Reiki from the Farm™

Teaching Reiki - The Reiki Business Book Chapter 7 with Dianne Thomas, LRMT

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Dianne Thomas LRMTs Season 3 Episode 12

The Reiki Business Book Launch - chapter 7 with Dianne Thomas, LRMT

This series of podcasts will bring us through "The Reiki Business Book" chapter by chapter.  The book I was inspired to write to help people share the gift of Reiki is almost ready!  

Pam and Dianne talk about this chapter as well as their experiences teaching Reiki.  Are you ready to teach?   Let us help you.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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On this week's podcast. I am talking with Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Diane Thomas, and we are talking about chapter seven of the Reiki business book, which is about teaching Reiki. Welcome Dianne.


Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I'm just so honored to be part of this, amazing, enterprise you've got going on here. I mean, it's, it's so much more than a book, so, thank you. Thank you for inviting me.


I love that and I forgot to mention to you, but I, before we begin, I usually talk about what we have coming up and I just wanted to let people know that in the month of may I have my first hybrid or online and in person classes happening in the Atlantic time zone for Reiki level one and two in master's and also animal Reiki, one and two in masters in June. I have, I believe I have an animal communication class and in August I have a Karuna class. As well as animal communication online in the Australian friendly time zone, which is mornings in Australia and Asia and evenings here. And I should call it Australia and Asian friendly time zone. And, it does mean it's a little bit of an early morning, but it's very doable for a lot of my students. And in July, I'm teaching, a full lineup of level one and two and master licensed classes, as well as animal Reiki, level one and two. And those are strictly online, in July. So I hope, if those speak to you, you can join us. I also will be making an announcement about the timing of the Reiki business book and a subsequent podcast. The timing is still fluid at the moment. I know what I'm aiming at, but I don't know if it's going to be there. so we're hoping to get that in your hands as soon as we possibly can. And Diane, what have you got coming up in the next little while?


probably all happens before you, w we show this podcast, but man, I'm hearing the Southeast with teaching. So


the podcast is going to be shown in


early April. Yeah. Yeah. actually in April, I'm taking off so that we can get, as I'll talk about the boat, we can get the boat better, ready for a more, strenuous traveling and, My schedule actually is a little sparse right now because, I'm adjusting to that. I'm traveling and teaching Reiki. So mostly my classes are online. Fortunately we do have online to be able to, I can continue right here from the boat. So as long as I have good internet, I can do it. but I had to have, in may I have a masterclass in teaching just on Sundays. So I divided into Sundays where those people who have a hard time really committing to a three-day week, a weekend or something, then just, every Sunday, consecutive Sunday, I'm doing that. and then. Let's see that's in may and I've got a one in two class in may and that will be online. I have a, June, I'm teaching a Corrina class in June online and then, August, I'm trying to think what I'm doing in John anyway, August, I'm will probably be in Dallas, Texas. planned to be in Dallas, Texas to teach, with Patty lane. I wanted to class and I'm really excited about that. So I get to travel to Dallas. Yay. Fantastic. Oh, you'll have a lovely time ahead. Thank you, Diane. And we'll include


a link of course, to your website so that if anybody wants to follow up with you on that, I love that idea of teaching three Sundays. Diane. I think that, for people that are having a hard time fitting a masterclass in, go ahead and check that out because you said that's online. So I guess it's accessible. Anywhere. And, we'll talk about where you're located because you're located on a boat. So you do move around a little. And, I know that you have been based out of, South Carolina, I believe. And, but I know you're moving around a little bit more


now. Yeah. I was in Charleston and I taught classes in Charleston at my home. the pink dolphin, for. Close to 20 years. but now we're on a boat. we've we're in Titusville, Florida, right beside Cape Canaveral and watching the, we were watching rockets take off this morning. It was exciting to be part of that. That's so much fun. so we won't be here for long, maybe a month or two. And then we're going to head down the Florida coast, which is why I'm really not so much setting up some in-person classes right now. staying mostly online and, just getting our, our more of our sea legs. But, yeah. So when we get over into The Bahamas and in that area, I really. I'm hoping that I can hone in my schedule so that perhaps I can have a destination type class where people can come to, a place in The Bahamas it's easy to fly into and then they can take the class and maybe they can go out sailing and, play, in the water and stuff like that. we may do something like that. So that's down the line, but we need to get ourselves adjusted to this lifestyle first, fairly


new for you. You're you know, this is your


home. It's the boat. Now it's a bully. Yeah, and we have three dogs. so I know Pam has always said, this is Reiki from the farm. And there may be some sounds from the farm that show up in the podcast. And mine is Reiki from the boat, and yes, there may be sounds of a boat floating on the water and there, people drive by and, and we also have our three labs on the boat. occasionally, they get upset. If there's somebody, a bird decides to land on the boat, they go take care of that. That's good.


