Reiki from the Farm™

Healing Grief with Reiki

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc Season 3 Episode 41

Although Simba’s story turned out well, it could have gone very differently. Simba asked us to help you understand and release grief if you have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Join Pam for a discussion and powerful Reiki healing experience to release grief.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia

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So welcome everyone to our podcast and Reiki share tonight. This Reiki Share and podcast is once again brought to you by our horse Simba. We had a really close call with him a few weeks ago, and as such even before we knew it was going to be a close call we, he had asked if we could do a podcast about him and hoping that his story would inspire people, and in fact, it did. And he and I want to thank you. So many of you sent donations and love and prayers and thoughts and good wishes, and so many of you have followed up with us to find out how he's doing, and I'm really happy to let you know that he's doing extremely well. But what happened with Simba, he had a cancerous growth in his eye and he'd had the eye and the growth removed six years ago, and recently it came back. So I'm gonna just go through a little bit of his story. And he specifically wanted us to help people with their grief in this Reiki Share Tonight and podcast because we had a happy ending to our story, but not everybody does. And there were some really strong messages that came through Animal Reiki about that. So I wanted to share that with. Before we begin, I do want to let you know that if you love animals as much as we do, we have six full days in December of animal classes. There's a level one and two class, the first Thursday and Friday of December, and I believe it's the first and 2nd of December. And that is a prerequisite to animal Reiki. And some of you may just wanna review your level one and two class. Please join us if you do that weekend, the very first weekend of December. We have an animal communication class that's my own class. It's very different than Animal Reiki. But it does, they do compliment each other. It's. It is about telepathic communication and the majority of the students, over 90% of the students in the classes can very clearly understand and get messages from the animals by the end of our two days together. And then of course, it takes practice to finesse it. But one of the things we do in our animal communication class is that we teach you how to. Verify your work. And so you're able to verify if you got your communication correctly or not. And then we talked to you about if you didn't get it right, what to do and how to go back and break it down. And so it winds up being a very effective class even though it's just two days. And so we'd love to have you join us. I don't teach animal communication often. I'm only teaching it three times this year. And so if that's of interest to you, please join us. And then that's going to be followed on the first Monday and Tuesday of December by our animal Reiki, level one and two class and animal Reiki is what we're going to be talking about quite a bit. I do wanna say thank you to all the folks who came to see me at the equine affair last week in Massachusetts. It was just wonderful to get down to Massachusetts to get with all of my horse crazy friends and people that love horses as much as I do, and to just share our work. And so thank you so much everybody who showed up for that. And some of you may be interested, I am teaching an animal Reiki level one and two class in May in New York, so some of you who and I'm also teaching it in Australia in March, so I'd just love to have you join us if that speaks to. So before we go too far, I'm just gonna invite everybody to activate Eureka Energy. We're talking about a really difficult subject tonight, and so I'm just gonna invite you all to bring your hands together in Gassho with your thumbs at your heart and just breathe, just inviting the Reiki energy to flow from the highest heavens through your hands and into your heart, the gift of love and activating all of your symbols, and just inviting them to assist us in the healing work that we'll be doing to tonight to help alleviate any grief or guilt or shame or blame, or any of these emotions that are so heavy. That we have a tendency to carry with us. And those of us who love animals, most animals have a lifespan that's much shorter than ours. And so many of us have experienced grief at the loss of a beloved four-legged winged or find pet. And so many of us have experienced loss of two legged people in our lives that are important to us. But that grief, when it is unresolved can be so very difficult and heavy to carry. So just activating your Reiki energy to surround you and support you today as we discuss grief and some of the meaning around it, some of the stories that the animals want us to know. And then we do a powerful experience, one that the animals gave us, and one from our Reiki master level to heal our grief tonight. Go ahead and open your eyes if they're closed, if you'd like, or