Reiki from the Farm™

Releasing Obstacles to Sharing Reiki with Others - The Reiki Business Book chapter 3 with Tracey Sullivan, LRMT

Pamela Allen-LeBlanc / Tracey Sullivan, LRMT's Season 3 Episode 8

The Reiki Business Book Launch - chapter 3 with Tracey Sullivan, LRMT

This series of podcasts will bring us through "The Reiki Business Book" chapter by chapter.  The book I was inspired to write to help people share the gift of Reiki is almost ready!  

There are so many things that stop us from sharing Reiki with others.  Tracey and Pam discuss them and chapter 3 of "The Reiki Business Book” then lead you in a healing meditation to release your obstacles and blocks with Reiki.

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Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training.  She is an internationally renowned speaker and one of the co-authors of the ICRT Animal Reiki training manuals and courses.  Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in-person in Canada, the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

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On this week's podcast, we are talking with Licensed Reiki Master Teacher, Tracey Sullivan. And we're talking this week about chapter three of the Reiki Business Book, which is all about the obstacles and the things that can get in the way of sharing Reiki with others, whether that's through a business or however you need to share it. So I'm so glad that you guys have all joined us today. Before we begin, I'd like to let you know that I have a full lineup of Licensed Level one and two and Masterclass, as well as Level one and two and Master Animal Reiki classes coming up online in March in the Australian friendly time zone, which means evenings and these are online classes. So it's evenings in North America and early mornings in Australia. And so I, and also in Asia and some of the other spots. So hopefully if that time works for you, you can join us. We'd love to have you. And in May, I'll be teaching my very first hybrid class, which is a combination of online and in person. And those will be in the Atlantic time zone. Some of you who've been wanting to visit the farm and come and join us here so I'll look forward to seeing you. And that is a full lineup of the Level one and two, Master's for both Usui Reiki and Animal Reiki, and it's actually followed by Karu a, Kaurna Reiki class as well as Animal Communication. And so hopefully you can join us for those. Tracey, what do you have coming up?


So I have an animal Reiki one and two class coming up next weekend. That would be February 19th and 20th, I believe. And then in March, the second weekend in March, I have a Usui Holy Fire three Reiki, one and two class and in April, so those are both online in April. I have, I'm going to be teaching at the Northeastern Reiki Retreat in Lake George in New York. I'm teaching a Reiki one and two class. So that's actually going to be my first in-person class that I'll be teaching since COVID started. So I'm excited about that. And And going to the retreat as well. And then I have a Masterclass, which is actually before that, the weekend before the, I can't remember the exact dates, but a


We'll put a link to your website, so people can find it. Okay.


Thanks Pam. So, I have the masterclass in Mo in April as well. And July the weekend of July 16th, I believe I'm teaching a Reiki one and two class in Cape May in New Jersey. So that's in person. So if you're down there in that area I'd love to have you join us. And that's what I have on my schedule for right now. Pam, thank you.


You're welcome. I was going to ask you, do you know if the retreat is full or are they still accepting people?


I know they're still accepting people and the early bird pricing is not valid anymore. But they're still accepting people and there's Carolyn Musial is, teaching a masterclass there as well. And we're both doing a presentation at the trip retreat. And there's some other classes there too. So there's a lot going on at this retreat up in lake George in New York, which is a really beautiful area. So if anybody's interested in that, it's The I can't remember their website name, but I guess I could send it to you.


Let's say let's include their website in the link, in the links and that way people they could attend and you, and seeing


that would be great.