I love that. guys, before we get into our podcast today about teaching Reiki, I'm just going to invite everybody to join me in an invocation. Just bringing your hands together in Gassho and activating your Reiki energy and inviting your symbols to join you today. Today, we just ask you to be open to the possibility of teaching Reiki. You don't have to make a commitment, just being open to the possibility. And I'm reminded that I never intended to teach Reiki and I've taught hundreds and hundreds of classes now, and it is my favorite thing to do in the world. So just embracing that openness, activating your Reiki energy within your listening, so that


you can hear


the parts of the podcast that you're meant to hear and the tips and the understandings, when we become a Reiki




We have the ability to pass on the beautiful gift that is Reiki to others. We are the students who have become the teachers who teach the students who become the teachers and so on. And so we take a moment today to honor our teachers, those beautiful souls that introduced us to Reiki.




even if the journey was a bit bumpy or the relationship, we still honor it because it is because of those beautiful people that we have the gift of Reiki today, and those people needed to get over their reluctance and their fear of teaching Reiki in order to become your teacher. Today, we invite you to bring any discomfort or fear or any worries that you might not be good enough. Anything at all that might get in the way of allowing you to share the gift of Reiki to others. We invite that to come to the surface now and be healed so that you may become a part of this beautiful legacy. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. You're beautiful light. Thank you for being willing and open to sharing Reiki with the world.


Thank you for being you.


We honor the teachers come before us and the descendants who will come after us teachers that have brought these ways to the earth since ancient times, thinking about all of the wonder that Reiki has brought into our lives and just becoming open now to sharing it with others, remembering that you are enough, you are always enough. You are beautiful home. MATOC whale, Lawson, Nama stay and amen. yeah. Thank you. Diane, I just, it takes me a minute sometimes to come back from that listening, but, I'm really excited to talk with you about this chapter. You and I did another podcast about teaching Reiki, and I know that for the two of us, this is a passion. In fact, it's probably, it's so ironic that I never intended to teach Reiki ever to people. And when I healed that, I had an epiphany that. People are animals and I love animals. Therefore, I must love people. And it just, the truth of that statement washed over me and actually on my way, home from my rape masterclass. And I had talked to William Rand after the class in England, it was a phenomenal class. And I talked to him and said, so I don't want to teach. Humans just want to teach. I just want to do attunements for animals. but I am interested in teaching children and he, and I discussed how to do that. But on the way home, I am, I, as I had that epiphany of how much I loved people and how much I wanted to share this healing gift with the world, I knew immediately that I had to teach. and teaching has become my greatest passion. I absolutely, I get so excited on the days that I'm teaching my classes. I get so excited to meet the students, to share the gift of Reiki with them, to learn their stories, to get to know them. And I know you feel the same way. And so you were just absolutely the right person to do this podcast with and to have a look at that chapter for me, you did get a chance to have a look at it. What did you think and what stood out to you, Diane?


I tell you what overall I have to say this, overall, I was amazed at the amount of detail that you go into without it feeling overwhelming. because it just takes it one step at a time, think about this and then make that decision and then think about this. And it just seemed to be doing to be very logically step by step to open you up to feeling like, oh, I can, I could actually do this. And that's the feeling I got as I read each one of the areas, the chapters, the pieces, that you, did anyway. and, and another thing about it is that it does, it really. Felt like you were speaking from a place of a fault, what you wished you had. If somebody really was saying to you, this is what you need to do. And I in your heart. I know you were, so I'm aware of where the student is how do I do this? Very practical as well. And, just how do I make this happen in logical steps? And, so it's always from that viewpoint of fun, knowing what the student is probably sitting back there thinking, but maybe not asking because they're saying, I don't know, maybe they'll think I'm really, not committed or maybe they'll think, I don't know what I'm talking about by asking such a basic question, but you just address it so beautifully. And I just loved it. The whole thing, it was just this marvelous. So I think people are going to actually be able to look at that and say, I can do this. I can do this. so I invite you all to read the chapter with just that open mind. Oh, this is what I need to do. Oh, this is what I needed. And here's options so many options, but not enough to be just choosing and go. I


really appreciate that. Cause that is what I, getting started can be overwhelming. And I try to approach every chapter that way, there's just, there's no need to be overwhelmed. Let go of the sense of urgency. It will happen in the time that it needs to happen. Although sometimes we need to boost it along by like setting the date for a class that gets you ready to teach. And,


my daughter contacted me.


she had just done her yoga teacher training and she was just over the moon. She had just done her first teaching. She was getting toward the end of. six week class or whatever it was. and she goes, oh my gosh, mom, I love teaching. And I thought, yeah, I know. I love teaching too. My sister's a teacher, there's something about it. And she said, but I'm going to come home and work on myself until I'm ready to begin teaching. And I said, no, you know what? I'm going to tell you what I tell my Reiki students. And that is, if you, if somebody asks you to teach, you're ready to teach, that's the universe telling you're ready to teach. And I said, furthermore, it's by setting the date. That you get ready like that. I got home in the end of may and I set the date for my first class is June 21st. And actually that's not true. I said it was earlier than June 21st, but we kept shifting it to try to accommodate everybody. And in the end, we accommodated all, but one person and only one person showed up three people didn't show up.


but the date wound


up being June 21st, which was just not even three weeks later. and I think then I had to be ready and of course I was terrified to teach my first class. I do, anybody who isn't terribly.