you can leave them closed and place your hands on your body. And I just wanna tell you a little bit about the motivation for this topic this evening and some of the things that we've learned. So Simba has been the star. This will be his third and probably final podcast, at least around this. Issue, but many of you, if you've been following us, are aware that Simba, he had a cancer that, a cancerous tumor that had come back and it had been six years. He's had six fantastic years with one eye, but really great years. It really hasn't slurred him down a bit. And when the tumor was back at first, it looked like it may just be that the only option might be keeping him comfortable until his time came. And he was okay with that. And I was too. But I really, he's a young and healthy horse. And in fact, the tumor hadn't even begun to bother him at all. We just noticed that it was back. With animal communication. I talked with Simba and I said, I'm not quite ready to let you go yet. How would you feel about staying around and you know about checking to see if it's possible. And our veterinarian, we have some of the best veterinarians, they're run right off their feet and they're overworked. But I really admire our large animal veterinarians here in New Brunswick. We're very fortunate and. Our much loved veterinarian said, I don't think there's much chance, but there, why don't you check with the specialists from Prince Edward Island, from the vet college, the surgeons there. And so the surgeons decided that if we did an x-ray and it looked like the tumor wasn't growing into his brain, they felt there was a good chance they could remove it. So we were very excited and hopeful. We did the x-ray. It took a while just because our veterinarians are so busy. But we did get the x-ray and it looked like From the x-ray, the veterinarians thought about a two hour operation. Probably the most difficult thing was we had to transport him with the fuel costs the way that they are about four hours to the veterinary college and back. And I no longer have a truck and horse trailer. So I did hire a friend to do that for us and. So we got him over to the vet college and the morning of his surgery I got a call and I thought it was probably a call about the surgery. And in fact, they decided not to go ahead with the surgery because the tumor was much more vascular. When they looked at it with the ultrasound, it was much more vascular than they thought. So there was a very real chance that he would bleed out during the surgery. And she, the question was, did we still want the surgery? And I feel so grateful at times like this to have Reiki and to have animal Reiki. And I don't know about you guys, but I wonder sometimes how people who don't have Reiki, how do they do it? How do they, without that support and without that calming influence, And I also, I checked with Simba and they could have used some radio isotopes in the hopes. It also didn't, the tumor didn't have very clear margins, so it was going to be a very complicated surgery with a very strong chance that he wouldn't survive. And so we made arrangements. I asked the veterinarian, I really didn't want him to suffer, but we decided that our best chance was the surgery for him to have additional lifespan. And so we decided to go ahead. And I really am thankful, again, to have had Reiki and dowing and animal communication, all of those things that helped to make that decision. But even still we were on pins and needles after that. And once I talked, the veterinarian I talked to was a, was is a very good surgeon. She teaches. Surgery at the vet school. She's one of the best in her class and she was frightened of this surgery. So we had the, a beautiful blood donor mare on hand in case he needed a blood transfusion. But she didn't sound very hopeful. She felt that there was a very strong chance with the vascular nature of this tumor that he would bleed out. And the troubling thing is that I couldn't move to a place of seeing a positive outcome. One of the things that I'm very aware of is that when you, I is visualization and the importance of being able to visualize a positive outcome in any situation in order to then, have a positive outcome. And I simply, No matter how many times I tried to visualize Simba, us going and picking up Simba and coming home and him getting off the trailer instead I got a picture of going over to pick up his ashes and coming home and having this Reiki share where we talked to people about when they have animals and they have very big vet bills, and at the end the animal is gone, but the vet bill is still there. And that's, I know that's a really common scenario, and it's not the veterinarian's fault. It's not the animal's fault. It's not our fault. That's just one of those things that happens a lot of times that. People lose animals that are in trouble or struggling, and yet there's still thousands of dollars of vet bills and then the heartbreak of having to lose the animal. So I could feel that really profoundly, and no matter how hard I tried to visualize a different outcome, that's all I could get. And one of my gifts is preco. I can usually see the most likely