Okay. Those, I love Reiki retreats are one of the most wonderful ways to just meet like-minded people and your connection with Reiki and with Source. So I, really, yeah. Tracey, thank you for being here today. I know how busy you are and I didn't really introduce you much aside to say that you are a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the ICRT and and today we'll be talking about chapter three in the Reiki Business book. This is the launch of the Reiki business book. And I just, before we begin, want to invite everybody to just bring your hands together and Gassho, and to activate your Reiki energy and bringing in any symbols and just breathe, noticing the enlightened beings that are here to support us today. And I just invite everybody listening to look into your heart and to ask yourself if you would like to share the gift of Reiki with others, and that can be through a business or through family or friends. It doesn't have to be. But if the answer is yes, that you are interested in sharing Reiki with others, I just invite you through the course of this podcast to just allow any obstacles that would get in your way to come to the surface, to be released and invite you to think about why you would enjoy sharing Reiki with others. What is Reiki done in your life and for you that you would like to share? Has it brought you back to a sense of wonder? I believe in magic, has it helped you become empowered, healed, released from fear, anxiety and worry and stress. Has it healed someone you love? Is it a beautiful part of your daily life? Whatever Reiki is to you that usually forms the basis of why we wish to share it with others. So during the course of this podcast, as you allow any blocks or barriers, obstacles to come up to the surface to be released, I invite you to just allow the why to settle in and around you. And I want to thank you for being the beautiful light that you are in the world. Today. We are blessed to be at a lineage of light bringers creating wellness on the earth, Aho Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ, Namasté and Amen.


Thank you Pam.


Welcome. It was nice to reconnect with the why actually, I guess I hadn't done that in a little while, but for me, Reiki just had such a big impact on every aspect of my life that I had to share it. It wasn't even a question. It was just deep within me. How can you not share this beauty with others? And what was it like for you, Tracey? What was your, why? What did, what brought you into wanting to share Reiki with others.


First I just want to thank you so much for having me on your podcast, Pam. I'm one of your biggest fans, so it's a real honor for me to be here. Back in 20, 2010 I believe it was, I went through a really heartbreaking experience that really threw me off kilter in my life. I had no idea of what Reiki was never thought about going to a Reiki class or anything like that. So my first experience with Reiki was that I was trying to find something that I could help another person with. So my intention. Was to help someone else. So I Googled healing or whatever I Googled at that time. And the first thing that came up was Reiki. And I Googled then Reiki classes in Connecticut and TA Tanya Tyler was the teacher that came up. She's in Mystic, Connecticut. I called her. And she has an interesting way of teaching where she only teaches one person at a time and she just schedules them as she has time. And as they contact her. So it was the perfect situation for me at that time. So I called her and I, had my class scheduled for that Saturday and I went and I Had the attunement and the my first Reiki session ever. So I had no idea. We were just sitting there talking and there was an old, like the history of Reiki and how Reiki heals and all that stuff. It was, she was, she's very intuitive. I know in hindsight, looking back and at some point she said to me, I think you're ready for your attunement. So it was during that day, it was that day that my, my life. Took a a drastic turn. And I really didn't know at the time how impactful that was going to be for me for my entire future. But the, pain that I was feeling on that day subsided and I, before, when I went there, I just really felt hopeless. And when I left there, I felt like a different person. And I didn't know why, I didn't know anything about Reiki. I just had the tune mint and the Reiki session. So it was at that point, my first experience with Reiki that I think. There is, there's definitely something to this. And I need to know as much as I learn as much as I can, so I can in turn help try to help other people with this. So I, three, a month later I took Reiki too. And after that class, I look to see a Googled again who trying to find out who knows the most about Reiki and William ran Kev coming up. We, know that there's, quite a few people out there who are very prominent in the Reiki world, but William Rand was the name that kept coming up for me. And I looked at when he, where he teaches and when he taught and exactly six months after I took a Reiki too, and in Glens Falls in New York, which I'm, I live in Connecticut, so he was going to be there and perfect timing. So I signed up for his class. And after I took his class a week later, I taught my first Reiki one student, and it was one of the girls that I worked with at the time. And I have been teaching since then. So that was 2010 or 2011. By that time. And right away, when I looked at the ICRT website, I saw the licensed teacher program. And at that time I thought I really didn't think that I would be able to ever do something like that. And so I kept teaching and at some point years later, it just instinctually, I I applied and I was accepted and so I continued to build my practice and that the, whole time that I was doing this, I had always worked full time. So I've always had a a practice and a full-time job in addition to my, and this might be getting a little bit ahead pam, but I started in the recently to look at in the past couple of years to look at my my job, whether it be, I worked at Yale New Haven hospital when I first became a Reiki practitioner. And then as I took a job with GE as a clinical application specialist. So during that time with GE, I started to look at my whole life as part of my Reiki practice and my job with with GE as like a portion like a satellite part of my whole jobs. So I, started to look at my whole life as part of my Reiki practice. And that I would say is the thing that has really helped me in my practice, like my actual real practice.