Absolutely not. we're all terrified, terrified in stages along the way, too. it's not like you get past that. when I did my co-teach with, Laurel Gaia and she's sitting there watching me, it was the most terrible experience. I was so afraid of messing up and she had such this beautiful energy of support and she's Diane, you can't miss it up. Don't worry. I was like this, I can't, I think I was


terrified like each, my first level one class scared to death. First level two class first level three class first masters class. Then there was holy fire. And, but the most terrifying was. my co-teachers and that's one of the things that Diane is talking about as a licensed teacher, as part of our thousand hours of training, we, or a thousand plus training, we need to teach in front of our, with our mentor. We co-teach, we teach together and it's terrifying. And like you, I taught with Colleen Benelli, she could not be kinder or supportive. there's an, and she already told me like,


look, you're gonna pass. You're not going to mess


this up. And yet it's still terrifying. So




always terrified. I just, I really want to encourage you to teach my daughter after we had that call. I said so make a plan that you will teach. And that's, what's going to get you ready to teach. And


so she did, she know


that she came home, she immediately made a contact and I didn't even help her with this. She's only 24 years old. She immediately made a contact with a yoga studio here and began teaching a few classes. And I was blessed to make myself and a few friends, even with COVID going on. We were blessed to attend her very first class. And it was fantastic,


even though the music got interrupted


part way through, by her phone and stuff like, or by, by Siri, actually it was, and she heard something and it was a fantastic class. And not only that, but she applied to be a yoga teacher at a ski resort in Austria. And she got the job. That's where she is right now in Austria, teaching yoga. And she, and then she, and I talked about the possibility. of an online and, she set up her website is better than mine and my needs updated desperately. She set up a website, she's got a, she's got online clients now and people are telling her she's the best yoga teacher and, she's just gotten started. And so I'm yeah, I'm so proud of her and it just, and so that's just one of the messages that I want to leave with anybody who's listening today is go ahead and make a decision that you're going to teach instead of the class and take the pressure off yourself. Just teach one person who maybe, you feel pretty comfortable with. And if you need to charge them less to take the pressure off yourself as well, do that, but go ahead and get started. Diane, was there anything in the chapter? that stood out to you or anything that you want to call attention to?


Oh gosh. I, to say I really can't, think about that right this minute. I did want to share too, that just like yourself. when, I left my business, everything and I thought in my daughter-in-law looked at me and she said, so you can do so many things. Now you are so skilled. What are you, what do you want to do? and just choose something. And I went, oh my gosh, it's so overwhelming, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm not going to. I'm not going to teach. When was that? What year was that? That was 2000. That was in the year 2000. that's when I got my first Reiki session, I had to know more. I found Lorelle online, in 2001. We, I went to her class in Myrtle beach. And, and I just, I was just, it was just, I had to do this. And then a year later she did, she came back, to that area. We, did our master class there and within six months I was already teaching Reiki and to that daughter-in-law so she introduced, she introduced me to Reiki, as well, kinda tell me about it cause she was familiar with it. And so she and her father who was quite interested in it as well. and I said, so would you all like to learn Reiki in? And yeah. And, and I was petrified and I was doing as a, I just know these attunements and not going to work and what was so beautiful. So Reiki. Helps you to gain that confidence. Reiki is at work there. And so there's always, I've heard so many stories. There's always this little story about how Reiki validated that this was working because I did the attunement. They're both like, oh, it's painting a wall. And I was out in space and it was like, so what happens? I don't think it worked. And then I handed him the symbols after that and they said, oh my gosh, this is what I was painting on the wall. and the father said, this is what I saw in outer space. And so to me, that was Reiki saying, see, I told you it was going to work. They saw it in their attunements. They just didn't recognize it because I hadn't seen these symbols before. It was fabulous. So every time of course that you doubt, but you push through it. you Reiki will help you. It will show you. Yes, you did it, you succeeded, it's always there to help you and support you. Yes, absolutely. So I just wanted to share that little thing, because I know it's, I know it's terrible. And quite frankly, I hit that wall again when it came to online. And I'll just say, how many classes had I taught in person? And all of a sudden it had to be online and it wasn't anything, wasn't about the material, anything, it was all about how do I get music? How do I do the music? And I could not figure out how to get breakout rooms. And it was this technology thing. And I literally had, melted down and I just like, I can't even do this. And, Ricky just going, I just gave myself Reiki and two hours later I just went back and did all float it all. Just the answers. Isn't it beautiful


how that works. And one of the things I told the people in my Reiki master mentor session is that we sometimes get really hung up on, can I do this? And we don't necessarily realize that fear is ego-based fear because the Reiki energy is responding more to your client or your students. Intention to connect with it, then, we're, we are just a channel. And, so even though that fear does show up and the overwhelm and the not knowing how to do things and of course wanting to do them well, That shows up for everybody, but it's more about just providing the opportunity and getting out of the way and allowing the Reiki to do the work. William talks about his first class and he was working with some very gifted clairvoyant students and he didn't feel anything happening during the. And he went back to his seat and he was mortified. He thought that he was going to have to give everybody their money back and Jew and explained to them like, I'm really sorry, but I didn't, I, it should have worked, but I didn't feel anything happening. And in the end, he said he was glad he didn't talk first because these gifted and clairvoyant students who could see the energy began describing to him, everything that happened. And he realized, wow, this isn't about me. This is, this is about. Just allowing the energy to connect with the student. And I find now in the holy, in our lineage and the holy buyer system, we don't actually physically do attunements anymore. We allow the holy fire energy to do them. So they're a hands-off style of attunement. And so I find even now we're even more out of the way and just allowing the energy to connect with the student aren't we, but online was, it was tough for me to Dianne.