outcome in the future. But that's one of the first times that I couldn't catch onto a positive thread with the outcome. And I thought, gosh, is this endeavor just so that we can help people that who found themselves in this situation. And I kept doing Reiki and I kept trying to get a positive outcome. I couldn't. But then at four in the morning I was awoken and I was awoken. And. By the Reiki energy. And I thought because my daughter, when I, she, Simba is really, she's very close. My daughter Caroline is very close with Simba. He was her horse and she rode him when nobody else dared good on his back because he was scared of his shadow. And she came off of him a lot of times too. And he's a very he's 16 2 16 3 hands tall. 16, three, I guess he's part Belgium and part ausa. So he's a very large horse. And 700 kilograms actually is exactly what he is because of course we had to weigh him on the way into his surgery. And I thought, am I awake at four in the morning so that I. Get in the car. And that would just have given us just enough time to get there before his surgery began so that I could wake Caroline up and we could go in case we, in case this was it, in case we had to say goodbye to him. And so I really, a lot of, that I listen, I really feel into the Reiki energy and I listen for the messages in it. And I asked that question. I said, am I awake at four in the morning so that I can get over there and say goodbye to him before he goes into this surgery? And the energy gave me a feeling of, no, that's not what you're awake for. So I asked the question, what am I awake? And the energy showed that one of the reasons I was having a hard time visualizing a positive outcome is that I was in a place of duality or fear. And in fact, fear is the most negative emotion. It's the emotion that has the densest energy. And all negative emotions are fear, come from fear. And that's what duality is. Some of, you've been listening to the podcast for a while, and so you've heard me talk about duality. We live this earth and also the what we call the second heaven. These are realms of duality, meaning there's both positive and negative here, and everything positive comes from love. Everything negative comes from fear. And so here that's. That's where we are. There is both positive and negative here on the earth, and the energy just showed me. You're thinking about getting in the car and going over there to say goodbye to him. That's coming from a place of fear, and I acknowledged it wholeheartedly. I knew that indeed it was coming from a place of fear. So I said what am I supposed to do? And it showed that I needed to lift all of the fear from myself and from Simba because he wasn't going to survive if the both of us were in a place of fear. And I knew that. I knew as a, I have a position of leadership within my herd of horses. They've gracefully given it to me, and I knew that as their leader, they needed me to be confident or they can't be confident. That's just how it is with horses and with my herd and. The energy just showed that I needed to bring myself to a place of confidence and Simba to a place of confidence. So we needed to release all the fear and move into a place of love. So I got busy and just started sending Reiki to release the fear and the duality that both Simba and I felt. And once it lifted, my heart felt so free and light, and I was really able to feel positive for the first time since I had discovered that the operation was going to be much more complicated than the veterinarians originally thought. And so then the energy showed me that there were so many beautiful people sending Reiki and love and prayers and assistance to Simba, but they too were worried. And so it showed that we, that. I needed to include them in the Reiki prayer and just help alleviate their worries and their fears and all of that. And so I did that and it was able to, then it was able to harmonize all of our energy so that it had no fear attached. And this is a message. Back a few years ago, just before Covid Colleen and I were sending Reiki to the animals in Australia that were being impacted by the fires that were raging there. And we specifically had a koala say to us, thank you for sending it without. Fear and guilt and all of those dense emotions. And he showed us that it was difficult for the animals to process that. So the importance of sending Reiki from a place of presence and a place outside of duality. So this lifted the duality from all of us, and I could see that just all of the beautiful love that was being sent to Simba was now unencumbered by the denser emotions of fear and worry and so on. And I actually heard from several people afterward that they woke up the morning, they were terribly worried about him. People didn't know Simba and love him, terribly worried about him. But they woke up the morning of the surgery feeling happy and optimistic. And not knowing. That this had been done on their behalf. And of course they were sending love and prayers and Reiki and all of that. And so it was really interesting just that unencumbered energy, what it could do. So I also said, Simba, if this is your time, if this is a lesson for me