Can I see that? And that's exactly what in chapter one. I tried to get to is that so often people think of a Reiki business as, okay. I'm going to be doing sessions and teaching classes, but really it doesn't have to be that. Like it really in chapter one and two, I really work hard to try to get people to figure out what the best practice is for them. And maybe at first it's just teaching a few friends or maybe it's just learning how to talk about Reiki. Like I was saying during a Reiki share recently it took me about six or seven years to figure out what to say when somebody said, oh, you're a Reiki practitioner, what's Reiki? I try to walk people through a lot of those obstacles and those things in the book. And because it but, I really love how you put that. It's your whole life that it's because really the purpose of Reiki when I was in a meditation once with William Rand, he, one of the people came back and she said, oh, I didn't want to come back. And he said, oh, you didn't go high enough, go a little higher and bring that energy back with you. And I really realized that it's one thing to go in meditation and go somewhere else. But the really important thing, and the thing that Reiki allows us to do is to bring the Divine energy into our daily lives, like with us into our everyday life. So I like you, I live, eat and breathe Reiki. Every, everything that I do is Reiki. Whether I'm working with the horses or my essential oils or parenting my children, or with my spouse, anything that I do, Reiki is woven into it. And, so there are so many options for a career in, with Reiki. Yeah. Tracey, I'll just give people a quick background. I know most of you know that I was guided to write this book after being in Heathrow airport after COVID-19 happened. And, I just felt the panic and the chaos all around me. And I realized something that Colleen Benelli said quite awhile ago. I think you were at that meeting, Tracey. It was during the Reiki Retreat and she said that her dream was to have a Reiki practitioner in every family. And I remember that. That's not, gosh, Colleen I think that's a little bit overreaching that's going to happen. And I remember looking around myself at Heathrow airport saying, oh my Gosh, she was right. Every family needs somebody who does Reiki in it. And how can we do that? And I saw them through the Reiki mentoring course, and then through the Reiki Master Mentoring course, I saw with the book, if more Reiki practitioners could, release the obstacles and could understand how to get out there in the world, in whatever capacity, whatever, it doesn't have to look like, what I do, or like what you do, it needs for you that more and more people could be reached so that eventually, maybe every family would have a Reiki practitioner in it. And so Tracey, we're focused on chapter three today. And I think you mentioned you had a chance to have a look at it. What did you find? What did you think when you looked through chapter three about releasing the obstacles?


There were, well for one to start, I love the way that you have the chapter set up where you, present multiple obstacles that could be possible for any one of us. And you get the idea that the obstacles can present to different people in different ways. And with your personal experiences as examples, one, one of them was money that when I was reading about the obstacle of money, I always thought that I didn't really have that obstacle. And after it was finally like, after reading your this ch this chapter and reading about your example of how you felt. You had a hard time charging money for your sessions. I thought I didn't, but I had a full-time job and I realized that the pressure of I would always charge like less than. You really should for a Reiki session. And never acknowledged the fact that I was doing that because I had that same obstacle in my way. I didn't acknowledge it because I had a full-time job and I didn't have to acknowledge that and work through it. So by, by reading that it just clicked because I hadn't experienced recently where I gifted something to another person and they wanted to give something back to me and it was a Reiki session. And I knew that this person was having financial problems or maybe not problems, but financial issues. And I, said no, that's okay. I'll, pay for it because that's, I thought I was like helping them, but really I was. Not allowing them to be able to money, which is energy use that type, that energy in the way that they could. It was like, I was like taken control of the situation and not allowing them. I'm not giving them control of their own situation. And I think you even talked about something like that in your book, in this chapter. And then at the end of the chapter, the meditation to address these things, I just think that's such a such a benefit to, the book, to present things, your own experiences multiple situations obstacles, and then a way to address the ones that. Could it possibly be interfering in anybody's desire to have a Reiki practice, whatever that looks like for them. So yeah, I just I really enjoyed it, Pam. I'll definitely read it again. More deeply because we both know the more times your experience you're the more times you are confronted with something or you read something or like you take a class or something like that, the deeper you go and the, more meaning you draw from it.


