Reiki from the Farm™

Reiki Sessions - The Reiki Business Book Chapter 4 with Terry Dullin

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Terry Dulin, LRMTs

The Reiki Business Book Launch - chapter 4 with Terry Dulin, LRMT

This series of podcasts will bring us through "The Reiki Business Book" chapter by chapter.  The book I was inspired to write to help people share the gift of Reiki is almost ready!  

Pam and Terry discuss the ins and outs of Reiki sessions. How to get started. Common obstacles. And so on. Then lead you through a meditation to release any obstacles you may have to giving Reiki sessions to others.

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Terry's Information
Midwest Center for Reiki Advancement
Tel: 219.712.0507

thank you to Music from Pixabay for the intro music

Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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On today's podcast. I am talking with Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Terry Dulin. Terry practices Reiki in Michigan in the US sorry. Isn't Michigan. It's crown point, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, you're all over. I said that I realized that and Terry and I have talked before with you, but we want to talk again this time about chapter four in the Reiki business book. And we're talking today about doing Reiki sessions and starting to have clients and setting up a Reiki business. If Reiki sessions are part of your Reiki business and whether they are or not, I would encourage you to listen. I know Terry is going to have some great advice for us. That's one of the things about being a licensed Reiki master teacher. We have. Over a thousand hours of additional training and a lot of experience. And it's our great joy to share that with you and see if we can save you a few steps in this learning and growing process. So welcome Terry. Thanks so much for being here. Thanks, Pam. Thanks for having me. It's my pleasure. Just before we begin, I want to let you know about a few things. We have coming up at the farm in March. We have a full slate of licensed ICRC level one and two and masterclasses as well as animal Reiki, level one and two and master. And they are in an Australian friendly time zone, which means that there's a day added to each class shorter days. But one extra day. And they are taught in the evenings in north America. And it would be the following morning in Australia. Now, when you go and look at that, the time is the Australian time. So if you are in north America, you would basically be starting the evening before the date that is there. But if evenings work for you in north America or early mornings in Australia, I hope you'll join us. It's always a delight to to get people together from these times zones. We often also have some people from Asia joining us. And so if that time zone works for you please join us. Those classes are all online and in may, I'll be having my first. Hybrid classes, which means that you're welcome to join us online. They will be done in the Atlantic time zone, but I will have limited spaces, a limited number of spaces for people who would like to join in person. And what I would ask is just as you register, just let me know if you plan to attend in person or online. There's no limit to the number of people that can attend online, but I will have only a limited number of in-person spaces, but there are some of you that would like to visit us here at the farm. And this'll be the first classes that I'm doing hybrid. I'm really excited about it. And the first classes that I'll be seeing some people in person. So those classes speak to you then please join us. Terry, what do you have coming up in the next little bit?


I ended up Reiki one and two classes in Akron, Ohio. Pardon me? Pardon me? Sorry. Lansing, Michigan, Chicago. For my Reiki one and two classes. I have masterclasses coming up in Springfield, Illinois, and also Columbus, Ohio and Lansing, Michigan.


That's a wonderful, but you just made me think about Columbus, Ohio, Terry. I will be there at the Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio in April. So when, you said that I'll be speaking. Yeah, I'll be speaking. That would be wonderful. I know. I'm wondering about that. We'll have to compare a day. I'd love to see you. Same. I haven't seen you in person in a few years. It would be really nice. And so the That event, just for anybody listening. If you're interested in horses, it's an equine affair, a horse event in Columbus, Ohio. You can look it up and I'll be speaking about animal communication, animal Reiki. I'm actually also going to be speaking about essential oils and horses and leading people through fear of horses with tapping. So that'll be that'll be fun. Before we go too much further, I just wonder if I can begin with a brief in vocation and I just invite anybody, everybody to bring your hands together and Gassho now I'll ask you if you have anything to add when it feels complete on my end, Terry. Oh, I'm perfect. Thank you. Okay. And just inviting your Reiki energy to begin flowing. And if you have Reiki, symbols, invite those to join you here today. And if you're already doing Reiki sessions, but would maybe like to expand or grow and maybe into a professional practice, or even if you already have a professional practice that you would like to have that expand, or maybe you've never done sessions before, and this is all new to you wherever you are in that journey. Welcome. We're so glad that you're here. And so happy that you've joined us today. When I got the nudge in Heathrow airport to teach the teachers and the practitioners so that you can spread Reiki in the world. I realized what a profound effect that may have. As each one of you steps a little more out of your comfort zone and begins to share more and more Reiki, the vibration on the planet rises. So thank you. Thank you for being here and listening and for saying yes. And thank you for having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and to do something new. It