and for our herd so that we can help other people who are in this situation or who've been in this situation, I accept that completely. I just let go of any attachment to the outcome. And that's one of the things that we talk about in Reiki anyway. But you know what? When someone you love is. Is in danger like that, it's harder to, it's really hard to do, even though we may know that's the best approach, it still can be really difficult to do. And so it was really beautiful to just watch all of that energy flow to him. I let go of, of the attachment to the outcome. I said, whatever it needs to be, it will be. And as soon as I really, truly let go with every fiber of my being, the energy showed me that it could help. And it showed me that we could do one more spirit release and that would release some of the life in the tumor and just shrink it slightly, not much, but just enough that that It would give a slight margin for the skilled surgeon who was working on this surgery. And then the energy showed me it could go in and cauterized all of the blood vessels in Simi. And I know some of you have heard part of this story before, and as we had a very successful outcome. In fact, the operation took exactly the amount of time that it was expected to take before we knew that it was going to be complicated and. I could feel the surprise when the veterinarian messaged me. She was so fantastic. As so many veterinarians are, they're, they are animal lovers. They go above and beyond for our animals, and I really appreciate veterinarians, all veterinarians with every fiber of my being because what, the work that they do is not easy and the money that they make is well deserved and probably not enough, but really appreciate them. And, but I could feel her puzzlement that there had not been very much bleeding. So all that to say that we were so lucky to have had that. That outcome. But I know that there's a lot of you who are here tonight who were left in very difficult circumstances. Maybe you had a loved one that was hospitalized and didn't make it out, and there's still hospital bills or so so on to pay. Maybe you had an animal that you lost and there's still vet bills to pay. And it's not even about the bills, it's just about the complication and the loss and the grief. And so tonight what Simba wanted us to do was to help you and with an acknowledgement that he very, you know that I, it very. It very easily could have gone the other way for him. And also it's nothing that he or I did that made the difference. I just feel that it had to do with the fact I learned something from this experience, but it's not because we deserved it or anything like that. I just really believe that Reiki had a lesson for us and we learned it in order to share it. And now for those of you who have lost someone that is dear to you our purpose is to try and help with that. The first thing I wanted to do was talk to you a little bit about what grief is. Cause grief is something that in our society we don't talk about very much. And in fact, there's very little guidance about how to handle grief. And Mary who's here, her horse really helped me understand grief beyond anything that I had ever understood before and what was happening. And Mary has given me permission to tell the story. In fact, it's a story that's written in our I C R T Animal Reiki Manual. And Jock was about to lose his past mate, Moe, and they'd been past mates. Jock was a big Clyde still horse, and he and Moe had been together for years. And Mary was very concerned not only at her losing. Moe. But I think she was very concerned with how Jok would be able to handle it. And Jok really surprised me in our transcontinental animal communication session with this story. He said, I know what to do with grief. A lot of humans don't understand, but he said, I have to feel it. I have to feel the grief. He said, yes, I'll miss my friend and I'll need to feel the grief. But he showed me that as Moe left the earth plane, a little piece of his soul was pulled out the piece that was attached to their relationship cord, and it left a bit of a gaping wound in his soul. Much the same as as we could have a gaping wound in our body. That's what it looked like. But he said, every day, That wound gets a little shallower and a little shallower, and eventually it fills in, and he was very clear that sometimes it filled in with tissue that was just as whole as it had ever been. Sometimes though, it fills with scar tissue, and either way, he was going to be moving back to wholeness by just allowing himself to process it a little bit more each day, allowing himself to miss his friend and process it a little bit more each day. And he said, unfortunately what jog told me is humans don't understand that. So a lot of times we're frightened to feel grief, so we push it down in, we shove it down in. And he showed me that much in the way that if you just covered over a wound with a dressing and then you know, and didn't do anything with it, you would get blood poisoning. It does the same thing to our soul when we don't allow grief to, to process. But he said, and then other people pick at the scab and pick at the scab and pick