I know as I sat down and I thought about so many of the obstacles that I faced and I really am, I tried to put myself too in the shoes of some of my students and clients that are trying to get out there and start their own businesses. And one of the ones that really showed up to me was who am I to be a Reiki master? Or a healer or a teacher. And I, keep thinking of the first time I met William Rand and I mispronounced my name three times and I told him, I was Pam Allen LeBlanck and then Pamela LeBlank and then Pam Allen LeBlanc. And I finally got it right on the third time. So I'm sorry, Mr. Rand, I'm just so nervous to be here. He asked why are you nervous? And I didn't even think, I just, I say I blurted out with what I call my pathological honesty. Just because Reiki Masters are wonderful and amazing people and I'm not, I'm just me. And so you know that I can't tell you how many, like that was really very real, that whole imposter syndrome, like I'm not perfect. How can I be a Master if I'm not perfect? Who do you think you are? I showed up. Who do you think you are going to study with one of the most famous Reiki masters in the world. He's going to take one, look at you and say, you're not ready and say, go home a little girl. You're not, you're in the wrong class. You're not supposed to be here. And there's, always, there's so many things the difficulty charging money for doing something spiritual. What if you fail. What, if you succeed, do I know enough to do this? Do I need to start a business? What if I, don't have clairvoyance that shows up a lot? Like what, but I'm not clairvoyant. And I had that show up in a Q& A that I just did about the book. And one of the students said, look most of the Reiki Masters in my region charge this much, but they also advertise that they're clairvoyant. And I think I need to charge less because. Oh, my gosh. I said first of all, like I am clairvoyant, but secondly, I often don't share a lot of that information in sessions because that's not what people are seeing me for. If they're not booking a clairvoyant session, they're booking a Reiki session. And personally, I don't like sessions where I'm getting a lot of clairvoyant information. I really just want a Reiki session. So please charge the same don't undervalue yourself, but so many of these obstacles can crop up and there's negative self-talk and self-worth issues. And all of this stuff seems to make its way to the surface. When we think when we're thinking that we're ready to go and share Reiki, what are some of the obstacles that you found that you had to overcome Tracey?