is so appreciated. Thank you for a spreading love and Reiki on the planet. And thank you for the beautiful light that you are in the world. It was light bringers. We don't fight the darkness. We eliminate. It's a very peaceful process and it's something that we can accomplish through Reiki, helping the darkness to heal, understanding that as these layers release into the light, they will be listened to and heard, and nurtured and healed and have an opportunity to become a force for good in the world and on the earth today. Thank you for being a force for good in the world and Namaste stay. Thank you. Thank you. As we alluded to in the. In this. And I just want to also let listeners know that I will be hosting a Reiki share. Let's see Lee a little bit later this month. I don't know if it's, I believe it may be next Wednesday evening and that Reiki share is going to be a Q and a, question and answer for any questions you may have about the four chapters that we've covered so far in the podcasts, and those are free or by donation. So you can go head on over to my website, Reiki from the and sign up for that to receive the link. And I'd love to have you join us if you have any questions based on, what we're covering today. So Terry, I'm so excited to cover this chapter with you chapter four, and you've had an opportunity to have a sneak peek at the chapter. What stood out to you? What did you think of it? And what kind of stood out to you as you had a look at that chat. So I love the chapter. Of course it's about Reiki sessions and I love everything Reiki, but I loved how you really walk. You walk a practitioner through practical things of what they can do to build their sessions and to build their confidence right. And doing sessions. Of course we know there's always a fear, that we have to get over it with something, anything in our life. It doesn't necessarily have to be Reiki or doing sessions, but we have fear from time to time and it's always important to take that first step. So I loved how, again, just that you were able to share with your readers and listeners of experiencing the fear, going through the fare starting with family and friends and then being open to. And I love this, right? That sometimes they're going to be more critical to us than our actual clients. However, there are some clients who are very open with their thought process also, which is great. I love. But, again, I just loved how, again, wonderfully the chapter read and how, again, you just walk everyone through getting over the fear, practicing things that you won't necessarily think of as a practitioner and I also loved how you said you, you start sending Reiki to your clients to clear them before the client actually gets to you. I used to do that also. I would send Reiki. For me it was more just to have, allow them to be in a more relaxed state prior to coming into a session. Another thought process as far as like fear goes for me at least is giving myself Reiki ever in any situation where I'm fearful, I give myself Reiki. So that would be something that I would also just maybe share give yourself. And to heal that's four sessions. Yes. Yeah. Yes. I'll say that. No, thank you, Terry. And was there anything that stood out to you in the chapter that you were surprised about or that you hadn't anticipated seeing? Or was it all pretty? Nothing that I can think of, like right now, again again, it was, for me, just, it was it's like Reiki sessions made simple, easy kind of thing. So there were topics in there. I can't point them out right now, but there were certain items and oh my God, I didn't even think about that. While she put that in there, because again I've been practicing for 12 years. I don't think of those things, because again, it's like second nature to me to sit there and go through a second. But no, you were honest to God. Like you were going step by step. It's okay, you can have this, situation or this situation. So yes. Perfect. And that'd be open to it, that's again, be open to everything and know that it's coming. Yeah. I love it. Thank you, Perry. Those are all some great some great comments. One of the things I wanted to try to cover in that was the possibility of doing sessions, both in person and also at a distance. So I try to walk people through that how you can, because some people might be familiar with in-person sessions, but not distance or vice versa, just how, that could work. And another thing that came up was the space. Like many people think I have to have a space in order to do a session, but What do you know, what are some, what would you say to them about that about space? Cause I know one of the things that shut up for me is that not necessarily like you, if you do distance sessions, you don't need to have an office space or a space. You can set up a space in your home, but you might not be comfortable with that. So you might prefer to set up a professional space and if you're just getting started and, don't really want to take the risk, a really good idea. Bryce Goldwell mentioned the possibility of partnering with a massage therapist or a chiropractor and because they don't work 24 7. And so maybe using their space. When they're not using it, which is already set up for you with a massage table and whatnot. And one of the benefits of something like that is the strategic partnership that you can form because then they begin referring offer them a session so that they can see what it's like before you even begin. And maybe they'll begin referring clients to you and that sort of thing. So you might be able to set up a lovely partnership. Another option is to travel to your clients, if that feels comfortable to you. And I've actually, although I didn't travel to a lot of clients, I had a few clients who were either allergic to all the animals that my farm, or, but still wanted to set up. Or who weren't well enough to come to me. And in those instances I would travel to them. And I realized from that, that's a very viable alternative. Is there anything about any of that, that Terry that