at the scab and don't let it to let it heal. And he had noticed that those were two common ways that many humans dealt with grief. We went on to learn. Through him and through some of the other animals that I communicated with, that animals didn't really feel the same way about their deaths as we did. In fact, some of them hang on much longer than they wish to or intend to just to help us and they They are very engaged in the circle of life. They know what's on the other side. And in fact through my animal communication work, I was able to discover that many of our animals come back to us. They come back, in another animal that we adopt later on. If our work together isn't done. If our work together is complete, then they don't. But many times they reincarnate. And that actually challenged my whole understanding or belief in reincarnation. And so I had to look at that a little closer when the animals showed me that yeah, I'm gonna reincarnate. And one of the things that I realized is that, Reincarnation is something that is accepted by the majority of the world religions. And then my studies led me to find out that in fact, reincarnation was also accepted in early Christianity, but about 400 ad it did get written out of the texts because there was somebody who didn't really care for the concept and didn't like it, and it didn't serve their purposes. So for that reason in my upbringing, reincarnation wasn't really a thing, but I've reevaluated that. But animals really are not they don't have as much fear or whatnot around death as we do. And another thing that the animals have sh shown me is that sometimes. That they really want us to put down the burden of grief that we so often carry. And I think that even though I'm talking about animals, I think our two, two legged loved ones would feel the same way as well. That this burden of grief, it's a heavy burden to to hold onto. It's a heavy burden to carry. And when we can let that go it, we can then go back to thinking about the wonderful relationship that we had together. And the animals want us to get back to that. There was one dog who passed away and it was she did have to be put down. And her last couple of days were very difficult. And my dear friend Just felt terrible. She felt not only grief, but so often because we are responsible or we feel that we're responsible for our animals' wellbeing. When we lose an animal, we often also feel shame and blame and guilt. We feel that. We wonder, could I have done something differently? It did. I did I make the best decision? And all of this. And our animals really don't want us to dwell in that or to feel those emotions. This friend as much, she had an incredible relationship with this dog and they did everything together. They were so beautiful together, beautiful to witness their relationship. It was one of them. I work with a lot of special animals, this dog. Special. I adored her. Everyone who met her adored her. She helped children learn to read, for heaven's sakes as a therapy dog after her physical disabilities made it difficult for her to continue to compete in agility. And she was just an, their partnership was lovely. She was a beautiful soul. And my friend felt so much grief and guilt and, could I have done things different? All of those questions that we ask ourselves when we lose a loved one. And so she asked me, would you communicate with her for me? And I said, of course. And my friend was so torn up at the fact that it was difficult for. Her friend, her beloved four-legged friend at the end of her life, the last two days were very difficult. And she said, was she okay? Does she forgive me? This sort of thing, the way that most of us feel. And this dog gave me a lesson that I'll never forget. She showed me the most beautiful, pristine bucket of water. It was a wooden bucket that was handcrafted with precision and beauty and simplicity and grace. And the water in it, I could just tell, was the most life giving water. It looked so refreshing. So nourishing. You just wanted to plunge your face in it and drink like a horse. And it was just incredible. And then she showed me that there was a tiny drop in the air hovering above the bucket of water on its way into the bucket. And the dog said, please tell her that my death was that drop our life together was that bucket. Please ask her to focus on the bucket and not the drop. And the message here is just that when we get really caught in grief, and even sometimes the guilt and shame and blame and so on, that comes along with it sometimes we lose the point of we miss our friends so much. They do make a big part of our lives. They leave a big hole when they go and we miss our friends so much that. We missed the point and the point was everything that we did and learned together and all the love that we shared. And so the animals showed us, look, we really want you to put down this burden of grief so that you can go back to remembering me with fondness. And you can think about all the wonderful times that we had together. And another thing you guys is animals can also experience grief. And they showed us that's not, all of them are able to process it as efficiently and as