The first one was my my fear of what people were going to think. And that is definitely that's one of the ones I saw on your list. And I that's the one that in the beginning, like looking back when I first was starting out, I would say that would be, would have been number one for me. And the reason is because I was working in a hospital. And I, nobody ever talked about Reiki where I work in nuclear medicine, which is diagnostic radiology and very science minded people. And I did not tell anybody that I took a Reiki class. It was one of my coworkers who was like a friend of mine who one of our other coworkers had a headache, or if she was like upset about something and my friend. Yes across like the department to me. Tracy, why don't you give Lori Reiki and I cringed inside. And when I think about this, like now it's just so natural years later and I don't have any circumstances where I feel uncomfortable talking about Reiki or offering Reiki. And I'm so grateful for that. But at the time I, did it, but I had the fear. I had a fear. I don't even know Pam really what that fear was. It, they work a like, me, or I don't even know. It was like such a fear. It's fear of the unknown the more that people approached me about Reiki like giving a session. So I would go into one of our little injection rooms with my coworkers and give them like 10 minutes of re. And that was what no words can describe as we already talked about it so hard to be able to describe Reiki to somebody, especially when you're new to it. So this was something that we're, taking the place of any words that I could have come up with to describe this to this group of people, they were asking for it. I was giving people like 10 minutes of Reiki and they were having. Really great results from it. And from there, as I, created many presentations that I provided for diagnostic radiology and all different areas of the hospital. Ended up actually teaching Reiki there at the hospital, which I continue to do. So that was my greatest obstacle when I first started is fear of what people will think. And along with that is another one that you have listed. And that was like a knowledge based thing. Like I was, I somehow, for some reason, felt that I needed to know every little detail about everything about Reiki. And then that was leading into I read this book and it talked about Buddhism and some of, so I started going down that path. So I've always felt like I had to that I didn't know enough. I, and that was, is something that kind of. Helped me to recognize that this is not only something that I do to myself and Reiki and my Reiki practice, but in my entire life. So Reiki through my Reiki practice showed me that this is the way that I, view myself in my entire life that I don't ever feel like. I know enough or I actually went through, I think for many a large portion of my life thinking that I I wasn't like the most intelligent person. And it was a real eye opener. And I don't think that I ever would've recognized that about myself without having started my Reiki practice. So the obstacles that You list existed there? Within me, and it was the Reiki itself that made me see those obstacles and helped me to heal them through the practice of Reiki. So my, my, my Reiki practice, even though I wasn't a full-time Reiki practitioner, that's why I started to look at my life, everything in my life as part of my Reiki practice, because it affects everything in your life. And because we're, we are like one total being we, don't have like little sections of ourselves. We can't really section ourself off. We are one total being and our thoughts that we think. Affect all aspects of our life. So, those are the obstacles, Pam that I resonated with the most looking back to when I first started my Reiki practice.


And Tracy, one of the things that has always amazed me about you, cause I'm one of your biggest fans too, that I remember. I hadn't known you very long and I met you at a, Reiki retreat meeting of, potential LRMTs and as people that were Licensed Reiki Master Teachers and Licensed Reiki Master Teachers in training, we were taking part in the meeting and you. You said you just wanted us to know that you not only did you start your Reiki practice, but you also became a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with a thousand plus hours of training that, that entails, all while holding down a full-time job. And I don't know very many people who've done that. And in fact, it makes me realize, I don't think I put time in as an obstacle, but I think I may need to, when I'm editing, add that into that chapter.


I actually added that to your list on my paper. I wrote down time and I'm like organization, but I think that might fall into one of your other CA categories actually. But no,


that's exactly where I was leading with this Tracey. It always amazed me that you, with your organization, little skills and whatnot when I granted, I guess I always have held, I guess I run three businesses. So I guess I, maybe I'm a little bit like you, but I had a little more flexibility. I didn't have to, I chose to travel. I didn't have to travel as much as you did. And, I certainly didn't have anybody saying you have to be here for 40 hours. Like I was my own boss when I went through the LRMT program. So I am going to add those. And I'd love you to exp expand on those a little bit. I'll add those in your paragraph because how did you do that? Like time must've been an obstacle for you with your full-time job?