I wrote an article about, yeah. it's especially for, our generation, my generation, your generation is a little younger. And, but, I know that, but these young, when you're young and you already understand this, Yeah,


I love it, but there are different and, I think Reiki continually pushes us to grow. Doesn't it?


it absolutely pushes us


out of that comfort zone


for sure. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. as a teacher, I learned so much every time and if I'm not learning, I, I feel like I need to be more engaged in it because, my students always have so much to give an offer in the class and, it's, so I really look at it as my opportunity to learn as well and to grow, every time. So yeah, I love


it. I love it. And Diane, I found my first class was so interesting that only one person showed up after, one person having a panic attack. one person, their car wouldn't start. The other person I had just never heard from again. And then the one person showed up. The one that showed up was the person I knew the best and that I felt the most comfortable with. And in a way I think Reiki took care of that for me. And, and I think really, even though there were four people, five people that were, there was one that we couldn't accommodate their schedule. There were five people messaging me, wanting me to teach them and had heard that I taught. And this was before there was marketing before there was much social media like it since 2011 and. but people just word of mouth, people already knew and people wanted to become connected with Reiki and particularly the lineage, the, I was with the ICRC lineage and these people wanted that lineage and, It was so interesting because that took the pressure off of me so that I was able to teach that class. And then I actually went on and taught another class that was hosted by a friend. and it was for people here at the farm. There's lots of animals. And so she needed to, she had allergies. And so for that reason, she hosted a class of her home that was animal free. and I taught four people the very next week in that class, but having taught that first class, it really worked out. And one of the things I really wondered, I wondered if the attunement would work, but also could I do the attunement? And the other thing I thought of was, how can I recreate, like my attunement had been in the center of the Stonehenge stone circle and I thought, how am I going to bring that kind of magic to the class? There's no way. But it was there and it was just the magic of the Reiki energy, working with my student. Tell me a little bit about your first class and, overcoming those jitters and how that was for you.


like I said, I highly recommend doing it. like you were saying with someone that you know, that you are more comfortable with because someone that you've never met before, you really don't know anything about them. So I don't, I just think you're adding a level of discomfort that you don't need. Especially in that first class. finding someone that, that works and set it up the way you, it works for you. I've had students that said, I really couldn't teach both of them together. I needed to feel very confident about level one. and I taught that and she, and then finally, when her students in level one said, When w when are we going to have a level two, it pushed her into the next level, doing level two and going forth, which she had planned to do, but she, it's we always need those nudges. and I think it's always nice that Reiki actually does, nudge us people show up and say, when are you going to do this? sometimes when I do my classes, I've had several classes that are set up only because somebody texts me and said, when are you going to teach another class here? And I go, I hadn't really planned on it. And then lo and behold, Three or four people will all of a sudden, show up and say, I was looking, you're not teaching a class here. And I was like, okay, I guess I get, get the message it's done to teach a class there. And, but what I always laugh about is the first person that kind of started the whole thing. Never is the one that actually attends,


my, instructor, my level three Reiki instructor, wanted to visit me after Stonehenge. she was the one who said, she just felt into the energy and said, you're supposed to go to England and study with William ran. And she, but she wanted to come and find out how the trip was. And it just so happened. We had to reschedule a few times. It just so happened. She was there, one or two days before I taught that first class. And she said, I never know, who's going to show up first class. One of the things that I find that helps is if you can get a down payment, then people turn up, but


it helps guarantee. Yeah. And I always say, if it's not refundable, but it, we can move it toward another class


in calendar year. So


it's really important to understand that if a student is not supposed to be at your class at that class, and I'm not saying it your class, but at that class, because every class comes together with just the right people, the energy of the people that are attending the energy of the students actually dictate, who's going to be there. And if there's one person that actually is not really. Part of that energy, they won't be able to attend that class. Reiki sees to that. I don't have to worry about it and don't have to sit and say, geez, that person seems to be different in there in the way they approach things. I don't know how that's going to work. especially if you're talking about people that are coming in from other countries, and they approach things a little different or they speak in accents that are sometimes hard to understand. And you think how's this going to gel with my class? How's that going to work? Trust? Because it will be perfect for everybody there. And that's just, it, you don't judge any of it. And Ricky doesn't want you to judge of course at all, but don't judge it. Yeah. I had


an example of that, Diane, that, there was one class and there was one student and she was so reliable. Like this woman, you could just count on her, you could say, and she didn't turn up. She didn't show up. And she messaged me just as class was beginning and said, you won't believe this, my car wouldn't start. And. I, and this wasn't even my first class, this was well in. And I said, okay, no, obviously, and she goes, so you're gonna just look ahead without me. When are you teaching again? And I was teaching again a month later, or two months later, she said, I'll have to sign up for that class. Once we got into the class, I understood every single person. I think I had six or seven people in that class was psychic. And this was a woman that couldn't, that was not intuitive at all. She would have been very uncomfortable with this group of extreme. I don't think I've ever had such a group of everybody being extreme, psychic mediums and psychics in the group. And some people that did it professionally, others that, had always had those talents and abilities. And the group that she attended a few months later was, For her. So that, that does happen. But, but my teacher, Pam that she said, yeah, I never know who's going to show up. And she said this. She said, because once somebody signs up for class, the Reiki energy starts working with them and they begin shifting. And sometimes the shifting is uncomfortable and so they get frightened or scared and they stop and they don't come. And so one of the things, and I'm aware that's a phenomenon that happens. So one of the things I started doing was when I'm doing my own self Reiki, I send Reiki ahead to my students. C to just assist them with that shifting process so they can still get to class. And once I learned that to do that really changed it then pretty much after that, I'd have the odd cancellation, but you wouldn't have three out of four. Cancel.