effectively as Jok was. Sometimes you'll notice animals are depressed and listless, or have a decreased appetite aren't playing, they're sleeping more than usual, they're moving more slowly. They're sulking, they're hiding under the bed. They're choosing to be alone. They might even exhibit some manic behavior, and they can have grief at the loss of their caregiver or someone in their family, as well as at the loss of an animal companion. Now, if you have an animal that has experienced grief, go ahead and listen to this with your animal. This meditation has been shown to work with two legged as well as four legged animals. And the other thing to remember as well is that we often feel grief at the loss of a loved one. There's a message. There's a message behind all of our emotions, and that's something that I teach in my horse emotional intelligence work, but around grief. The message is that you had no choice in letting go. And the other thing to be aware of is that grief often also has an element of anger. Because you've had something valuable taken away, even if it was taken away by impersonal life circumstances, that we experience that emotionally as a violation of a boundary. When something is taken from us without our consent or where we had no choice. So in addition to feeling grief, when we lose a loved one, we can also experience grief at the loss of a job or a lifestyle or a home or, and sometimes even positive things, like sometimes you sell a home to move to another one that's better, but you can actually grieve the loss of that home. I can remember grieving when my daughter, my oldest daughter was going to university in grade 12, her whole grade, 12 year, I. Grieved in a way because we're such a tightly knit family. We like spending time together. And I knew that was it when she went to university. Our little family unit was going to be changed and, changed forever, more or less with a few interludes of being able to be all together. But that was it. And so you can even grieve things like that. The message behind grief is that a significant loss or death has occurred usually to circumstances beyond your control. And the question we need to ask ourselves is, what do I need to mourn? What must be memorialized, appreciated, or celebrated. The animals are asking us to let go of the grief so that we can move back into a place of celebration. Celebration for the time that we had together, celebration for all that we learned from each other, and it can intensify into depression if it's not addressed. So we are gonna move into an exercise with this today to release grief, but before we do, I just wonder if anyone who's here live with us tonight on the rake in the Reiki share. If any of you have any questions or want to share any stories and just go ahead and unmute yourself if you do. So Pamela, go. So yeah, so I recently lost our cat Magnus after 22 years. He, we got him as a kitten and he grew up with my boys and yeah, he was another member of the family. Yeah. And I remember when I was taking the animal Reiki class with you, Pam, how you said something that just struck me and that was that animals will sometimes hang on for their caregivers. Yes. And I remember just feeling this hang in my heart oh my God, I hope he's not hanging on for me. And I just, I felt this guilt. So not a good emotion, but I guess a natural one. You're just learning something like that. And sure enough, it actually The the night that we made the decision that, he had deteriorated to the point where it was really not fair to keep him going. We decided we would take him in the morning and have him, put to rest. And he was on my lap. I'd been giving him Reiki and he was listening to the conversation and then calling the vet and making the arrangements. And then he just passed himself that night. Oh, yeah. Isn't that something As though it was like he was waiting for me to be ready to let him go, and then he made the decision, I'm not gonna make you do that. Now that I know you're ready, I'll just pass on my own. And he passed in bed with me in my arms. A lovely way. Yes. For a, for him to, to part. But yeah, that was a key learning. Oh, thank you Kat. And how does that I hope that the purpose of that wasn't to make you feel guilt about that. It was just to have that awareness that they do sometimes stay around for us. And I know personally I had a dog who asked to be put down as soon as she became incontinent. And I said, look, otherwise you're healthy. I just can't, I can't picture a world without you in it, and I'll just pick up your mess. But, and she did stay around, but looking back, I really, I, I didn't do her a service by not honoring her wishes that sometimes we just can't. And she understood. She understood that I, that was what she wanted. She agreed. She hung around longer. For me, looking back, it probably wasn't the right decision on my part, but it was the only decision I was capable of making at that time. So anyway, I hope that helps. Thank you for sharing that cat. Did anyone else have anything you'd like to share or any questions before we move into our experiences today? Hey, Pam. Yeah, so I've had a lot of loss in the last