Yeah, so especially of course, when I was going through the LRMT program this was a huge obstacle for me because Pam, you may think that I'm organized, or you may think that if you're doing this, you have to be an organized person, but. No, and that was a huge obstacle. For me, the timing and being organized and procrastination that though that I think I could lump all those three into a single category because they all seem to like go together for me. They did anyways. So what I had to do to overcome that is I have a couple of situations where I had people had to reach out to me and not like yell at me, but I ran into a couple of times where I had a problem. And I learned that. I CA when that happens, it's not about the other person, because at first I was like upset and I thought about like leaving the program and stuff like that. And then I guess it was Reiki that made me focus this on myself because it's. POS right. You can be in any situation that there exists. And you have the choice of how you're going to react to it. What you're going to think about it and what you're going to do about it. So what I, how I resolved that obstacle or how I continue to resolve that obstacle, because it continues to be a thing for me. It is, I looked at myself and looked at what I was thinking when I had when I did have some things to complete for the ICR T and I was just putting it off and it turned out it was. I have a problem with procrastination. So what I would do is just make myself do it right away. Whatever the task was. And I'm talking about like physical tasks, like scanning paperwork in or, whatever. And another thing I did was really concentrate on learning how to do things in a more efficient manner. Like instead of scanning in one paper at a time, Be able to like, know how to just scan in a whole file. So I'd be able to send in all my paperwork at once. And I know it might not seem like a big deal, but it's a very, it become, it became very stressful for me during that time. So it, but it helped me, it helps me to, change that and to become a more organized person and to help. And it helped me to stop procrastinating and doing things like when I had the opportunity to do it. So I think that I think that's all I wanted to say about that, but did I, did that answer your question Pam?


Completely? And I'm like, yep, I'm going to add all of those. I look right at you at all,


put it right up to it. But


I experienced that too. And I think that the program, the ICRT, the LRMT program is so intensive that it brings up any cracks in the foundation. Doesn't it? And I also had some cracks around procrastination and around efficiencies and, I'm really building a lot of efficiencies in, and even writing this book. I had to, it's such a large undertaking that you had to figure out a way I procrastination was, really in place there and you had to be in, so I actually have a, little timer device that keeps track of time for me. And I say, I can do anything for 25 minutes. So I sit down to do the most difficult tasks I set the time for 25 minutes. You know what happens? It dings. And I'm like, yeah, I'm just going to keep going. Because once you get into it, you realize it wasn't that bad. It's just overcoming. So yeah, these are all just fantastic obstacles that I'm sure. A lot of people have also experienced. Do you, are there any other obstacles that you've seen that I guess you already mentioned some of the ones that I didn't include. Was there anything else that you've seen like it within your students that show up quite a lot or


I'm not not a lot that is outside of the obstacles that you listed here. The, ones that you list are really the primary ones that I've seen. I just, the one with the timing and all, that was the one that stood out for me as one that I experienced that I didn't see on there. But sometimes you might, it might be me have a different meaning for, you. And I thought perhaps it was in a different chapter of your book.


No, I forgot all that, Tracey. And I'm just thinking about those cracks in the foundation that show up when, whenever we decide to make a change, whenever we decide to step forward and to our spiritual path, our soul's purpose. And there's, usually things that come up that are a little uncomfortable I've noticed. And I called them a crack in the foundation something, I think what it is that our outer world always resembles our inner. So when we have. When you had those difficulties arise, there was probably something within you that hadn't resolved or that needed to be that needed to be resolved. Like you said, you focused it inwardly and it helped you heal that. And it's. Comfortable just to ignore it and carry on.


Yeah. But we both know, it always comes back. It'll show up somewhere else and probably in a more profound way. I've experienced that too.


They say, if you don't get the taps, you'll get a shove. And


is some advice


that you would have for people in overcoming their obstacles. Tracey. And is there anything else you'd like to add before we move into our exercises and meditation today?