I have to say, you were asking me about something. I was, I had never thought about that. And I really love that. So thank you for bringing that up. That was a perfect example of something that I was like, oh man, that's a great idea. and I do something, but not quite that, quite like that. before my class, of course, I'm always going to set the energy in my space, right? So I want to set the energy in my space. Will I use the distance symbol to make sure that energy goes out to everyone there so that they can feel the space ahead of time so that they walk in and they're already more connected. Or especially if you were all online and do this, then you're sending it to their space so that their spaces set as well. And, this was something that I like to do is just to, send that out to everybody. So it helps it, everybody comes a little bit more at ease,


and that's what I noticed with. And so it's very similar to what I'm doing, Diane, and yes, it does seem to make a difference. So that is a fantastic idea.




listen, you're traveling and living on a boat and you're still teaching for Heki. how do you do that? that's incredible


to me, it never dawned on me that I couldn't do now, if it hadn't been for COVID of course, and causing and creating this whole online experience that now of course, and how beautiful it was that holy fire set everything up for us ahead of time. So stepping into that happens so seamlessly, William and Coleen may argue with that, but for the most part, it was fairly seamless as far as all the things that we needed to put into place. It was needed very little, as far as. Really tweaking on it. It's just, to me, it's just phenomenal to be online. It's I have classes that are just as close, if not closer, with the online experiences I do the in-person, they're just everyone really gels. Can we stay in touch with each other? yeah, it's an amazing thing. And online, go ahead. what did you want to add?


Find the same thing. My online students are jelling more and staying in touch more than my in-person ones used to. And that just shocked


me. Yeah, it's really incredible. And, when COVID happened on, I was actually in Nashville teaching, I class, I had five, six students, and, we had a great class, of course. maybe it's not so bad. I didn't know it was already set. And it was like, last minute it was right before everything shut down. as I drove home, I realized we're in quarantine. I was like, wow, what happened with the rest of the world? And the two days that I was teaching class. So anyway, they wanted to get back together and they said, can we get together on zoom? So I sent out a thing. We all got together on zoom and we were sending Reiki to each other, a little distance session for each person. We all pinned them up and, and sent Reiki to them. There overall, they went, wow. This energy is even stronger than I felt when I was right there in person with this person. And they were absolutely amazed. And that's another example to me, of course, how Reiki tells us or shows us, validates what's going on? Yes, the energy did amplify. It did. And get more intense. just riding that little gap. It's amazing. it


really is. and incredible. another thing I find, about teaching online and I realized not every lineage is set up to teach online, but I really was grateful that, that William listened to his guidance and did the work to amplify to strengthen the energy and made it possible for us to teach online. And the classes are such a high quality and it saves people so much money in deadline in travel that they, and not only that they're more comfortable in their own setting, they can write. The, I love the fact that, usually in the in-person classes, there's always at least one person snoring and


then they get self-conscious about it afterward.


And there's other people who are like, oh, I had a hard time relaxing because the person next to me was snoring.




that's not a factor in the online everybody's on mute. You can


snore, you can, you can cry, you can laugh,


you can do whatever you need to, as the energy is processing through you and you can do it in privacy and in the comfort of your home. And, another thing I learned about the, or I thought about the online classes when I was doing a podcast about climate change and environmental impact, Whoa. When we teach online classes, environmentally, the environmental footprint is so much smaller as well. yeah, so I love teaching online and I know we weren't necessarily going to talk about teaching online, but I did include a section of it on it in the


chapter. The other point is that it's like when they have, they're doing, there's a personal in their homes. They many times have those support animals with them. Oh yeah.


And they get the attunements to support animals, get connected with free. That's true, Diane. And another beautiful thing. You, I don't know if you notice this, but wherever you teach, there's a very special energy that comes in where you're, when you're teaching. Like it's a very strong vibration and it seems to almost bless a space so that it feels somewhat sacred. And when, I know when I went back my, the second year to teach in Australia, one of the students walked in and went, whoa, this place feels sacred. And it had been a year since I had taught there, but she could still feel the sacredness of that feeling. Now, when we teach online, People's homes get that sacred feeling and that's sacred energy and yeah, I just love it. yeah. So I guess the online that helps you teach on the boat and, I love the idea that you're going to be traveling and maybe even offering destination classes. I was just talking with John about that because I plan to go and I think just take a level one and two, either level one or two or animal Reiki, level one and two. Cause I love to review classes, with her and that makes it a tax deductible vacation to


Hawaii. So currently


yes, it's my intention to do that next winter. I think, and it, but that's just a fantastic idea that somebody, a Reiki, a professional candidate. Can do that, can go to some of these lovely destinations and take the class. And,


yeah, I look forward to that. especially when we get down maybe next year and, in the, January, February, March of next year, I hope to be in the Turks and Caicos where the whales are. So that would be an awesome thing. we do have, we have one guest bedroom. And the Turks and Caicos, you can swim with the whales and I've had so many beautiful experiences with that. So I'm really hoping that the, that will be our, place next year. And that may be something that I set up. I've actually already had one student that signed up about three years ago for Karena there. She says, I'm going to wait and take my Karuna when you're in the Turks and Caicos with the whales. That's where I'm going to be. The good, I better stay in touch on that.