year. Yeah. So I reached out to you what, when was it? Back in the spring and that's when I experienced one of my big losses. I lost my first horse and that was very difficult. And I feel like I've carried grief a lot of my life. And I feel like the stepping stone was a trade off cuz I got to meet you and I got to take your class. And then shortly before I came to Campobello, I had lost to Oscar. who had been with me for. 12 years. And I felt so much grief. I almost didn't come to Campobello because I was in such a state of mourn. But I did, and after I took the animal raking class, I felt that grief lift good. I was able to see things in a completely different way. And I do feel like he knew that his time with me was done because I think after taking the animal communication class, he felt that it, that I would be okay. Yeah. And, I'm going through a divorce which will be finalized here soon and lost my home and about. It was the day before I went into the domestic violence shelter that I lost my friend. Yeah. And that was really hard. She died on the ninth, on October 9th. I went in on 10 10 and I was there for about a week and a half, and my cat died. Oh my gosh. You've really had more than a person to care, Sarah. But I it, and that one was really hard because I wasn't able to say goodbye. Yeah. But I do feel like there were lessons and I do feel like the Reiki has helped a lot. And yeah. So lots of loss, but I do feel like. Sui Reiki wouldn't have gotten me through the way the animal Reiki did. So I think that's a very important thing to share. Thank you. I'm glad it makes me so happy that you were able to get the animal Reiki, particularly with all of the loss that you've experienced. Because you're right the animals were very clear that they wanted to help us with this grief component, and I'm sorry for all that you've had to bear Sarah, but hopefully tonight we can even lift some of that some more for you. Thank you, Pam. It's okay. Brighter days ahead. Definitely. Thank you, Sarah. Anyone else that would like to share or ask a question before we move into the experiences? Oh, and you said too cat. The animal Reiki has the energy has been wonderful. It really is. And for those that are listening that don't have the animal Reiki, this is what I will myself and those of us that are here that have the animal Reiki, but this is what I'll be sending you. And so don't worry that you don't have it. The animals are here with us and they're helping. Okay. Anyone else have anything tonight? Okay. Guys, we're going to move into two different experiences today. The first experience is the animal grief healing meditation. And this is something that the animals gave us. This is from animal Reiki. And so it will just It will just help us move to that place of letting go of some of the grief and and moving into that place of appreciation for the life that we had together. And we are also going to do a holy fire healing experience with the grief as well. And actually, I'm saying that we'll do one before the other. And I'm not exactly clear on which one we will do first. I think we are to do the healing experience first, followed by the grief meditation. So what I'm going to do for the first exercise is we're going to define our grief. And the reason that we're going to do that is after the end of the experience, what I'm going to invite you to do is go in and look at the shape that you've identified, the shape of your grief, and. Ask yourself what percentage of it remains, and if it's still a pretty high percentage, then that's just an indication to come back and listen to these experiences again, as often as you need to until the grief is completely lifted from you today. One of the things that the animals said is they didn't really want us to have to experience the sadness and grief. They just wanted to lift it for us on our behalf. So that was very generous of them before the healing experience, which will, be the first part of what we do, and that'll be followed by the grief meditation. What I'm gonna get you to do is just identify where the grief exists in your body and what it looks like. So I'm just gonna invite you to close your eyes. and ask yourself the following questions. And there's no wrong answer to this question. So the question is, if the grief, if all the grief that I've experienced in my life were gathered into one place in my body, where would it be? And just think of the first place that comes to mind before you give it too much thought or second guess yourself. And once you have an answer, ask yourself the following question. If this grief that exists in my body how to shape, what shape would it have? What color would it be? Would the surface texture be rough or smooth? Would it be heavy or tight or uncomfortable in any way? And the final and most important question is, are you willing to let that energy go completely today? And if there is any shame or blame or guilt, I'm going to encourage you to be open to letting those go as well. And so now we'll move into our meditation. So continue with your eyes closed and your hands comfortably on your body and breathe. And I invite you to imagine that