you would like to add? So I, honestly, I would say I have practiced and has done all of them. Everything that you shared. One of the, okay, this is me. Okay. And I am still, but was really in the beginning really enamored, like with William Rand's right. With, his practice. And I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to be going to the international center for Reiki training. And I'm going to hit my Kaurna Reiki class. And this was back in 2010 and I was expecting a center. I was expecting this like this grand center. And when I actually drove up to the It was his house and I'm like, oh my God, this man is so laid back. Like he's again, not ego. But he was, he does Reiki out of his house. He was teaching classes out of his house and I'm like, and then even with Hannah Hawaii, that's his house. And I'm like, and I thought to myself, I'm like, oh my God, this man william Ram can do sessions or, teach classes out of his house. I can do the same thing. So that actually. Off of some form of relief to me that I didn't have to build this great big center right. For myself that I could really go ahead and look at the space that I have and then work with what I had. And then again, allow Reiki to help me grow to where I want to become. And I'm still working process. I'm still getting where I want to be. So it really is a, it's a process. And as, as you work with Reiki we all grow, we all change, that's part of life. So again, it was just a huge relief seeing that somebody and then I of course find out most, Reiki practitioners do Reiki out of their house. And I get way back when, I first started out I didn't realize that. I didn't know that was not in my mind an option for me. So yeah, having again, seeing other people having practices out of their house, they can't, and it's, again, it's what you want to make it ultimately, so start small if you want. And then just build up to where you want. I love that. I love, I think that's excellent advice, Terry, and and I love that you bring in William and yes, how lovely is it that we get to attend Reiki classes at his home? It it, feels so nice. I remember the very first class I took with him. Wasn't at his home. I studied with him initially. I actually never, I only have worked with him once at his home in Hawaii or twice at his home in Hawaii. But otherwise I took classes in other locations, so they, weren't at his home, but he shared with us a bean soup recipe that he makes so that. So that people wonderful or their lunches. And I thought how wonderful and I used to do a lentil type soup until actually I, haven't done it recently, just because of all the food allergies that people have. You're making me think that I need to revive the soup and just say, by the way, I will have this some bread. If you have other allergies I'd like to share that it's a super easy soup. You can add whatever you want, but it's a 15 beat bean soup with our. And then either soy sauce or tamari sauce. So for those who have a blue nail allergies, my suggestion is to use the tomorrow sauce. That's it? You know what? We need to include that recipe in the notes, section of the podcast for people, guys, if you want to have William's wonderful bean soup recipe and it is good, I've made it then we'll include that recipe for you and you're right. It can be gluten-free with the tamari sauce. And so you do have to put it on the night before, but I thought, how special is it that this man does that for his students? And I thought I wanted to study with him in person so that I can get soup and I love the park. Another thing that I, talked about in the Reiki session section is the calendar. And one of the things that and it was a lesson that I had with Reiki because I wasn't very good at setting boundaries, Terry, I was people would contact me and want a session. And initially, and I also, wasn't very organized at first, which is surprising because I'm organized in other areas of their life. But I, I really kept my business practices out of Reiki for a long time, which is one of the reasons I wrote the book was to help others so that you didn't do the same. But I can remember people would contact me and ask for a session and I would go back with what's good for you. And it wound up being this really long back and forth getting, the session time, et cetera. And it also often meant that I would have to miss my daughter's volleyball game or something, because that was the time that we would land on after. Finally the energy just tapped me on the shoulder and let me know look, this isn't very professional and also it's encroaching on your family time. So why don't you decide when you want to do Reiki sessions and mark mark the sessions in your calendar. And so I actually have a paper calendar. I have the, my session times marked out. I only see clients at a distance now just because it's the only way I can fit everyone in. And and it's a phone call. Like I phoned them and if they're in north America and it says, zoom call, if they're outside of north America and Basically we, and I do record their session as well, so that I can send them a recording. And each time they listen, they get another basically it's, a guided meditation. And then sometimes it's a meditation from our Reiki manual. Sometimes I, more or less listen to the energy. So sometimes it's a little different but what I, so I really only see clients Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings. And at first, when I started doing that, I thought, oh, gee, that's that's not going to be convenient for people. That's not going to work very well. And. People would call and say, I'd like a Reiki session or they would email me and I'd say, and what the energy had me do was say, okay, I have these times available. So I would give them two or three times. And when I first started doing Reiki sessions, professionally Terry, beyond friends and family I actually only wanted to do two to four sessions a week. And that's actually that worked for my schedule. I had two other businesses, three, three other businesses that