The thing that I have found that helps me the most to release all these obstacles that can really come into play from time to time for all of us is to allow myself to be still throughout the day, no matter where I am. I have a really, my job was very busy where I travel and I'm dealing with a lot of different people. And I think I mentioned that it was very stressful for me the first year. And I mentioned earlier, I have this problem with thinking that I wasn't as intelligent as I would like myself to be. So this job really in, in Reiki, the combination of the job, my applications, job and Reiki is. Allowed me to look at that in a deep way. And again, Pam, when we were just saying the if you don't acknowledge something, it always comes back to you. I spent like most of my adult life not acknowledging this. So I had this deep inner guidance to take this job with GE. And now in hindsight, I understand that I took it because I learned that I was really had this view of myself. That was so not true. It, showed me that I am so much more than I thought I was. So the pre. Being still each day and every, in every moment of the day I'm able to remember that about myself and remember like who I am. And because when we get too busy, like who we are really escapes us and we're looking at ourselves through the eyes of somebody else often. So the, way I'm able to do that is by spending time each day in some type of meditation and I'll just one little thing that I thought was funny is the latest thing. And this is when I was I'm transitioning drugs right now. So I've come like full circle. And the reason I think that these oppor job opportunities came through to me at this time is because of my stillness and my comfort level with myself. So I learned the lesson that I needed to learn in this job. And this is all because of Reiki. Like I wouldn't have had this awareness. I don't think of about myself without my practice of Reiki. So it's funny that I took my first Reiki class 12 years ago now. And it could have been that with my experience, very profound experience in that class with. Today has is affecting me most today is how I sit. I don't know if that makes sense. But it started a whole stream of of activities within me that has transpired in this stillness now, where I was presented with an opportunity where I don't have to travel anymore for work, and I have more free time. And I think it was when I, started to believe in myself and relax within myself and released these obstacles, overcame these obstacles. My life began to become. I don't know if I want to say easier, but some something along the more aligned with what I truly want and it's your chapter, it's a beautiful it relates very beautifully to this chapter in your book. What I'm experiencing in my life right now, how Reiki has helped me overcome many obstacles to be able to have a beautiful Reiki practice and be able to work at the same time.