Swimming with the whales land. Yeah,


I think I might need to do that. One thing I want to say about that. so you may be looking at, I don't have the space or I don't have this, or I don't have that. And what I really want to point out is don't say I don't have, but say, how do I make this work? Because this is what I say. I never. That I couldn't do this. It never dawned on me that I couldn't do this. So that was my attitude. but when you say, oh, I don't have this, or I don't have that. Then you're holding yourself in that place of not having it. So you need to just rethink that and just say, how do I make this work? And the answer will come. I laughingly say we have the best Google in the world. And if you keep Googling that I don't have it, then you're going to get a lot of Googles that say you don't have that. We know how, when we Google something and it doesn't get you the results you want, you need to reword that search. You got to reword those words. So reword your words. how do I make this happen? and the answer will, and the Googles will show you a show up. your mind has always been a Google.


And when you said that, I heard. Move out of the space of lack and into the space of solution.


Absolutely. So


you just never went into the space of black. You just stayed in solution. And really, I guess that's what William did. When he brought the classes in online, he just stayed in the space of solution. He didn't go into, we can't share Reiki now with people because of, quarantine. He just, he went strictly straight to solution. and I remember when I don't, I'm sure you remember this meeting too. I had just returned from teaching in London. I had just got my nudge to create the Reiki mentor class. I had sat down in the London airport and recorded my very first Facebook live to try to help people with all the stress and worry around what was happening and. and we had our meeting and I remember William came on and said, guys, I'm hearing that it's time to teach online. And, we all went, William, what about this? What about that? And he goes, because I heard it two hours ago, I made to spend some time with this and understand it, but we will get back to you as soon as we can help you do this. And it wasn't two weeks. I don't think, I think it was two or two and a half weeks. They were back to us with full, complete training, with a complete outline of how to do it. That took all the guests workout. That's my inspiration for the book.


Yeah, I think so too. Yeah, definitely just outlined everything except zoom stuff. It's there. It's there in the outline. I don't know. I know. breakout rooms are great. And this is something that I like to do with my master teachers. And I said, when you're getting ready to teach, just we'll set up a little, several people get together and we get on zoom and I say, okay, this is how you do this. And I make them host and then they can see the options and they can figure it out because otherwise you don't get that. You don't get the options. You don't get breakout rooms unless you're the whole. Right or the co-host or something, but it's just so everybody gets to practice these crazy little things that can be monumental, unless you know how to do it, electronic technology goes, don't let technology do that to you. If I can do that. And I'm in my seventies, come on.


Oh, you're fantastic. And, and I've only in my fifties, but I have had a deep distrust of technology most of my life. And I am so glad that this process of moving the classes online, helped me through that. I already knew I had already actually moved my, I had to cancel classes. Of course, when I came home, cause I was actually planning to come home from London and. go immediately to teach in Ohio. And, so I had to cancel all those classes and then I had to cancel my main classes and that was April and my may classes. So I actually was guided to at the end of April to put it all together for at least the animal communication class and move that online. And then I went and that was just my Reiki guidance. So I listened and thank heavens William and Colleen came and taught us how to teach online before that, because it made my class better. and I know that in our manuals, there's a very detailed, outlines and, descriptions of how to do things with links and all of that, which is useful. So I really appreciate talking about that and, there's so many different. Types of classes. And I tried to cover a few of them in the book. I tried to cover teaching in person and some of the things you need to do teaching online. And then I tried to cover the hybrid class, even though I'll be teaching my first one in may where you have some students online and some in person or, Jill teal teaches a hybrid class where people learn online in the morning and then they have their lunch. And then they come to her facility to work together in the afternoon and


practice. So interesting here, again, just being open to possibilities of what else you can do, just like, how do I make this? Yeah.


Do I make this work? And so when you teach on the boat, Diane, you teach primarily teach online. Do you.


So far. Yeah. That's what I've been doing online. and of course, if we have very limited space, I put up this little, if you feel like you, you don't have a really pretty place to be on even online and, those screens really take a lot of energy. Yeah. so I just had one of these little Indian blankets and I put it up, so my husband calls it studio Diane, and I'm just sitting here in my little corner, but it's just part of my boat. When we go out to do things that require me standing up, I go out to the, the outside, but I have a lot of glare there. So I have to be careful about that. but it just. Just works. It's you know, it works, it



things up, doesn't it?