worked for my Just that work financially, that worked for, what I wanted to do. And I basically just looked around and charged the same as what other Reiki practitioners in my area were charging. But at first, when I went back to people and said, look, I have this time Thursday afternoon, or this time Friday morning they said no, I want Wednesday evening. And I said I don't have any times available Wednesday evening. And even the people that said, okay nevermind. They would come back and say, guess what? I have Friday morning off. I can totally do Friday morning or, and by then I would probably have booked the session. So I'm like, I'm sorry. It has to be next Friday. No problem. I can make it work. And and but what I came to from that was that if the timing that I have doesn't work for you, maybe I'm not the right Reiki practitioner. Like maybe that's a sign that you are to, just go and look for another practitioner. And what do you do in that? And have you ever had any difficulties setting boundaries? Yes, especially in the beginning. Wanted to make myself available. And that was it, or is something that you will eventually learn. Because I know I'll speak for myself for me. When I first started out again, I want it to be very accommodated, right? Similar to you oh my God, I can, I've got this timeframe or this timeframe which, is workable for some people. But yeah as you're progressing with your business it's not always workable. Cause there are other obligations that you have. I worked full-time, I've got a full-time like a nine to five job. So for me and then I teach on weekends, so I, worked, I see clients similar to right work. Clients we teach, so my weekends are generally booked with Reiki classes. So I do have to monitor and modify my schedule and just have a specific times I've got two dogs. My one doc's a therapy dog, my other dog we're working on making him a therapy dog and he's going to be training and testing. So there's, priorities. There are priorities and there's also sacrifices, right? So that's the other thing that when we're a Reiki practitioner and we're doing sessions it's, ultimately what you want to do. And, how, I don't want to say fast or slow, but how comfortable you are with growing your business. But yeah, having. With clients is extremely important, I will say. And then also no, I'm not a hundred percent of my practitioner for every client and that's just the truth of the matter. Again I can try to accommodate, but if, it does not work, I have no problem referring a client out to another Reiki master. And I generally refer generally I refer my clients out to my students to help them build their practice. And then of course, depending upon the situation, I also refer out to my licensed teachers, my fellow teachers. Yeah. I don't know if you've found it, but when I did set the boundary people seem to respect what. Yeah. Yeah. How was it for you starting out? Like I know for me starting out one of the things that I, oh, I will just finish up on the calendar. One of the things the Reiki energy showed me to do, and I do talk about this in the book. I actually have a paper calendar, and I literally beam Reiki into it with the following. I say, please help the people who made to see me this week. Here easily. And so I actually I actually don't have a cancellation policy at the moment because I'm not going anywhere I'm here. And what I have noticed is my clients are very respectful. They, if they do have to cancel or, shift their appointment they tend to do it a few days in advance. And I almost always have somebody desperately needing an emergency appointment that I can slide in. And I just, I really believe it's that prayer that I say. And I, gradually moved up so that I, see 10 to 12 clients a week now for awhile, it was seven to 10 and it, and. And now it's about 10 to 12 clients a week. And eventually I even moved my calendar online and that has been a godsend. I just used square appointments and I have it, I have the link on my website and also in this podcast and people can go in and book and a big part of the reason I moved my calendar online. Cause I have my regular clients and I didn't really think I had space for other clients, but I was guided to put my calendar online. It was guided to put my session price up, which I. I'm always a little reluctant to do, but I, it was a clear message. So I did. And what that did was some of my regular clients said, you know what? I still want to see you, but I've been a bit greedy. I don't need to see you every week. I can see you every two weeks or every three or every four. And that opened a few sessions so that new clients could come in and the calendar makes that possible. But one of one of the things, and I love the calendar, it says I don't have to manage it anymore. It sends the reminders. It like, I just go in, I'll be going in later today and I've already gone in and started sending Reiki to the people that I'll be seeing later today and tomorrow. But I go in Thursday Wednesday or Thursday, have a look at what my it's usually full. And and just say, oh, isn't that going to be fun? And, okay. I might want to, you know what, I'm going to message this person. And maybe I'm going to have to start a little bit early. Cause she's only booked. There was probably only a half an hour available, but she needs a bit more time and, this sort of thing. I just, I love having my calendar online. I only recently did it, but it's just been a wonderful thing. And is your calendar online, Terri? I'm still doing old school, still on the paper calendar. I still use my paper calendar, but I just I, noticed that I like booking my own sessions online for massage therapy and some of my self-care. So I thought I'll make that available to my clients and they seem to love it. And some of them booked six months out and that way they. They know they have their, sessions lined up. So it's I did just want to mention that as well. And but I did paper rate up until December of this year and, it worked just fine. And I still do send Reiki just asking