I'm just gonna invite you to take a moment now as we go into our meditation. Closing your eyes, placing your hands comfortably on your body if they've, if they're not still there, and just allowing Reiki to flow through you. And I invite you to think right now of just one place that pain shows up in your body. And if you can think of that one. just going in, and it may not show up in your body. It may show up in your mind, your heart, your emotions, your spirit, but wherever it shows up in your mind, body, spirit, soul, emotions. I'd just like you to think of one aspect of pain. And ask yourself, if the cause of this pain existed in my body, where would it be? And it's just the first thing that comes to mind before you second guess it with your eyes closed. Just looking into that area that the pain shows up. And if you're not sure, just guess it's okay to do that. The, with the distant symbol that we'll be using tonight, it will find it. And if the cause of this pain had a shape, what shape would it have? Once again, it's just the first shape that comes to your mind. And if that shape had a color, what color would it be? The surface texture be rough or smooth. Is it heavy or tight or sharp or uncomfortable in any way? Are you willing to let the pain go today along with. The belief that pain is helpful and positive and good, are you willing to let it go? And to also let go of the belief so that you can make a shift to spiritual growth through recognizing joy. And finally, if that shape had a message for. What would it be? Where are you out of alignment? We're gonna go into our meditation today and just listen for the answer to that. So I invite you to imagine now that it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and that you're walking through a beautiful forest that's filled with Reiki energy. The light of the heavens and the light of the divine earth are here, and they flow into your body on your breath, as does the life essence of the forest. And you walk along until you come to a clearing in the forest, and in the middle of the clearing is a small hill covered with soft grass and beautiful wild flowers, and there's a gorgeous and enormous tree of life on the top of that small hill. I invite you to climb up the. And as you do, you just notice the feeling of the grass and the wildflowers brushing against your legs. And when you get to the top of the hill, you step under the thick canopy of the beautiful tree of life, stretches up to the heavens and circles back down to the earth again. And you realize that under that canop, Is the divine animal kingdom. All of the beautiful divine animals that made themselves, made us aware of them as we created the I C R T Animal Reiki course. And these beautiful divine animals are here to assist you in moving into alignment. An alignment with your soul's purpose for if you think of animals, they tend to live in their true nature's cat living in its cat nature, a dog in its dog nature, a deer in its dear nature. And so we can move into alignment with our human nature and into alignment with our soul's purpose at the same time. You look down and you notice that the roots of the tree of life are massive and that they come up to the surface, and when you look a little closer, you realize that they are in the pattern of a beautiful flower of life. Ave. Pisces, which is the. Space when two circles overlap, I invite you to find a spot amongst the roots that your body fits into beautifully in this beautiful flower of life. And as you do, the roots come up around you a little bit, and it feels as though the divine earth embraces. Do you notice that the roots begin to glow and you realize this is no ordinary light. It's the light from the heart of the divine mother, the earth, and it shines all around you and even seems to shine through you. And at the same time, a beautiful beam of light pierces the thick canopy of leaves of the. And it shines on you and all around you, and you realize that this too is no ordinary light. This is the light from the heart of God, and you feel very safe and comfortable, and you feel held in the arms of the earth and held in the heart of God at the same time. And your own personal energy comes in close to you now. So that just skims your skin and as it does this, the projections and expectations and of others just drop away from you and they fault of a thirsty earth where they are absorbed and they will do something useful and beautiful. Open a flower or hatch a chick or germinate a seed, and you're like, oh, of any energies that you're holding on behalf of others as well. And you let the belief that pain is positive sink into the earth, it just drops out of you. And into the earth. I invite you to now listen to the message that your pain body has for you about where you may be out of alignment. And at the same time, we invite the disparate parts of ourselves to move into alignment ahead with the heart, the personality and soul, each of the chakras, the intellect and the intuition, all of the things that sometimes compete with each other. Move in different directions. We invite them all to move into alignment as you listen for the message that this pain has come to impart to you, and we'll remain here for a while. And if you have heard your message, and even if you haven't. Invite you to focus on that shape now and just be willing to let it move into the light if it hasn't already begun to do and sometimes the message doesn't come to us during our meditation. Sometimes it comes later when we're doing something else and not thinking about it. So whether you understand the origin or. Just let the pain energy know that you will be listening for it and just be willing to let it go. Now we invite the light of joy to move through us now and become our new operating system. So that we can go through the pain that exists within us one by one using this meditation or your daily self Reiki or whatever works for you, and let them go and move into utilizing joy. As a method of understanding where alignment occurs rather than being focused on the misalignment. So the light of joy moves through us and begins to guide you. Follow the guidance of joy considering all of the things in your life that give you joy or that used. For that you hope will one day and we'll spend some time here. We invite the light of Ray Kate to just reduce. Inflammation and pain that maybe we haven't got to yet, but we will do so and we invite the repairs that are necessary physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Invite you to stay here as long as you'd like, and when you feel ready, you can return. And upon your return, I invite you to ask yourself what percentage of that pain remains that shape that you started with? Once again, you're just going to ask for a number between zero and a hundred. The first one that comes to your mind if you have a high number. Go ahead and just continue listening to this until that particular shape is eliminated completely. But if it is a low number, anything, 20% or under, there's a good chance that it's going to be completely eliminated by tomorrow. By tomorrow. And so I wish you. Good fortune as you go ahead and continue working on these pain bodies, these shapes, these origins of pain until they're eliminated completely. And I hope that this really helps you recognize just that difference between soul and personality and just making sure that your. Is the one leading the shots and that it gets an equal voice and that we begin to be open to the possibility of not needing pain to learn from that. Instead, we can follow the joy. Thank you so much for being here with me today, Namaste.