Yeah. Yeah. so if I can do this, anybody can do this thing I did have to do now. Here's something, if you don't have good, strong internet, you do have to take care of, making sure that you have something, I have to use right now. We are out in the water. We're not at a dock. Wow. Just, we're just a, w it's not anchor, it's called Moring because, so there is a strong, tackled it's attached to the ground and we're on that. and we're attached to that. So we're just floating in water. We're just moving. if I tell you what, if you have to see what's going on outside right now, it would probably make you seasick because the boat is doing this and this and this, but you don't see it because it's just looking at this. And occasionally, some waves come along and all of a sudden we're doing this, but the whole everything is doing that. So it's like the students, nobody sees seasick because nobody's getting moving with you. which is the other reason why I don't like to do it outside where there's a lot of stuff that scenery, because it does, it's very distracting. Yeah, because the boat is in constant motion. but here again, and I'll interject this, I found it very interesting because we talk a lot about balance and, and as you get older, they worry about your balance. And I'm going, I'm in, I'm constantly working on my balance every second of the day. I am constantly balancing, So it's yeah, it's, it's it's a learning process. so yeah, I just set that up and, and make it work. it's a little bit challenging here. Again, it's a little bit challenging when you get to, master class and some of the things that you need to do. what I also found was it was easy for me to, take advantage of, when I have a space to do so is to do a little video. So I have a little video of me charging grid. For the masterclass or maybe doing a BOS and scan, for, in teaching in one and two, just, and, so I'm making little videos ahead of time where you have, the space that actually helps you, a little bit better space or something, because I don't even have to have a table here. I don't have a Reiki table here. I couldn't get one on the boat if I wanted to, but I can have I made some videos so I can actually show those videos or, things like that. so that is very helpful. if you're not in a space where you can do that and you're teaching online, of course. of course when I, travel and that kind of thing, I'm going to have Reiki tables, Do you plan on bringing a table on my vote for when we actually go into the islands, so that I'll have that. but it won't be, be taking it to the beach, Ricky, on the beach.


Yeah. Did you sell your home and you're on the boat permanently now?


Yeah, we sold our home. this is it. That's


what I thought you would be the most excellent person to talk about this with, because it's, that's such a unique situation. And I have a student from France who said. just to rent spaces in Frances, incredibly expensive, and the fact that he could now set up his classes online, just there it is, it just made it feasible. So I just, I do love the online and I tried to cover a few things as well, like traveling to teach and teaching children and teaching animals and some of the things that, that I've experienced. But I think really the message is just go ahead and teach. and I liked the idea. William had said that too, it's, it might be too much for you to teach one and two together at first. So teach level one for a while, then level two. And that's what I did. I only level one. And then I got comfortable with that. Then I taught level two and it kinda worked on like that. Yeah, there are some of the obstacles that people come and get up against with regards


to. I think, the little details are definitely an obstacle, the wares and such, and, just here again, like I said, just say, how do I do this? If you can't afford to rent a place, I'm thinking, pick a time when the weather's really nice and find a nice little quiet place outdoors, and just everybody bring a chair and, just be impossibility, being a possibility about those kinds of details. And just, how can I make this work? Because what you'll get is actually Reiki guided and it's going to turn out to be fabulous. They just guarantee it. But of course, and you hit on the other thing, of course, that I think is the most, obstacle about, feeling worthy. I have to say I really butted heads with that. Feeling myself, who am I to teach somebody else this? I looked at my mentoring teacher and thought, she's just this fantastic person. I couldn't possibly measure up to that. Who am I? But you have students out there that are waiting for you and they're waiting for your way of teaching. even though, Laurel influenced a lot about how I teach at the same time, I gathered my own tools. Yeah. And I teach in a very different way. I teach a lot about vibrational energy and, and referring to that and the frequencies. And I like to talk about the science behind this. So I teach in a little different way, then, some of the other teachers, but, those students that come to me are looking for my method. They may not know it. They don't know basically that, but the energy is there. And so there are students that are waiting for you to come up with your own special secret recipe and that is what they are wanting, because that is what that is going to inspire them. Yeah. so when you start teaching, just trust that you have everything that you need, because you really do, you just. Got in your own way about it. Yes. A little bit of the ego thing


and we all have it, and that's why we were all terrified each at the beginning. And one of the things that I think made it so much easier when I started to teach is I did use the ICRC manuals. So I didn't have to come with my own manual. There's such a complete manual. anyone from any lineage could use them and, at least could, can use the,


the level of


the outline and the level one, two annual. And, that would have been an obstacle. I think if I had to sit down and create a Reiki manual


in order to teach,


I wouldn't still not be teaching, but the fact that. There are manuals out there that you and there are manuals and other lineages as well. So if you've learned from another lineage, go ahead and look and see what's available. There's and there's, there are some generic manuals that are available, online.


Yeah. And if you want to use what, your teacher gave you, you need to make sure, especially if it's something they created, make sure that you have their permission to do you don't want to, don't infringe their copyrighted, even if they didn't actually physically copyright their material, they just don't share it unless you have the permission. Yeah. But


there's lots of options now. There's the, healing touch manual, the ICRC, but there's, and there are other ones I've noticed, that are cropping up on Amazon and that, and so I think that's a lovely obstacle and now we've got the obstacle of, spaces taken out because we have the option for online in some lineages. And, so yeah, there's just, there's so much opportunity at Diana's.


Yes there is. thinking Reiki just keeps taking away the obstacles.


Is there anything else we need to talk about with regards to the chapter? before we move into our final career,


anything Josh? I, I can just reiterate some of the things that you said. it's just, the most amazing feeling is to teach. I love sharing Reiki with clients. I love Reiki sessions and, and watching people change how Reiki and when Reiki, assist them. And I love to be part of that. I'm just the conduit, of course. And in the classes, I'm just the conduit, and here is another thought about when you feel like you're not good enough. It's not you anyway, the rain coming through you, the class comes through you. Every class. I never know exactly what's going to come out of my mouth


on my voice box. And I say, God, you know what? These people need to come through. And I'm sometimes shocked at what comes through.