that the people who need the sessions get them and it, always seems to work out. Tell me a little bit though, about when you first started doing sessions. One of the things just when I first started doing sessions, I actually taught before I started doing Reiki sessions because in my mind I knew I needed to teach right away, even though I had no intention to teach when I went to England, but I thought, how can I keep this incredible energy away from people? And also we studied with William Rand. Our lineage is very closely linked with Usui sensei and I wanted to make that available to people and, th the healing and the wonder that is Reiki. So I did start to teach right away, but I didn't really do sessions right away. I didn't really have a space for it. And in my mind, aside from family and friends, Reiki sessions, I thought for the price of three Reiki sessions, somebody could take a level one class they would have. And and I was really reluctant to take. Money for doing Reiki. That was something that I really struggled with and really had to work through. What were some of the challenges you noticed and when you started to teach, tell me a little bit about, or started to do sessions. What did that look like? So my back one is a little different, right? As far as my mom is a professional psychic so, truth be told and whatever. However, that sounds, I actually learned Reiki back in 2002 and I learned Reiki initially to help my mom with her healings. So I've always been exposed to doing sessions. So for me it, it wasn't difficult in the sense. It wasn't difficult in one sense, but I also had a different perspective where I was not necessarily it wasn't my clients, it wasn't somebody that was actually coming to me for a session per se, as they were coming to my mother for a healing session. And then I was her assistant. Did that, if that makes sense. It makes me think that must have taken some of the pressure off of you a little bit. I'll a huge, mochi was it was the fact that my mom would call me and say, Hey, Terry can you come over? I have that wants a, what's a Reiki session. Can you help me? And I'm like, oh, absolutely. Of course, whatever I was doing, I'd always reschedule or whatever and go help my mom. So, with that I want to share maybe another thought processes for new practitioners, maybe join a Reiki. Because if you want experience right giving Reiki, you've got your family, you've got your friends, but then also getting more practice attending a Reiki share will also help to alleviate some of the anticipation or the fear around giving sessions. So that's practice time. Something else that I would 100% suggest to my students. And I suggest that to all of my students join a Reiki share in your area, and that will help. That really will help. Because the more Reiki that you're doing the more Reiki offers or allows more opportunity for you to do Reiki. Yeah. Yeah, what a great idea, Terry. I love that I'm going to include that tip in the book. So when you started your own practice was there any hesitation there and I, did you have any trouble accepting money or anything like that? Like I did. I really did. I had to work a, of Reiki and work through. I did. And I and, I think that might even be part of the process, right? Everyone's in a different space. They really are some people when they start as a practitioner, they have no hesitation and accepting money funds or bartering rights because they believe that what they're offering is valuable and it is for me, I wanted to start slow and I have to tell you, I still not so much that I want to start slower. I feel that my prices are very accommodating for most people and I'm in Northwest Indiana. So that's another consideration. Opposed to being in Chicago where I know people are charging a hundred dollars or$150. Heki probably more,$150 for an hour session where I think like my hour session,$70 or$75 or something. I, for me number one, I work. So there is another source of income coming into my household. And I really do want to make sure that I'm affordable for people who need me. So that's something that I think meditate or sit with just to see where it fits for them. You're not, again, I'm not saying anything that's completely and totally up to you. You don't have to charge$150 an hour unless you want to charge a$150 an hour. So yeah, I got everyone's in a different space. Yeah, so that's right. And one of the things that I found about pricing, I know I was guided, I charge 75 for a half an hour and 120 for an hour. And, but it's Canadian. So that's 50 bucks us now, just kidding. But there is that. But but everybody's, that, that seems to be the price range that, I've been in. But I really do understand like a lot depends on your location. If you're in New York city and you have the higher expenses of New York city or Chicago, like you mentioned or, and if you have a rented office and this sort of thing, like if you have overhead, that's huge. That. That's being a responsible honestly my opinion that's being responsible for your business and for your practice. Yeah, definitely. And so I agree. And so really one of the things that I suggest is just to do some research too, as far as your pricing goes. And there was a question on last month's Q&A that I, want to bring up regards to pricing Terry. I explained to her that I actually prefer that, that didn't D I didn't feel that diminished the value of her offering the fact that it's perfectly fine to offer other modalities along with Reiki and just be upfront about it. But me personally, I don't actually like to receive, if I want a psychic reading, I book a psychic reading. If I want a Reiki session, I book a Reiki session. I don't really need somebody else to, I do have the abilities to hear the energy and I don't always enjoy having other people's interpretations interrupt my session. I just want Reiki session. So that's of more value to me. And so I think as long as we're upfront in what we're offering, I don't think that diminishes the value. And do you have an opinion on that too?