it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day and that you're walking through a trail in a beautiful forest. As you walk along and as you breathe into yourself, you breathe in the life energy of the forest and the essence of the earth flows up through the bottoms of your feet. Reiki energy is swirling all around you, and you walk along until you come to a clearing in the forest and in the middle of the clearing as a small hill covered with soft grass and beautiful wildflowers. I invite you to imagine that you're climbing up the hill, and as you do, you can feel the grass and the wildflowers rubbing against your legs. And when you get to the top of the hill, imagine lying down, gazing up at the sky. Feeling the grass and the earth beneath your body. And as you lie there, gazing up at the sky, just imagine that a beautiful beam of light pierces the clouds above you. It shines directly upon you and all around you. And you realize that this is no ordinary light. This is the light from the highest heavens. It is the light from the heart of God, and at the same time, the earth below you begins to glow. This is the divine light of the earth. Light from the heart of the mother, heart of the earth. And these lights shine all around you and even seem to flow through you, and they fill you with feelings of safety, comfort, love, and peace, and the lights begin to focus on that shape that you've identified. And they also focus on any guilt or shame or blame or any other negative emotions that you have been carrying that are related to that grief. Invite you to focus on the shape and those emotions yourself and simply be willing to let them go. You don't have to do anything to earn it. This is a gift freely given by the light of Reiki. Simply be willing to let them go, and then I invite you to gaze into the light as the light begins to guide you. And we're going to remain here for several moments. And now the light of the earth and the light of divine beings and the light of creation surround you and fill your breath. Imagine the light of Reiki flowing around and through you. And your loved ones take this time to acknowledge the loss of your friend. It's natural to feel grief about this so healthily, acknowledge the grief that you're experiencing for a moment, understanding that it will become easier each day as you step forward into the future. And if besides the grief, we feel burdened by life events with animals because of loss or worry. Any physical, emotional, and spiritual injuries are released from us now through the light and grace of forgive. They travel out on your breath and into the light and power of love where they're healed back to the original cause. We send love and Reiki energy to the spirits of those that we have lost, and we ask that the love and Reiki energies assist them. Assist them in making a smooth transition to their next phase, whatever that may be. We acknowledge that we miss them, but we wish them the best. Some of them were released from pain and suffering, and we're grateful for that. We're also grateful for the wonderful and compassionate professionals who assisted them and were with them and who assisted us. They assisted us in this most important journey. And finally, we are thankful for our time with these special beings while on our earth journeys together. I invite you to take a moment now to think back to a time when your loved ones were at their most vibrant and. And just remember some of the wonderful times you've experienced together, and we're going to spend a few moments here. We acknowledge that as we allow our grief to heal, we will connect with our loved ones again, differe. From a different place, and this we embrace love with the animals is revealed to you now. Love with the animals is revealed in you now, and love with the animals is revealed through you now and it causes you to remember your love. When you remember your love and you remember your beauty, you create your life from this place. That is what our animal companions want for us. Thank you for allowing me to assist you today. Release the grief and difficult emotions around these beautiful beings that have been so important to you. Please know that Reiki is going to continue flowing to you and to everyone involved for as long as you need it to help heal your trauma and grief. Invite you to take as long as you'd coming back. Just take a deep breath, bring your attention to your eyes, slowly open your eyes and return. And for those of us joining us on the podcast, I'd like to thank you for joining us today and for everyone, take a moment to look at the shape you had identified at the beginning and invite you all to ask yourself this question. If you ask yourself how much of it remains, what's the very first number that you get between zero and a hundred? Without giving it too much thought, if that number is a high number above 50% or above 40%, encourage you to continue listening to this meditation until you can bring it into a range that is comfortable for. Take it below 20% or even lower if you wish to and if you can, I want to thank all of you who joined us on the podcast today, and I look forward to seeing you next week. Namaste.