Wow. That's amazing. That's wonderful. Tracey, thank you for sharing that. I love it well for everybody. Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for everybody. Who's listening. I wonder if we can take a few moments now and get in touch with your obstacles and at the same time, also with your opportunities. So I'd like you, if you have some, a pen and paper handy, that would be great. If not, just put us on pause and come back to us, is that like you to think about what you'd like to do with Reiki, which you'd like to add, to start a practice or teach a friend, or do a session for an animal or just be able to feel comfortable talking about Reiki with others. Think about what you'd like to do. And when you think about that, I invite you to, to with your Reiki energy flowing, as it is just stop for a few moments. Asking Reiki, what are your obstacles? And just pay attention to the images, words, feelings, or understandings that you receive. And when you feel ready, just grab a pen and paper and write them down and don't give it too much thought, go ahead and tap into your instinct and use some automatic writing if you'd wish and just write as complete of a list as possible of anything you can think of that might get in your way and make it difficult for you to share reiki with others. There's things you think about later. That's no problem. Just ask, add them to the list, but for now, just see if you can completely exhaust every block and barrier, or even if there's a person in your life who might get in the way, because they wouldn't agree with what you're doing. You can include them there too. So just go ahead and write a list of obstacles. And even as we continue, if you need to hit pause and take a little bit more time with your obstacles. That's okay. And now part two of our exercise is to identify the opportunities. So just give some thought and write down your responses to the following questions, just as quickly as you can, if I could do anything. And there were zero limits on the possibilities for me, with the direction of my life purpose, what are the top three things that I would love to accomplish with Reiki? Yeah. And now we'll move into a meditation today to just help you release some of the obstacles so that you can begin to experience the opportunities, close your eyes and bring your hands into Gassho inviting the Reiki energy to flow through and around you. Imagine that there's a beautiful light coming down from the highest heavens flowing through your hands and into your heart. A gift of love. Imagine a beautiful light coming from the heart of the earth, flowing up through your hands and into your heart, the gift of love and of connection to the earth and to the material world. And just notice as your divine consciousness aligns with your human consciousness and then your next breath, they become one within you and place a hand on your heart center and one on your solar plexus, and just begin to release the obstacles that you've acknowledged. Maybe you struggled. With money or with confidence, fear, or the unhealthy ego, maybe you don't feel that you are enough, the struggle with self doubt and self worth, maybe social conditioning getting in the way, maybe past experiences or past life experiences, a fear of being judged or persecuted. Maybe you don't have the time or space to move forward right now. And if that's the case, it's okay. It's okay to just fit in what you can. Maybe you feel surrounded with clutter, maybe there's something in your shadow, self, something you've repressed and pushed down that needs to be addressed, whatever it is that might be holding you back, maybe it's a feeling of overwhelm or a feeling of not knowing how to move forward. Just stay with us in these podcasts. And we'll walk you through those steps. We've been there. Maybe you're worried about disappointing someone or their expectations on you. Maybe you're not really sure if you do want to move forward with this and if that's the case, that's all right, too, whatever's holding you back. Just release it now into the light with love. And as you do that? Just pull your own energy in close to you, ask it to come and just skim your skin and just feel yourself letting go of the expectations of others and any energy ideas, opinions, expressions that you might hold beholding on behalf of others and let them fall away from you into the earth. Knowing that. God and the earth, we use these energies to create a force for good, whatever that may be. Let go of some of the expectations that you may have on yourself and some of the pressure that you may have placed upon yourself. It's not necessary to be perfect, to be a Reiki practitioner or Reiki master. In fact, being a Reiki master is about allowing Reiki to master you and in your sessions and in your classes, if there's something you don't know, it's perfectly acceptable to say so I don't know, but I'll look that up and I'll get back to you. Or I'll ask someone, we don't need to have all the answers. We don't need to be perfect if we needed to be perfect, there wouldn't be very many of us. So just let go of some of these lofty ideals and high expectations. If by sharing Reiki with one person, you have an impact on their life, then that is good. And you've done what needed to be done. If you're guided from that experience to share again, or with more people. And we encourage you to do that. And if you're already into your Reiki journey, does it mean there are no obstacles? So we release all obstacles that love the many pieces that ourselves that were caught in fear or anxiety or frustration or overwhelm or stress are returned to us now, or grief or anger or anything at all. Our soul is restored and complete and whole, Our chakras are balanced and aligned. They are aligned with Reiki. And they are aligned with us, our personality and our perceptions and perspectives. And so you may find yourself now ready to move forward on the path of sharing Reiki with others and toward what will ultimately become your own enlightenment. Thank you for being the light that you are in the world. Today. We are blessed to be, have a lineage of light bringers, and we are blessed to be here together. Hundreds of us all at the same time, listening have the same heart enough, the same mind with a willingness to say yes to Reiki, to step out of our comfort zones and to be the force of love and light on the world and the planet today when it's so needs us. Thank you for being here today. And we thank you for saying yes, you are our brothers and sisters in this work and we appreciate you. Aho Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ, Namasté and Amen.


That was beautiful Pam. Oh, I have a tear in my eye. Thank you so much.


I just can't. Thank you enough. I know how busy you are and thank you for making time with us and thank you for being the beautiful light you are in the world.


Oh, Pam, thank you so much as well. I'm very happy to be here and I feel the same about you. Thank you for writing this book.


You're welcome.


More people spreading the light and the love in the world. That it will be worth it, even if just one more person does it. But I do think it may have an opportunity to reach even more people. So it's very divinely guided Thank you for showing up today. I hope you'll join us next week when we'll talk about chapter four. To be honest, I can't remember what chapter four is about


you might be. Striped shirts. Great though.


They're all blending together for me right now.


Pam. I just want to say that I listen to your podcasts as I travel a lot for my job and I listened to a lot of different podcasts and you're right up there at the top, honestly. Yeah. Yeah. So it's thank you so much. And that's why it's such an honor to be. Thank you. Little


thing for you to say, even though I can't remember what chapter


it doesn't matter.


Oh, it is about developing your Reiki practice and giving Reiki sessions to others. I wasn't a hundred percent sure that was Tracey. Thank all of the people who joined us today. I hope that you are able to go out and just spread the love and light of Reiki and spread it within your life, your daily lives. And then from there begin to spread it out to others. Thank you for being who you are.


Namasté. Namasté