No. I agree. 100%. And this is something that comes up in my classes that we do talk about because there are many people who have abilities. You don't just see your to hear. And I have to tell you I'm not. So when somebody is coming to me they, really, aren't getting a Reiki session. I'm growing. I always feel like I'm growing in my spirituality. So I always say this. I always tell my students. I'm like, I'm not psychic. Tiny, little bit, I'm psychic but, no, as far as a society breed, like if you wanted a psychic breed again, respectfully, I stayed my clients please talk to my mom, she's a professional centric. I will tell them, Hey, Terry sent me, so they get the family and friends discount for the reading. But no, and here's the thing in my mind to me A bonus in a sense, right? That's not a true Reiki session to Reiki session is that you are the practitioner you're allowing energy to flow through you as a practitioner and going to your clients. And again, Ricky comes from a higher level of consciousness, so it knows what the client truly needs. So again, I think that's always like a perk or a bonus. I if, I were seeing anything I sometimes share, but generally I don't have that ability or gift. So I, if I do, it's generally stuff I keep to myself. So I do, sorry. That's all, I don't want anybody to ever feel because again, in one sense it's, I don't want to say this in one sense. Reiki has such a beautiful gift alone, just that in and of itself that always necessary. Yeah, I agree. And, I think that I think that's one of the things that I've done because I can sometimes receive information is I just made a decision that I didn't want to, unless I needed to share it with the client. So I actually asked Reiki to just work with my discernment and only show me the things that I needed to know or needed to share with my client. And it was interesting because a lot of the extra information just went away and it gave me more clarity and focus on my sessions. And I, really appreciated that. I could be a lot more clear on what energy we were removing when I wasn't receiving the additional information. So that's actually been a bit of a bonus for me. Terry, what other tips do you have for people getting started or wanting to grow their Reiki session business? What are some of the things that you would tell them? Pardon me? I would add, I would ask them really follow their intuition and Reiki guidance as far as where they're at. I always say it doesn't have to look perfect, but it doesn't it's, more practice. So I know that there are people who can hit the ground running, which is fantastic. And then follow, the Reiki guides that way. Some people need to start slow and build their practice. I will tell you, I feel that wherever your aunt is again, the perfect place for you to be. So for me, I needed to start small. I needed to gradually grow into my practice, but I know everyone's not there. So do what you're comfortable doing, have fun. And again, to me, it's important. Reiki, can be very formal, right? And we need to treat Reiki with respect, but Reiki is also very light. It's very loving. It's very inviting, so ha so have fun with the process, right? And give yourself Reiki, self care. So important, whether you're giving it Reiki to yourself or, receiving a session, I would encourage you highly strongly to encourage you, that you have other sessions. And I believe that will help also. So whether you're meditating on Reiki, giving yourself a session. Everything will fall in place at the right time, but then I would also say yeah allow, it to guide you. It would be my biggest, because I know what I want. I know where I, know where I want to end and I want to be able to enjoy the journey and the process of going from point a to point B. But that's different. Yeah. Cammie tape, put that in a quote as was that enjoy the process. You're only a new practitioner for a little while, so enjoy it and think about what are some of the things that you need to do to get ready. Like maybe you've never practiced on anyone. Maybe you just need to sit down and write a list of family and friends and reach out to them with a message or an email and just say, Hey, I'm I need some practice. Would you like to, would you like to help me? And another thing that I like to tell people when they're ready to get started is to just go ahead and do the research and see what typical prices are in your region and price yourself somewhere in the mid range. But you can be at first you're going to practice probably without charging people, probably just family and friends. When you are ready to get a little more serious and, create a practice, you can be really clear with people and you can even discount your initial sessions. That's one thing William talked about, you can say, Hey guys, I'm starting with a practice, offering a discount. This is the amount for the first 10 clients that sign up with me or something like that. And the purpose of that discount. It's not because you're not worth it or the session's not worth it. It's too. If it helps take pressure off of you then, go ahead and set up a discount at the beginning. But one of the things that it helps to be really clear with is that this discount is just for. This month or just for the first time, it works even better. If you say this discount is for the first 10 people who sign up or, and then, but even if you do that, make sure you put the final price in there. I'm offering for the first 10 people who sign up, I'm offering a$75 session for 25 do you want to be one of the first or the first people? The first 10 people who book three sessions you'll pay for two and get one free, however you decide to do it, but you can really activate Reiki in the process. One of the things that was really interesting to me is that recently in 2020, when our courses went online and William and Colleen and the ICRC created a webinar to both train us and also in train our energy of tune us to a higher vibration energy needed to teach online. William sat with Reiki to set the price. He sat with Reiki and Reiki gave him the price and the numbers, and it's okay to involve Reiki. And every part of this, you don't have a massage table. You need a massage table, activate Reiki, ask it to help You I picked up a massage table for a hundred dollars from somebody who was who, which is I needed a second one. It's the perfect table for a bigger table for being outdoors and with the horses. And. If you need help figuring out the pricing, activate