Exactly. Just look at it that the class is going to channel through you. You're it. You don't have to worry about that. all I do is I just make myself empty for this class to come through. I'm just the empty vessel and whatever needs to come through. Yes. There's a lot of information there. And I do know a lot of that information, but sometimes it just comes out so different and it's just what the student needed. just don't feel like it's, you have to be everything because you're all you have to be as the channel. And, you


don't need to know everything. One of the things about the Reiki master, I was thinking this earlier, when you were, mentioning that Diane is, it doesn't mean you have mastered Reiki, it means Reiki to master you. And so there's absolutely nothing wrong with just reading from a manual as you, or referring to the manual and going through things. I read from the manual for years. And I, as I taught my classes and I remember doing my first Canby and I worked together for our first, review class with Coleen Donnelley. And afterwards we went, she didn't even look at the book, not


even while we were just there,


oh my gosh, we're never going to be able to do that. Now. I don't even look at the book, not even one, except for, to tell people the page numbers that things are because, I've had people who attend my classes now who attended my classes seven or eight years ago. Who said, thank goodness you didn't teach back then the way you teach now, I would not have been ready for.




Isn't that interesting. I needed, you were a little more basic with the Reiki. You were following the book. That's the class I needed then I, and that got me ready for the class you're teaching now, but I would not have been ready.


For this, that's a perfect, that's a perfect example of the fact that, you're going to get the student that's ready for what you have. Yes. You don't have to be that perfect example of that. Yeah. Thank you. And


there's another thing that I was thinking of that you made me think of Diane and it's something that William Rand has said, and that is that there's a specific wavelength of Reiki when you're doing, when you learn Reiki and you're doing yourself treatments, when you reach out and start treating someone else, you get additional bandwidth or additional energy. And when you start teaching there an, a very large expansion. In the vibrations of energy that you then get access to. And so I just, I love the thought of that as well. And I'm just trying to think, is there anything else that we, that we need to let people know about teaching? just,


I think of a thousand things afterwards.


I know we will do to Diane. You made a comment, about this book, when we were chatting before we hit record. And I just wonder if you'd share it now, you mentioned that you felt it would be quite useful for


actually I, till after I've just read, I've just read her beginning of the chapter on teaching. so I haven't even seen the rest of the book, so I can't wait to see all of that. But, what I said was. Oh, definitely for all my master's students that come in and they're wanting to teach, I'm going to find some way to get this book in their hands. we will work on how that's going to happen, but, I just, I'm going, this book is going to be exactly what people need and I'm just excited to adapt to see it in its published form. So I look forward to that.


I really appreciate it. As I wrote it, I tried. What I would have loved to have had, and because, and I say that all the time in my classes that, it took me nine years to learn this, but I think I could teach it to you in 20 minutes. So the purpose is to just, do your best to shorten that learning curve for people. and I really hope that it does. And also that it gives people the confidence that they can do this and it breaks it down in a way so that it isn't overwhelming so that, but mostly the confidence because, I think that's a big part of it as well. Yeah.


And when you feel that lack of confidence and that overwhelm invite Reiki, bring Reiki in and just ask Reiki to, to show you a better way to, to approach. because cause you're going to, you're going to create, like I said, your own secret recipe and that will be perfect for the students that are coming to you. So just trust. It's a lot of trust. It's a lot of allowing and I say that's one of the things that Reiki has taught me. Reiki has taught me to receive where, many times I was giving all the time and not receiving, it's taught me to receive. It's taught me to trust. It's taught me to create from inspiration. It's pumped me joy and it's taught me love and. What else is there? Say


that. And what else is there, what else would you ever want? and, teaching is such a rewarding way in such an amazing way to share with others. And one of the things about the Reiki business fork, it's funny, I probably go into the business aspects a little more than some people when I am teaching level one and two and master classes, just because business is my background. But even still, one of the things I've noticed is that people are not in the mindset during the class. So some people might ask you, why can't you teach this during the class? There's so much to cover in the classes that people can get, their brains get full. And, I don't know if you've noticed that, but there's usually a point on the last day of a masterclass or a level one and two class where everybody looks a little stunned and I'm like, yeah, we need to go into a meditation. And I sat there and started hammering at you about starting a business. you'd be like, wait a minute. I just, I just. Learn this, I don't have any intention of forming a business. I don't have any intention of teaching. Like how many times did I say that I won't teach and teaching is the thing that I love the most, so that place of solution and kelp from that place of being healed as well, and just allowing the healing to take so that you're not actually coming from the place of the wound. Well, Diane, thank you so much for today. And I just hope that anybody listening, if you have any reluctance, any fear, I just invite you to activate your Reiki hands and place them on your heart or wherever you're guided. And just let that go today because you are enough. I remember telling William ran when I took my master's class, that I didn't feel, I was so nervous and he said, why are you nervous? And I said, because Reiki, masters are wonderful and amazing people and I'm not. I'm just me. And, so you know, you are enough, you can do this. I'm just me. And yet I've had the opportunity to witness hundreds of people learn Reiki. And be the channel that allowed them to do that just by saying yes. So if you're considering it at all, please say yes. And teach that first class. That's what really turns you into a Reiki master. Truly. Yes. Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your beauty, your gifts. And, and I just want to thank the listeners and thank you for considering saying yes, the world needs more people like you Namaste.


Thank you.