Reiki and, allow it to be a part of this journey with you. If you have trouble figuring out who you might reach out to as a potential list of clients, activate Reiki, do a Gassho meditation, just asking to be seen the clients, or even bring the Reiki energy in, and then do some automatic writing afterward of the people that you thought of, basically every step of the way. You can activate Reiki. And one of the first sharing Reiki with others sessions, it's really. For most people who don't do it backwards, like I did sessions are the first way of stepping out of the spiritual closet and letting people know that you do this. One of the other things I noticed about sessions Terry though, is that they inform me, and they inform my practice. One of the things that I've noticed is that if I am doing sessions and I see an underlying theme with my clients, I turn around and say, okay, there's, I'm seeing a theme. How does this apply to me? And almost always. My clients are helping me see, they're helping me either learn something or they're helping me see something within myself that needs to be healed that perhaps I hadn't recognized. And so I'm always, I love love, doing sessions. I'm, learning something new all the time. Just last week, a whole new energy came in during sessions, which showed I work with a lot of M paths because I'm an empath and it showed the gift of empathy and how it's basically being reversed so that we become we start spreading the light in the world rather than pulling in the, denseness and the. The dark or the negativity. So I'm always learning something from my clients. Do you have any examples or anything like that you'd like to share with people? Honestly, nothing that I can think of, because I have to tell you when I read that in the chapter, I never, it never even John on me to view certain, cause I will tell you that I see patterns in my classes, but not quite in my sessions. So that was real when I was reading that in the chapter, I'm like, wow, that's pretty interesting. So now that's something that I want to I guess pay closer attention to, but I have no. From time to time I, client of mine, pardon me? A session or a couple of sessions would have a similar thing for that particular client, but not necessarily a thing for several clients. If that makes sense. It does. Yeah, it does. I'll notice it like maybe out of 10 sessions, I'll have three or four that are all. That are very similar or working on something similar. And I, find it fascinating and whenever that happens all, and sometimes even more than three or four, whenever that happens, I really sit with the energy and look at it. And but I'm often learning something like as I it's so much easier to see something when you're. And, you mentioned about self care if you are going to be doing sessions for others, really make sure you do your own self care. It's really important. I think it helps us come from a better place, a place with more clarity and more joy and just from a better place for our client. But one of the things that a lot of my clients do is they get a monthly. Session from me. And then they go and see their clients and I get a monthly session from Colleen and I, find, I really rely on that to, just keep things going forward and keep me from getting stuck. And since I started doing that, I never seem to move into energetic crisis. I just keep it, it just keeps everything. Flowing. So I think that's really important, but it is so interesting to notice those patterns. And sometimes as you're looking at it with a little bit of distance, you can see what's going on. Whereas you're a little too close to see what's going on in yourself. And that's why I get a session from somebody else. But even when I'm doing sessions for others I'll, see those, patterns and those things and say, okay, I think there's a message here for me in that too. So is there anything else here to, before we move into an exercise or a meditation today that you'd like to share with people have fun, love yourself? It's, all perfect. It really is. Everything is divine timing, so yeah. I guess you made me think of one thing. Occasionally I love to use in our ICR team manuals, we have client documentation form, and I love to use that with my sessions because It's quite often when somebody doesn't have something right in front of them, they don't necessarily remember it. Or I can remember one client who was having debilitating migraines and we did a session and then I never heard from her for three or four months. And when she showed up again one of the questions is, have you noticed any changes since your last session? And she thought about it and she said, no, not really. I said, oh, okay. So I looked back at my notes and I said, so you're still having debilitating migraines. And she went, oh my gosh, I forgot about those. I have nevermind three months, three to four months. And then she thought about, I haven't had a migraine since I came to see you. And I said, okay. And then, and so she was able to realize the validity of, what we had done, but just when, she wasn't experiencing the migraines, she wasn't thinking about them. So it, can be really interesting. And another thing that I've noticed, and I wonder if you've ever noticed this, Terry is that one time, for instance, there was a man who wanted to work on his knee and. We worked on his knee, but the energy kept taking me back to his heart, back to his hearts, back to his heart. And I, told him afterward, I said, look, I did work on your knee, but for some reason I had to keep going back to your heart. Does that make any sense to you? And he said, Nope, it doesn't make any sense to me at all. And and we, checked in with how his knee was feeling and it was really not even maybe marginally better at the end of it. And so I felt oh, I guess that session didn't go very well or it didn't work very well. And I didn't see him again for a couple of months. And he came running up to me on the street and said, Pam, I just want to tell you something. I that Reiki session did help. He said he had broken up. He had a relationship that had broken up with someone. Several, months before, and he didn't think that it was still impacting him, but. He said it must've been, because right after that session, I, my heart cleared in the heaviness cleared and I met somebody and I'm in love now. And how's your need. He said, it's about the same, but I don't care. I love that story. Yeah. And I guess it's just following the wisdom of the energy. The energy knew that he was there for his knee, but that what he really needed was he needed that to clear his heart and make that opening for the new relationship that was coming in. So it's really doing those sessions. It's really just about following the guidance of brachy and another thing is that we can sometimes get a little too caught up in ourselves or I can, I don't know, my ego. It's. One of the things doing sessions for others has taught me is it's not about me. Yes it's. Yeah. I'd like to share that or interject. So not only for myself, right? I I liked to hear feedback from my clients, to see where they're at. But again, one of the things that I would share with my students, especially as a new practitioner is follow the Reiki guidance. We know as practitioners, Reiki comes from a higher level of consciousness, it spans all time and space. So it works on the past. It works on the present and works in the future. So when you're talking about the gentlemen who you were working on his knee, but yet you were guided to work in his heart. Oh I have that in my classes or even sessions all the time, too, where we don't know where Reiki is going to flow. It has some practices. It goes where it's needed. So when I talked to my students and new practitioners, I'm telling them follow, your intuition, right? Follow the guidance. My intention is always that the Reiki energy will flow to the root cause of whatever is ailing that person. So if it's meant to go to a childhood trauma it goes to the childhood trauma. If it is maybe a karmic issue that something is stemming from a past life. My, my intention or my ask is that the Reiki goes to the past life to heal that. So that once that issue is healed, it will then heal everything going forward. So I loved when you were sharing that in the book about working on his heart and then how happy he was, because he found a new love, and he's not worried about this day. That's so perfect. Oh my God. There's see, happens for me too well. And the Reiki session and Reiki classes and sessions, both for that matter. I had to learn that it really had, I was just the channel. Like it really had very little to do with me. I was just providing the opportunity for. The energy to flow through. And so it really was important for me to work through my fear and my hangups so that I didn't have those along to my client. And I could just get out of the way and, be sometimes I've seen sessions like completely changed things. I've seen a client come in, ready to get a divorce and have just a, huge understanding of how much she loves her husband and, go out just ready to make that relationship work and, just huge, shifts. And, It's never been about me and every so often somebody will say, oh you're amazing. And I just laugh because it's like, yeah, I'm really good at getting out of the way, my personality and eco side. That's really all I'm doing. I'm really not reaping beyond that. I love it. I love it. A hollow tube. Yeah. Terry, thank you so much for everything that you've shared with us today. I'm just, I think I'm going to bring us into a little bit of a meditation just to help remove some of the obstacles that you might have to doing sessions for others. So I hope you all enjoy that. I'm just going to invite everyone to close your eyes. I to take a deep breath, bringing your hands into Gassho and activating your Reiki energy. And as you do, take a few moments to think about what might be blocking you or getting in the way of doing Reiki sessions and becoming a Reiki practitioner or of expanding your practice. And just ask that if the energy causing these blocks exists in your body, where would it be? What shape would it have color? Would it be bringing in your Reiki, symbols, and just noticing the Reiki energy flowing around you and flowing into your body on your breath. Simply invited to release any blocks or barriers that you might have to taking that next step in your path with Reiki, whatever it might be, place your hands comfortably on your body and understand that it's normal to have blocks and barriers. Don't judge yourself and simply recognize them and be willing to let them go. This is the process of learning and growing or strengthening the soul for each block or barrier that we let go. We move more steadily toward enlightenment. Our blocks might be difficulty in talking about Reiki or, we may still be working through our own faith and belief in Reiki or God or ourselves or our abilities. Just to understand that this is all part of the process. And we welcome this process. This incubation, this moving forward, sometimes moving forward can be uncomfortable, but we're blessed to have Reiki to assist us with that. There may be blocks or barriers within us that we're not aware of or belief systems that no longer serve us. Anytime you've ever told yourself, you're not enough. That inner voice that can be critical. We invite that voice to come to the surface now to be healed in the light of compassion so that it might become kinder and might better support us as we move forward in our work. We welcome the beauty and we welcome the growth. We are ready to step forward, whatever that looks like for us, ready to step into the comfort of being our authentic self with Reiki, becoming a force for good in the world. We invite Reiki to help us move through that into a place of ease within ourselves. And we ask for the discernment to know how to use our voice when to use it and what language to use in different situations. We asked to become receptive to the Reiki energy. Sometimes our receptivity can be blocked or can be ineffective. So we open ourselves up to receive now as the light of our authentic self steps forward and is revealed, and we invite any obstacles to our true potential to release. We remember that ripple effect that comes with every breath, every step and every move and every smile. And we bless people just with our being and with Reiki. no mistake. Amen. Ashay Shalom. And so it is, thank you. Thank you, Pam. Terry, I want to thank you for taking time off work this morning to be with us. And it's my pleasure. Thank you. Thank you. And I just want to thank all of you who are with us and listening today. I can't wait to get the Reiki business book into your hands. We're just going to keep going through it chapter by chapter to let you know a little bit about what you can expect to see in it. And we so appreciate the bright light that you are in the world. Don't we Terry? Thank you so much. Everyone. Namaste.